FSRH General Training Programmes and General Training Programme Director Role Description, Rules and Application Forms
Terminology & abbreviations: see the website document General Training terminology
This pack contains the information about the organisation and governance of the FSRH General Training Programmes (currently the FSRH Diploma and Letters of Competence), including Peripatetic General Training Programmes, as well as descriptions of the roles of the General Training Programme Director (GTPD) and, when applicable, the Associate General Training Programme Director.
The relevant forms for the appointment, resignation and recognition of a new GTPD are included in this pack and can also be downloaded separately. The pack also includes the relevant forms for existing GTPDs to re-register (re-registration must be done every 5 years).
If you are interested in applying to be a GTPD, please read the notes carefully before completing the documentation and sending the relevant completed form/s to: The Certification Manager .
FSRH General Training Programmes and General Training Programme Director Role Description, Rules and Application Forms
Terminology & abbreviations
Introductory Notes – The General Training Programme of the FSRH
Description of the role of the General Training Programme Director
Duties and tasks of a GTPD
Peripatetic General Training Programmes
Associate General Training Programme Director
Check-list of forms for completion and submission:
FORM A – Covering letter
FORM B – Governance
FORM C – Application as a General Training Programme Director
FORM D – Administration of your General Training Programme
FORM E - Retirement / Resignation / Transfer from role of General Training Programme Director
FORM F – Reference for a General Training Programme Director
DFSRHDiploma of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
FFSRHFellow of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
FRTFaculty Registered Trainer
FRTAFSRH Regional Training Advisor
FSRHFaculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
GTCGeneral Training Committee
GTPGeneral Training Programme
GTPDGeneral Training Programme Director
LoCLetter of Competence
LoC IUTLetter of Competence in Intrauterine Techniques
LoC SDILetter of Competence in Subdermal Implants
MFSRHMember of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
NDFSRHNurse Diploma of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
PGA Med Ed (SRH)Postgraduate Award in Medical Education (Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
PGTPPeripatetic General Training Programme
Introductory Notes – The General Training Programme of the FSRH
- All FSRH Diploma and Letter of Competence (LoC) training is undertaken under the auspices of a FSRH General Training Programme (GTP).
- A GTP is an FSRH registered entity led by an FSRH approved General Training Programme Director (GTPD) who coordinates a programme of Faculty approved training for the FSRH Diploma, LoCs and other relevant training.
- A GTP is generally constituted of no less than 2 Faculty Registered Trainers (FRTs).
- A GTP may include FRTs from General Practice and/or community/hospital practice.
- A GTP can only operate when led by a FSRH approved GTPD. Its status is withdrawn in the event that the GTPD resigns or retires from the post. Where a GTPD wishes to transfer the role to a colleague, the resigning/retiring GTPD should complete the reference for the applicant, which is subject to approval by the FSRH.
- A GTP offers geographically based and/or a peripatetic training. A Peripatetic General Training Programme (PGTP) comprises FRTs working across the country rather than in one geographical region.
- An application to create a new GTP will only be considered in association with a named proposed GTPD. The registration of a completely new GTP requires:
- the support of the FSRH Regional Training Advisor (FRTA),
- a need for a GTP in a particular geographical area or a need for peripatetic training, and
- a GTPD approved by the FSRH General Training Committee (GTC).
- The allocation of a FSRH GTP number relates to a specific GTPD and GTP.
- The post of GTPD can be held by any appropriately qualified doctor or nurse who has a minimum of 3 years’ experience as an FRT.
- Where there is a need for a new GTP in an area without an experienced FRT, an FRT with less experience may apply to be an Associate GTPD, mentored and supported by an established GTPD, until he/she has the necessary experience to apply for independent GTPD status.
- GTPDs must submit a re-registration application every 5 years, which is subject to approval by the General Training Committee.
Description of the role of the General Training Programme Director
Definition of a General Training Programme (GTP): an FSRH registered entity led by an FSRH approved GTPD, who coordinates a programme of training for the Diploma and Letters of Competence in IUT/SDI. This programme is normally geographically based but may consist of a Peripatetic GTP where this has been approved by the FSRH General Training Committee.
Role of a General Training Programme Director (GTPD):the GTPD is the Lead Faculty Registered Trainer for a group of Faculty Registered Trainers (FRT) within a recognised FSRH training programme. The role coordinates the training for FSRH qualifications, ensuring governance with respect to the FRTs in the GTP and acting as a resource for those undertaking training and support for the trainers. GTPDs are expected to promote FSRH training across all relevant specialties and are encouraged to network with GP Training Groups to support the training of GP Registrars and recruitment of GP Trainers as FRTs.
Duties and tasks of a GTPD
The primary task is to lead a FSRH General Training Programme including:
- To represent and promote the interests and policies of the FSRH.
- To coordinate the activities of FRTs and trainees in the GTP.
- To be actively involved in FSRH Diploma and/or LoC training.
- To seek to ensure the GTP is able to fulfil all components of the training provided (currently, FSRH Diploma and/or LoC IUT/SDI) within a broad range of clinical services with a focus on community-based sexual and reproductive health care provision.
- To have a working knowledge of training organisation and postgraduate training structures for both nurses and doctors in sexual and reproductive healthcare and establishing links with GUM, local NHS Postgraduate Education Organisations and relevant professional Royal Colleges.
- To review FRTs within the GTP annually, supported by the Faculty administrative team, to ensure that qualifications and recertification of trainers are up to date and valid.
- To liaise with the FSRH Regional Training Advisor and to alert him/her to any concerns about an FRT within the GTP and to offer support to such an individual where appropriate, as agreed with the FSRH Regional Training Advisor.
- To hold occasional meetings for the FRTs within the GTP - a minimum of 1 per annum – to discuss current training issues and to disseminate and share information, including updates from the annual GTPD conference.
- To disseminate relevant FSRH information, including from the GTC, on general training issues, to all other providers of training within the GTP.
- To understand the requirements and content of the PGA Med Ed (SRH) course and where indicated to give support to trainees on the course in finding appropriate placements for their observed teaching scenarios.
- To interview and make an appropriate recommendation of the suitability of new FRTs based on FSRH criteria – both those who have gained the PGA Med Ed (SRH) and GP Trainers.
- To provide probity support and governance to the GTP.
- To mentor and provide support and governance to an Associate GTPD working under his/her auspices and to make a recommendation to the GTC when the Associate GTPD is sufficiently experienced to set up and run an independent GTP.
- To ensure the FSRH office is informed of changes to the GTP contact information provided to the FSRH and reproduced on its website.
- To attend, or nominate a suitable attendee to attend, the annual GTPD conference and to report back to FRTs from this.
- To participate in the FSRH procedure for dealing with a complaint by a doctor or nurse undergoing training for an FSRH qualification (not including the Membership examination (MFSRH) or training within the Specialty Training programme (CSRH)), when called upon and within the framework of the FSRH complaints process.
Requirements to be a GTPD (Person Specification):
A GTPD must
- be a current FRT with at least 3 years’ experience as an FRT (unless applying as an Associate GTPD – see below)
- be a member of the FSRH with a primary qualification (FFSRH/MFSRH/FSRH Diploma)
- be actively involved in clinical sexual and reproductive healthcare, training and education (undertaking 2 or more sessions in SRH per week, or equivalent - as a guide, 9 SRH consultations in general practice would ordinarily count as one session)
- be prepared and have time to carry out all the duties of a GTPD as defined by the FSRH
- not be the subject of any serious managerial or clinical complaints when they apply for the role and to inform the FSRH if such a situation arises.
FSRH will act to support a GTPD who is seeking to gain recognition for the role as part of their job description in seeking financial or equivalent time resource to enable them to undertake this role. Such work is an appropriate use of non-patient contact time.
Tenure: the GTPD role is approved for a period of 5 years and may apply for a further 5-year period of tenure using the relevant FSRH application form. Further re-appointment is at the discretion of the GTC. The post is intrinsic to the GTP for which the appointment was made i.e. there is no automatic transfer if a GTPD moves to a different area.
Appointed by: the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare via the FSRH General Training Committee and overseen by the FSRH Council for upholding and delivering FSRH training.
Accountable to: the FSRH General Training Committee to maintain the standards of training.
Liaison with: the FSRH General Training Committee, FSRH Regional Training Advisor(s), other GTPDs, potential and established FRTs, GP Trainers. GTPDs will be eligible to attend the annual FSRH GTPD conference. No registration fee is payable but travel costs are not normally supported.
Financial support: there is no FSRH sourced remuneration for GTPD posts.
Allocation and use of GTP and FRT numbers:
- The allocation of an FSRH GTP number relates to a specific GTPD and GTP.
- FRT and GTP numbers can be used only for training of FRSH qualifications undertaken within a GTP and neither number can be used for non-Faculty approved training.
Peripatetic General Training Programmes
A Peripatetic GTP comprises FRTs working across the country rather than in one geographical area and is established only to meet an identified and specific training need.
In addition to the duties and tasks outlined above, GTPs of Peripatetic GTPDs must ensure that if any training is undertaken in an area where there is an existing GTP, this must be communicated to the local GTPD in advance.
They are also required to liaise with the FSRH Regional Training Advisors (FRTA) covering the geographical area of each FRT, to ensure that each FRT has the opportunity to attend the regional annual update.
Associate General Training Programme Director
Where there is a need for a new GTP in an area without a candidate who has held FRT status for a minimum period of three years, an FRT with less experience who wishes to consider the role, he/she should establish a link with an experienced GTPD who could provide some initial mentoring and support. The Associate GTPD will work under the GTP number of the supporting GTPD identified by hyphenated ‘A’ (TP number – A).
Once the Associate GTPD has achieved the prerequisite three years’ experience as an FRT and is deemed by the supporting GTP to have sufficient experience to run an independent GTP, he/she may apply to the GTC. The supporting GTP must complete the reference (Form F) for these applications.
Check-list of forms for completion and submission:
To register a new GTP/Peripatetic GTP and/or GTP/Associate GTP Director: Forms A, B C, D and F
To re-register a GTP (5-yearly cycle): Forms A, B, C and D
Notification of retirement, resignation or transfer from role of GTPD: Forms A and E
FORM A – Covering letter
I wish to apply to the FSRH General Training Committee (GTC) in respect to (please tick all that apply):
☐Registering a new General Training Programme
Please complete Forms B, C, D and F
☐Registering a new Peripatetic General Training Programme
Please complete Forms B, C, D and F
☐Registering as a new General Training Programme Director
Please complete Forms B, C, D and F
☐ Registering as a new Associate General Training Programme Director
Please complete Forms B, C, D and F
☐Reregistering (at 5 year interval) as a GTPD
Please complete Forms B, C and D
☐Resignation / retirement as a GTPD
Please complete Form E
First Name:
Job Title:
Mailing Address: Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Telephone Nos.: Work Mobile
Email: Work Home
Please complete and return with the relevant accompanying forms to:
The Certification Manager, FSRH, 27 Sussex Place, LONDON, NW1 4RG
FORM B – Governance
Probity and Governance Statement
All clinicians, teachers and assessors are expected to work within their professional standards and guidelines. Doctors are referred to the statements on probity and teaching, training, supporting and assessing in the ‘Good Medical Practice’ document published by the General Medical Council and nurses to the ‘Standards to support learning and assessment in practice’ published by the Nursing & Midwifery Council (2008)
- I have read and understand the Duties and Tasks of a GTPD (pages 3 – 4).
- I am in a position to undertake these duties.
- I am actively involved in clinical sexual and reproductive healthcare, training and education and undertake 2 or more sessions in SRH per week, or equivalent (as a guide, 9 SRH consultations in general practice would ordinarily count as one session); hold in date certification for DFSRH/NDFSRH/MFSRH/FFSRH, LoCs in IUT and SDI (if relevant).
- I have held Faculty Registered Trainer status for more than 3 years (unless applying as an Associate General Training Programme Director).
- Should my current position change then I agree to inform FSRH directly of my change in circumstances so that my position as GTPD can be considered by the General Training Committee (GTC).
- I am not currently the subject of any serious managerial or clinical complaints and agree to inform the FSRH should such an event arise.
- I accept the professional obligations placed on doctors in Good Medical Practice in relation to probity, confidentiality and personal health (Doctors).
- I accept the professional obligations placed on nurses by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (Nurses).
- This application is accompanied by a reference that supports my suitability to undertake the role of GTPD as per the details below.
- The referee must be a Diplomate, Member or Fellow of the FSRH and be in a suitable position to give a reference (the referee may or may not be part of the same GTP).
- The referee should clearly state in the reference their relationship with the applicant and give an indication as to why they are a in a position to give the reference.
- The referee must send the reference separately from this application.
- Applicants who are applying to set up a new GTP must also enclose a letter of support for the FRTA.
Print full name:
FORM C – Application as a General Training Programme Director
Email (for GTPD related matters):
Work address (if different from mailing address):
If you are already registered as a GTPD, please provide the GTP number / GTP no:If you are applying to register as GTPD for a new GTP, please provide the name of FSRH Regional Training Adviser (and ensure that part F of the form is also completed) / FRTA name:
If you are applying to register as GTPD for an existing GTP, please provide the GTP number (and ensure part F of the form is also completed) / GTP no:
Excluding the GTPD, please state the number of Faculty Registered Trainers who deliver training for Diploma and/or LoCs within this programme / No:
Please provide details of:
Current SRH clinical activity:
Current SRH non - clinical activity:
Teaching qualification:
Experience of teaching SRH clinicians:
FORM D – Administration of your General Training Programme
You should only include details that you agree to be in the public domain as they will be:
- used for all communication between the FSRH & the GTP
- provided to potential trainees
- available on the FSRH website
If you do not enter a named contact, a generic title of “General Training Administrator” will be entered onto the database.
Name of contact (optional):
Job title:
Name of Employing NHS Organisation, General Practice or non NHS Organisation:
Telephone: email:
Contact address for the GTP (for publication on the FSRH website):
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
About the training programme:
Which region are you in? (Regions are those of the FSRH Regional Training Advisors)East Anglia
North East Thames
North West Thames
North Western
Northern Ireland / Oxford
Scotland East
Scotland Highlands
Scotland North East
Scotland South East
Scotland West
South East Thames
South West Thames / South West (North)
South West (South)
Wales North
Wales South
West Midlands
Peripatetic Training Schemes (PTS). Please provide geographical details of regions covered:
Which Local Education and Training Board (LETB) are you within?
Health Education East Midlands
Health Education East of England
Health Education Yorkshire & the Humber
Health Education Wessex
Health Education Thames Valley
Health Education North West London
Health Education South London / Health North Central & East London
Health Education Kent, Surrey & Sussex
Health Education North East
Health Education North West
Health Education West Midlands
Health Education South West
Please choose the description that best fits the organisation of your practical training programme:
Contraception (SRH) Service
General Practice
GUM service
Peripatetic Training / Integrated Sexual Health Service
Consortium (i.e. mix of any of the above):
What training does the GTP provide?
FSRH Diploma clinical training: YESNO / LoC IUT: YESNO / LoC SDI: YESNO / Course of 5: YESNO
Do you have any specific restrictions on who you will train? (e.g. only working in certain localities) YESNO
If yes, please give details:
I agree to the working contact details given in Part D being published on the FSRH website to enable potential trainees to contact the service
Signed: …………………………………………………………………
FORM E - Retirement / Resignation / Transfer from role of General Training Programme Director