Catholic Wedding Music Options
Processional MusicYour wedding party and the bride walk down the aisle at the beginning. Most couples select two different pieces (one for the wedding party, one for the bride). Click the YouTube links to hear arrangements of each of these pieces. Your accompanist may have other choices too. See below for a couple of pieces that are NOT approved by the Catholic Church.
Title / Composer / YouTube link
Canon in D / Johann Pachelbel /
Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring / J.S. Bach /
Reminiscent Joy / O’Neill Brothers /
Hymne / Vangelis /
Angels Watching / O’Neill Brothers /
Trumpet Voluntary / Jeremiah Clarke /
Rondeau / Jean Joseph Mouret /
Trumpet Tune / Henry Purcell /
Prelude te Deum / Marc Charpentier /
Recessional Music
The newly married couple walks down the aisle together towards the back of the sanctuary. Many couples choose two pieces – one for when they exit and one for as the guests are exiting. Your accompanist may have other choices too. Click the YouTube links to hear arrangements of each of these pieces. See below for pieces that are NOT approved by the Catholic Church.
Title / Composer / YouTube link
Prelude in Classic Style / Gordon Young /
Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring / J.S. Bach /
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee / Beethoven /
Rondeau / Jean Joseph Mouret /
Prelude te Deum / Marc Charpentier /
Processionals/Recessionals NOT permitted in the Catholic Church due to their secular roots.
- Bridal Chorus, by Richard Wagner (Here comes the bride……….)
- Wedding March, from Midsummer Night’s Dream, by Felix Mendelssohn
General Wedding Songs
This is not an all-inclusive list. There are many songs in our parish hymnal that you may select for your ceremony that may not appear on this list. In general, wedding-appropriate songs will sing of God’s love for us, the bride and groom’s love for each other, two lives becoming one, prayers for God to bless the marriage, etc. However, it is possible that a favorite hymn of yours will fit somewhere in your ceremony as well.
Preludes/Presentation of Gifts / Breaking Bread Hymnal #
Hear Us Now, Our God and Father / #678
Love Goes On / #491
May God Bless You / #677
O Father, All Creating / #479
Only a Shadow / #445
We Have Been Told / #505
When Love is Found / #679
Where Love is Found / #676
Where There is Love / #681
Communion / Breaking Bread Hymnal #
Bread of Life (by Farrell) / # 324
Bread of Life (by Fisher) / #371
One Bread, One Body / #348
Spirit and Grace / #350
Ubi Caritas, by Bob Hurd / #341
Flowers to Mary/Mothers / Breaking Bread Hymnal #
Hail Mary: Gentle Woman / #703
Holy Is His Name / #706
On This Day, O Beautiful Mother / #707
Other Appropriate Sacred Wedding Songs
There are many beautiful religious wedding songs which are appropriate for before the ceremony as guests are being seated, at the seating of the grandparents/parents, at Offertory, as a Communion meditation, or during the placement of flowers at the Blessed Virgin’s Altar. Here are just a few titles. If you choose from this list, you will want to have an experienced and capable singer.
Title / Composer
Ave Maria / Franz Schubert
Bridal Prayer / Roger Copeland
Come and Journey With Me / David Haas
How Beautiful / Twila Paris
Household of Faith / Brent Lamb and John Rosasco
In Love We Choose To Live / Jeanne Cotter
In This Very Room / Ron and Carol Harris
Only God Could Love You More / Dwight Liles and Niles Borop
Parents Prayer / Greg Davis
Wedding Song (There is Love) / Public Domain Foundation, Inc.
Wherever You Go / David Haas