GAHA Board Meeting Minutes
February 9, 2016
Meeting called to order at 6:03 pm by President, Andy Gray.
Role Call: Board Members present: President, Andy Gray; Vice President Jason Mallum, Secretary, Amy Carpenter; Tournament Director, Sue Kilduff; Website/Regitrar, Traci Gangl; Non-Board members present: Herschel Wells, Amywirtanen, Kelly Groshong, Kelly Crow.
Treasurer Report given by Vice President, Jason Mallum, as Holly was not present: In checking account current balance=$33,765.57. This amount is before pizza check for $13,728.87 and ref checks being taken out of acct. Hunt savings acct.=$4297. Equipment and Jersey acct. currently have $680.
Secretary: Jason made motion to accept January minutes, Sue 2nd motion, all in favor and motion carried.
Fundraising report by Jason Mallum as Audra Olson not present: It was reported from Barb Gibeau to Jason Mallum that from Jun'15-Dec.'15 that GAHA made approximately $5700 in concessions. A proposal will be brought to Rec. Dept. Board to receive monthly checks to GAHA from them rather than lump sum. Kettle River will be sending team pizzas to GAHA, and GAHA will disperse to teams.
Tournament Director report by Sue Kilduff: GAHA will contact Dan Mell and discuss the possibility of GHS hockey schedule to coordinate schedule to keep GAHA tournaments to be on same weekends and consistent from year to year.
2-4-7 SportzGear is up on GAHA website and GAHA Facebook page for ordering of sport gear, jewelry, and other items. These are homemade items specified to your team colors and logo. 10% of profit comes back to GAHA.
Mini-Mite jamboree= Went well. Some issues with NK PTC taking over concessions without notification. And due to warmer weather and higher than normal temps. The ice was not as ideal as hoped, and the 2nd day of tournament ended up being at Coleraine arena.
Bantam B District Tournament: To be hosted at Greenway Arena this coming weekend. Need volunteer help as always to make successful. There will 6 teams including Greenway at a cost of $150 per team. Rosters are done, Bobbie Zuehlke is lining up officials as GAHA will be paying for them. District 12 from MN Hockey is providing trophies. Gate fees will $5/day or $10 for weekend pass. Brackets are up and ready. Jason was checking into player badges as they will be free of charge and we need to know who are players and who are not.
PeeWee A State Tournament: To be held at Hodgins-Berardo Arena on March 11-13, 2016. Banquet to be in GHS cafeteria to plan for 500-600 people. Pat Guyer is working on getting guest speakers lined up. Rooms have all been blocked. Minnesota Hockey will give $1500 to GAHA as the hosting association. 6-8 board members from Minnesota Hockey will be in attendance as VIP. Hoping to profit $7-$12 thousand dollars. Again many volunteers will be needed on this weekend.
New Business:
Andy has been looking further into adding a Kiosk at arena with an electronic notebook/tablet. This will be used for volunteers to sign up for Dibs to meet their volunteer hours. Needs to get safety issues and screen protection plans finalized further.
Nominations for new board members are now being accepted. No written nominations have been brought forward as of today's date. Positions up for nomination are President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Tournament Director. Voting will be held in April and all nominations are needed by March 22, 2016.
Old Business: Amy Wirtanen requested to see bank info. Specifically to see an outline of where the money is going and being spent on. She will text Jason to coordinate a time to do this with GAHA treasurer and himself present.
Next month GAHA will further discuss: the dispersing of monies into which account, Bylaws, and Raider Cup.
Motion made to adjourn meeting by Jason and Amy C. 2nd the motion. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.