©Tag Team Studios
Lead DesignerLead Programmer3-D Modeling Artist
Nathanael Newby-Kew Thomas Smith Rob Baldwin
2-D Texturing/Display ArtistSound Designer
Jacob Moore Ian Keyworth
I. Artist Statement/Philosophy/The WHY Factor(why create this game? why would someone want to play it?)
When deciding what would be more compelling in the game world than a kill or be killed environment, we concluded that only thing that could get the blood pumping was being chased. For this reason, we chose the game of tag to be our focus for a video game.
II. Predecessor or previous games/ distinctive factors in this genre
This game lacks a true predecessor and is only related to the first-person shooter genre by camera perspective and its arena based gameplay. It could best be related to Unreal Tournament, since we are using the Unreal Engine 2.0 to build the game.
III. Target Audience
The game is geared towards a younger audience than a regular FPS, and would most likely be rated E or E+10. The game’s audience would primarily be male, but TAG X-TREME should be able to draw in females due to its non-violent gameplay. Beyond that, we hope to bring in players who already play FPSs and have them play a less violent game.
IV. Introduction & Story
Aliens have captured the Earth’s finest athletes and have forced them to play in the galaxy’s favorite pastime – TAG. To return home you must become the premier TAG player of the known universe.
V. Immediate and long term projected socio/cultural project impact
TAG X-TREME will show that first-person games don’t have to be blood baths or slow adventures. It will also introduce younger players to the first-person perspective earlier without having them killing anyone.
VI. Delivery System & Requirements
This game is being created as a mod within the Unreal Engine 2.0. We’ll have it on a hard disk and transfer it via flash drive. It will be run as a mutator within Unreal Tournament 2004.
VII. Interface
Type / ImplementationMovement / Pressing W, A, S, D causes the character to strafe in that direction
Turning / Moving the Mouse causes the character to look and turn
Tag / Clicking the left mouse button reaches the character’s hand forward
Glance / Pressing E or Q causes the character to glance right or left, respectively
Jump / Pressing SPACE causes the character to jump
Sprint / Holding the right mouse button causes the character to sprint
Interact / Pressing F causes the character to interact with a targeted object
VIII. User Interaction
Players will use the mouse and keyboard to control their in-game characters.
IX. The World Layout
There will be many different kinds of areas within the game – from playgrounds to space stations. These levels will have other TAG X-TREME players and will be littered with obstacles that players can jump and climb onto as well as hide behind.
X. Level Design
Levels are designed using the Maya and are arena like in nature. They are not interconnected and are designed to allow for running and hiding for a certain number of players. Levels will have a certain amount of interactivity so that players feel that they are more life-like.
XI. Visualization- characters, flow charts
Characters are to be made by modifying the character models from Unreal Tournament 2004, enough so that they can be considered new artistic property. The in game HUD is designed to be intuitive, with only a timer, score-counter, energy meter and, if you are it, a message telling you just that.
XII. Music/ Sound Design
Music will be minimal in the game, with the sounds of the game taking precedent over music. The music that is present will be there to intensify the gameplay. Major sounds include player breathing, when a player tags another and the heart-pumping which comes into play when a player is about to be tagged, giving the player some warning.
List of Sounds:
Sound Effect – Fast Breathing
Sound Effect – Slow Breathing
Sound Effect – Heartbeat
Deep Voice – Get Back Here
Deep Voice – You’ve Been Tagged
Deep Voice – I’m Coming
Deep Voice – Come Get Me
Deep Voice – Go Get ‘Em
Deep Voice – Level 1
Deep Voice – The Playground
Deep Voice – You’re Mine
Deep Voice – You’re It
Deep Voice – Tag
Kid Voice – Get Back Here
Kid Voice – I’m Coming
Kid Voice – Come Get Me
Kid Voice – Go Get ‘Em
Kid Voice – Gotcha
Kid Voice – You’re Mine
Kid Voice – You’re Mine, You Little Weasel
Kid Voice – Tag
Kid Voice – You’re It
XIII. Rules and Gameplay
A. Rules
1. A player is selected at random to be “it”
2. All players who are not it must avoid being tagged and thus becoming “it”
3. The “it” player must tag another player so that s/he will no longer be “it”
B. Gameplay
Gameplay follows after the rules are observed. Players willmove about an open map. They can jump onto obstacles and interact with objects within an area. Players that are not “it” can sprint for short periods of time but won’t be able to regain energy unless they stop moving. “It” players can regenerate their ability to sprint while just moving around. When players are not able to sprint, they run slower overall. There would be different modes besides basic tag, but none that we’ll go into detail on.
C. Scoring
Players who are not “it” get a point for every second that they are not “it”. Players who are “it” gain no points until they tag another player. This would change based on the type of match being played.
XIV. Program Structure
The game is built through the Unreal Engine 2.0
XV. Technical Specs: Physics, Rendering System, Lighting Models
All of these would be completed using the Unreal Engine 2.0. Physics should be more towards the realistic side of gaming.
XVI. Implementation
This would be a three-dimensional game run on the Unreal Engine 2.0. Since we are trying to move past first-person shooters with this game and are still using the first-person perspective, three-dimensions are needed. It could be done with a pseudo three-dimensional graphics, ala Doom, but that method hasn’t been used in a number of years.
XVII. Production Timeframe
Game Prototype must be completed by January 30, 2008.
XVIII. Research
We researched online how to go about building a game through Unreal Engine 2.0, referenced the Synergy Design Document on how to create a design document, and searched images for model and heads-up display references.
XIX. References
Synergy Design Document, Blue Screen of Death.