Thankyou for all your suggestions: Call 02 8230 3959 to vote for your favourite from these suggestions.
FRIENDSHIPFrom a card sent in by Karen (Port Macquarie CoDA)
“Oh the comfort… the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person. Having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words but to pour them out just as they are chaff and grain together… and a faithful hand will take and sift them: keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away”
George Eliot
Karen writes: “Dear CoDA friends, when I saw this verse I felt it described our group perfectly. Thank you all for creating a wonderful haven of comfort and peace. Would that “faithful hand” be the hand of our Higher Power I wonder?” / The Rewards of Service
CoDA relies on its members to survive and to continue to carry the message to other Co-Dependents.
Service in CoDA is a valuable way of “giving back”, as many have done before us, and supports us in our own individual recovery and growth. All service positions are a practical example of the Twelfth Step in operation. Service also means discovering the wisdom embodied in the Twelve Traditions and learning to identify and let go of many of our control and compliance patterns. For those of us whose attendance at meetings may waver, service can provide that extra reason to stay in touch and strengthen our recovery. We can set our own limits on the length of time we wish to do service for remembering that “rotation of service positions shows recovery” (none of us are indispensable!).
Service is a way to experience a sense of belonging, practice healthy responsibility and to meet and get to know other members of the CoDA Fellowship.
(Sydney CoDA member)
This term originated in several other Twelve Step programs to describe unhealthy and inappropriate sexual behaviours that take place within the Fellowship. One person could be taking advantage of another when they’re in a vulnerable or painful spot, or someone may be using a nurturing hug for sexual gratification. It could apply to sexual innuendoes or sexual joking in order to control, embarrass or subtly negotiate sexually with another. “Thirteenth-Stepping also occurs in meetings when members flirt, dress inappropriately or attend just to find dates.
In an attempt to approach the subject without shame and blame (because many people are unaware of these behaviours) some members of the Fellowship make announcements or engage in discussions concerning “Thirteenth-Stepping” and the potential damage it can cause. Whether we’re engaging in inappropriate behaviours, receiving or witnessing them, we must all work together to create and maintain CoDA meetings where the members can feel safe to be vulnerable, share their thoughts and feelings, and receive support for their recovery without manipulation and control.
Co-Dependents Anonymous, Big Book, pages 101-02 (Provided by a CoDA member in Sydney)
This is YOUR Newsletter and is independent of the Sydney Intergroup/Central Service Office. It is an open forum for contributions from all over Australia and New Zealand. We welcome contributions relating to CoDA, co-dependence and recovery from all CoDA members – wise sayings, your stories and experiences of CoDA & recovery, small illustrations, jokes, one- liners, questions, letters, comments…. We would especially like to receive news from individual groups.
Please post or email your contributions to: / SPONSORSHIP – please send in your experiences of being sponsored
and of being a sponsor (in CoDA and/or another 12 step program)
HISTORY of CoDA in AustraliaCoDA’s “Oldtimers” – we would love to hear your stories. If you don’t want to do your own story – why not “interview” another member – how did they come to be in CoDA?
Postal Address: CoDA Newsletter, 10 Shepherd St, Chippendale, Sydney NSW 2008
The content of this newsletter is contributed by individual CoDA members and is not a statement of CoDA policy,
nor does inclusion of any article constitute endorsement by either CoDA or those who produce the newsletter.
- The Workshop on STEP 8 is on Saturday August 21st : 2 – 5 pm
For more information call the workshop co-ordinator – Diana on 02 9477 2131
[Step 9: 18th Sept, Step 10: 16th Oct, Step 11: 20th Nov, Step 12: 18th Dec]
- (Sydney) WORKSHOPS on the TRADITIONS – These may run next year if there is sufficient interest.
- Steps Workshops format outline – a copy of this will be available to any group who would like to run their own workshops. Contact Diana 02 9477 2131 or the CSO 02 8230 3959
- Have you enjoyed the steps workshops? Would you like them to continue next year? Then please consider taking over from Diana as Steps Workshop Co-ordinator.
NEW MEETING: Woolgoolga (NSW) 1.30pm Thursdays – Uniting Church Hall, 5 Trafalgar St
Members who attended the first three “Roving Recovery Focus Group” Meetings (on Step 4) will be glad to know that these will be continuing. It has been suggested that we have a regular monthly meeting in Glebe - as there is no hire charge for this room (The first Saturday of the month?).Suggestions for future topics and meeting locations are welcome
Ph: Alison 02 9984 7792 or email: .
Other TWELVE STEP related News
2004 Day of Recollection: Sunday 10th Oct 9.30am-4.30pm. All members of the A.A. Fellowship and their families and friends are invited to share this special day.
Theme: Faith & Trust. Venue: LoretoSchool, Carabella St, Kirribilli (Milsons Point Station)
Spiritual Concept meetings at 10am and 2pm.Registration $10, Sausage Sizzle $5.
Sunday 21st November – Workshop “Understanding and working with Addictions”
“ … a particular focus will be on the principles and role of the Twelve Steps …”.
This is part of the Buddhism & Psychotherapy Conference in Sydney (19th to 21st Nov). Contact the Buddhist Library for a full program and costs: 02 9519 6054
-A Literature person and Intergroup Secretary & Chairperson are STILL required.
If you would like to find out more about how you can help out please contact the office on 02 8230 3959 or speak to one of the Intergroup members (contact list available at your meeting).
- We have no contact addresses for the following CoDA groups:Adelaide Parkside (Wednesday), Murwillumbah and Nimbin – Please contact the CoDA Office if you can help with this.
ACCEPTANCEPeace of mind comes fromnot wanting to change others but by simply accepting
them as they are.
True acceptance is without demands and expectations.
G Jampolsky – Love is Letting Go of Fear /
When you take the time to truly possess ALL you have been and done – only then are youon the path to becoming
who you really are.
(On Step 4) / FREEDOM
There are always
risks in freedom.
The only risk in bondage is that of breaking free.
Gita Bellin