Squad Packet
2015 Folsom Jr. Bulldogs
· Key Dates
· Uniforms
· Jamboree
· Pictures
· Activities
· Weekly Team Awards
· Rules & Safety
· Practices
· Game Day
· Competition
· Volunteers
· Instructors
· Coaches
· Communication
Key Dates
May 2nd Uniform Swap for Returners Only at Kim Kanishiros home 1340 Seiwell Ct. Folsom 8:30 – 11am
May 11th Uniform Fittings- May 18th Absolute Last Day for Cheer Adds. (Critical Event for Cheer)
June 15th (There will be 3 days of Midget Conditioning) TBD
June 26 through June 29th Midgets go to UC Davis Overnight Camp
June 27th Coaches Clinic (for all coaches)
July 25th (Mandatory) Cheer/Stunt Camp at Folsom Middle School 9-3
July 27th through July 30th (Mandatory) Conditioning Camp Livermore Park
Aug. 3rd through Aug. 6th (Mandatory) Conditioning Camp Livermore Park
Aug. 10th First Official Practice at Folsom Middle School 6-8
Aug. 11th & 13th Cheer Practice @ FMS 6-8
Aug. 14th Friday (Opening Night Ceremonies) at Livermore Field TBD
Aug. 15th Jamboree Place & Time to be determined.
Aug. 16th Picture day at Livermore Field TBD (6000 Carter St. Folsom 95630)
Aug. 18th,19th,20th Cheer Practice at FMS 6-8 (Be Flexible)
Aug. 21st (Friday Night- Cheerleaders Deliver the Poster they made for the Football Plyr)
Aug. 22nd First Home Game Vs Granite Bay (6000 Carter St. Folsom 95630)
Aug. 25, 26, 27th Cheer Practice at FMS 6-8 (Be flexible)
Aug. 29th Home Game Vs. Whitney (6000 Carter St. Folsom 95630)
Sep. 5th Possible Folsom Vs. Vista Home Game TBD
Sep. 8th, 9th & 10th Cheer Practice FMS 6-8 (Be Flexible)
Sept. 12th Away Game Vs. Oak Ridge (1120 Harvard Way EDHills, 95762)
Sep. 12th Folsom Jr. Bulldog Annual Adult Event Fundraiser at Night TBD (at Lew Howard)
Sep. 15th, 16th, 17th Cheer Practice FMS 6-8 (Be Flexible)
Sept. 19th Away Game at Rocklin (5301 Victory Lane, Rocklin 95765)
Sep. 22nd, 23rd, 24th Cheer Practice FMS 6-8 (Be Flexible)
Sept. 26th Away Game at Granite Bay (1 Grizzly Wy, Granite Bay 95746)
Sep. 29th, 30 Oct. 1st Cheer Practice FMS 6-8 (Be Flexible)
Oct. 3rd Home Game Vs. Del Oro ( 6000 Carter St. Folsom 95630)
October 1th through October 29th we will increase practice times TBD
Oct. 10th Away at Woodcreek ( 2251 Woodcreek Oaks Blvd., Roseville 95747
Oct. 17th Home Game Vs. Antelope (6000 Carter St. Folsom 95630)
Oct. 24 & 31 Football Play Offs (TBD)
Oct. 25th First Cheer Competition at UOP in Stockton
Nov. 1st Sac League Competition (Sac. Memorial Auditorium) TBD
Nov. 7th Football Championships (TBD)
Nov. 8th Cheer Banquets TBD
Please Be Flexible, FMS has priority over the Multi (days & times can be changed at last min. & is out of our control. Mascots will only Practice 2 days a week Tuesdays & Thursdays TBD. We will increase our Practices
From October 1st to October 29th (either 4 days a week or extended times for 3 days TBD) Once we Hit October (There is No Missing ANY Practice) This is when the girls are working on Comp. Routines & we need every girl there. Please Make A Note of that on your Calendar.
Uniforms will be distributed during the first week of practice. If any alterations are needed, they are to be done through our Jr. Bulldog seamstress, Susanne, who will be present during try-ons.
Your uniform and shoes must be clean for all games and competitions. Please do not wear any part of your uniform (especially shoes) to school or practice (unless you ordered a 2nd pair of shoes for practice). Practice wear is not to be worn outside of cheer practice. You may wear your jacket to school, however, please remember that you are responsible for replacing the jacket if it gets lost or damaged.
The monthly calendar will also dictate what your child should wear for practice. If your child loses her calendar, please call a friend on the squad. The schedule stays the same each week. All practices: High Pony w/bow (can be any bow as long as it’s bulldog colors, Midgets see calendar for correct bow), trimmed nails, no jewelry, nail polish or fake nails.
Opening Night Ceremonies
Opening Ceremonies will be Friday August 14th Arrival times and uniform details will be emailed the week prior.
Jamboree is August 15th and is MANDATORY. At Jamboree, all cheerleaders will be certified by our league to cheer. This will be the only time we need to certify all season so it is very important that all girls attend. Jamboree is an organized scrimmage for the football players. What to wear and arrival times will be announced the week before.
Pictures will be at Livermore Field on Sunday, August 16th Squad check-in times will be communicated before picture weekend. The cheerleaders will wear the vest, skirt, liner, white no-show socks, briefs and new cheer shoes. They can wear their hair however they like. Jewelry and nail polish are also OK for pictures. Your registration fees include a basic picture package (3x5 individual picture & 5x7 team picture); you will have the option of ordering additional pictures. (Buddy Pictures are DONE AFTER everyone has taken their individual photo, it is not fair to make everyone wait while buddy photos are done)
Buddy Night: Each year we pair the girls (and instructors) up with another girl on another team as "Buddies". We have one night during the season we stop practice and the buddies get a chance to get to know each other & they have pizza. We also do a small gift exchange. Please send your daughter to practice on Buddy Night with a gift with no more than a $5.00 value. The girls look forward to this every year.
Football Player Posters: Each cheerleader is assigned a Football player on their corresponding team. The cheerleader will make a “Good Luck” poster and deliver to the football player’s home the night before the 1st Home game.
(This Year’s 2015 Posters Should be Delivered Friday Aug. 21st)
Coaches will get the football roster and randomly assign a football player to each cheerleader. As there are more football players than cheerleaders, some cheerleaders will have 2 posters to deliver. Please use painter’s tape only to hang. These posters should be creative and encouraging. They should have the football players name, jersey number and encouraging slogans for the boys. The posters MUST be delivered/posted on Friday night and should be a surprise for the football player!!
(Poster Foam Board will be provided 2 weeks before with the players info) We will have an example to show you as we get closer.
In return, a football player will be assigned a cheerleader and they will create and deliver a poster for the cheerleader the night before our 1st competition. It’s priceless seeing your daughter’s face as she leaves for competition and sees a poster wishing her luck on her front door. This is a surprise for the cheerleaders so remember to not to say a word.
The official end of the cheer season is the banquet. This is a very special night for cheerleaders to reflect on their accomplishments during the season, friendships that they made and a time to celebrate the fun they had together as a team. The girls dress up in a holiday type outfit (dress, skirt and sweater etc.). Dinner for the cheerleader is included in her registration. Ticket order forms for families will be sent home a few weeks before the banquet.
Note- A Cheerleader’s banquet ticket that was paid for at registration, is only valid at their own squad banquet time frame. We will have all of our Banquets on the same day this year. Sunday Nov. 8th at Lew Howard Banquet Hall & Catered by Strings. Pricing TBD ( apprx. $15 per person)
We Collect $100 at Registration time for Raffle tickets. These raffle tickets can be sold in our community. At our Opening Night Ceremonies, we will pull several raffle tickets for a chance to win all kinds of great items. This $100 goes towards Squads & Extra Cost with Cheer.
Rules & SafetyYour child’s safety is our highest priority. The following safety measures will be followed at all times:
Food and water –Water breaks will be taken as needed, all cheerleaders are responsible for bringing their cheer water bottles to each practice and game. Water bottles should not be shared between players or cheerleaders. No sodas or “energy” drinks during practices or games. Only water should be In Water Bottles. Healthy snacks will be provided during halftime of each game by a designated parent volunteer on a rotating basis.
Conditioning – conditioning exercises will be part of each practice, to ensure children are able to keep up with the rigors of their sport.
Stunting – all cheerleaders will stunt with proper supervision and only on grass or mats that are at least 1/2” thick (FYFC cheer/tumble mats are 2” thick). Cheerleaders will not stunt with non-FYFC participants.
Certification – cheer stunt groups will be evaluated at each stunt level, and will not be allowed to advance until they have consistently demonstrated proficiency. Stunt groups will not be mixed unless they have been evaluated for proficiency and certified in all possible stunt group combinations.
Injuries – an EMT on duty will manage injuries during games. Only certified personnel can manage injuries, which may include deferring to a licensed medical professional. In the event of any injury, parents who are licensed medical professionals should identify themselves to the staff person in charge but should not intervene until asked. Injuries during practice will be managed by a coach or board member certified in First Aid. Children with injuries to the head, neck or back will not be moved and an ambulance will be summoned to the field/facility. Children with other injuries who state they are unable to continue with practice will be taken to the sidelines and parents will be summoned. Some board members and coaches are certified in first aid, CPR, or sports first aid; a copy of each certification document is on file with FYFC.
Support device s – casts or braces with extensive metal or hard plastic may not be worn during practice or games at any time. Cheerleaders with extensive metal or hard plastic cast or braces are still required to attend all practices and games and should be dressed in appropriate practice wear and/or uniforms.
*We HIGHLY encourage you to enroll your child in Tumbling. Tumbling is crucial to Cheer.
Here are some used by many of our Cheerleaders: The Spot – Folsom, Technique – Folsom/Rancho Cordova
Flip & Twist – El Dorado Hills, Tumble Time – Cameron Park
FYFC is as committed to your child’s academic success as well as their athletic success. For that reason, we require a minimum grade point average 2.0 for all football players and cheerleaders. A grade check will be requested at the first progress reporting during the beginning of the school year, to assure children continue to meet basic academic expectations. Any participant under a 2.0 or having an “F” or “0” will be suspended from any games until such GPA can be reached.
Cheerleaders who excel during the season, earning a 3.0 GPA or better, may apply for the FYFC Excellence in Academics and Athletics Award. Information on this program is made available to all participants later in the season.
The safety of our cheerleaders is our #1 priority, if someone is not paying attention, cheerleaders can easily be injured. Please remind your cheerleader that it is very important to listen to the instructors and coaches. It is also important for the cheerleaders to treat everyone with respect (coaches, instructors, cheerleaders, football players etc.). Rude behavior towards others will NOT be tolerated.
100% participation from each cheerleader at every practice and game is required. Injuries will be reported to the parent. Depending on the severity of the injury, a medical doctor’s note may be required to return to practice.
If you have any questions, concerns or issues, please discuss it with your squads Head Coach after practice or make arrangements to talk at another time. We are limited on time at each practice; we can’t take time away from the cheerleaders for parent conferences. If you are upset about something, please observe our 24-hour “cooling off” rule prior to contacting your Head Coach.
Required Youth Conduct
All Cheerleaders will be held to the Code of Conduct outlined in the FYFC Handbook. Please refer to the Youth Code of Conduct section of the handbook for detailed information.
-With Social Media used so much by our youth, we also will not tolerate bullying, name shaming, or attacks via any of the Social Media sites. We will have a meeting with the Child, Parent to discuss consequences. If the behavior continues we could dismiss the child from one of our squads.
Every cheerleader is an integral part of the cheerleading squad. An absent cheerleader has many impacts to the rest of the team. Her stunt group will not be able to practice their stunts and their empty position in formations and dance can get confusing for the other cheerleaders.
Attendance at all practices, camps, stunt camps, and games are mandatory. Each participant is allowed only three unexcused absences from practices/games per season, and can be dropped from the squad after the fourth absence. Participants are allowed three excused absences and can be dropped after the fourth excused absence. (Arriving late or leaving early 3 times results in One unexcused absence) and if continued can be cause for being benched.