Saint Joachim Parish Fourth Annual Golf Tournament

RE: Sponsorship for the Saint Joachim Parish Fourth Annual Golf Tournament

Dear Sir or Madam:

Saint Joachim Parish is planning its fourth annual golf tournament on Thursday, October 8th, 2015. It will be held at Valley Brook Country Club, Blackwood, NJ. Your generous response to our tournament tremendously helps our Parish to serve the people of God in South Jersey.

We are asking you to participate in this year's event by becoming a sponsor at one of two levels below:

$100 HOLE SPONSORS - Hole sponsors will be recognized at the event with the placement of a sign at one of the tournament holes and be listed in St. Joachim's Parish Bulletin.

$500 TOURNAMENT SPONSORs - Tournament sponsors will be recognized on tournament banners, on literature distributed at the tournament and dinner, on the Parish website, and special recognition in our bulletin for one year.

If you are interested in supporting Saint Joachim Parish, please complete and return the attached form to Saint Joachim Rectory, 601 West Browning Road, Bellmawr, New Jersey 08031 ATTN: Golf Committee


Father Piotr Szamocki


Complete this form or attach a business card and submit it with your check / money order payable to saint Joachim Parish Golf Tournament by September 29th, 2014.

Saint Joachim Parish

601 West Browning Road

Bellmawr, New Jersey 08031

If you would like us to pick it up, please contact Saint Joachim Rectory at 856-931-6307


I would like to support Saint Joachim Parish’s Fourth Annual Golf Tournament as a:

___ $500 Tournament Sponsor

___ $100 Hole Sponsor

Enclosed is my check / money order. Please attach a business card, letterhead, etc. showing exactly what you would like on your sign and ad or complete the section below:


NAME (as it should appear on you sign and ad)


ADDRESS (Optional - as it should appear on your sign and ad )


SLOGAN / LOGO / MESSAGE: (Optional - as it should appear on your sign and ad )

Committee members and telephone numbers

Ken Murray856-931-5348Terry Pearce856-931-0735

Diane Fina856-933-0414Chuck Sauter856-933-0073

Ginny Hender856-933-3827Chris Sheehan856-931-3803