Deer Park ISD
Teacher Summative Appraisal
Professional Standards and Expectations
Appraiser / CampusTeacher / Assignment
1 / ACTIVE AND SUCCESSFUL STUDENT PARTICIPATION / Students are passive and not engaged / Some students are engaged, many are off-task / Most students are actively engaged in learning
2 / LEARNER-CENTERED INSTRUCTION / Instruction is not aligned with goals & objectives / Goals & objectives are evident; pacing is appropriate; limited or no technology use by students / Goals & objectives are evident; pacing is appropriate; higher order thinking skills are used; technology integration is appropriate
3 / EVALUATION AND FEEDBACK ON STUDENT PROGRESS / Minimal constructive verbal/written interaction with students is evident / Moderate interaction with students is evident / Teacher interacts with constructive feedback through questioning, praise, and re-teaching
4 / CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT / Student behavior is consistently off task and disruptive without effective redirection / Few classroom interruptions; behavior is redirected appropriately / Expectations are clear; students are self-disciplined; time is managed effectively
5 / PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION (Students) / Consistent grammatical errors in verbal/written communication / Limited inaccuracies in written/verbal communication / Verbal/written communication is accurate and correct
1 / PROFESSIONAL DUTIES / Often arrives late or leaves early for the school day, duty and/or required meetings / With few exceptions meets expected time requirements for school day, duty and/or required meetings
/ Consistently meets time requirements for the school day, duty and/or required meetings
2 / PROFESSIONAL APPEARANCE / Frequently does not meet district standards / Occasionally does not meet district standards
/ Meets district standards with very few exceptions
3 / PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT last 12 months excluding required staff development / Attended no significant prof. dev. activities or district initiatives / Attended one or more significant prof. dev. activities or district initiatives during regular working hours / Attended one or more significant prof. dev. activities or district initiatives outside of regular working hours
4 / PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION / Verbal/written communication is often inaccurate or has been discourteous / Verbal/written communication has occasional inaccuracies / Verbal/written communication is consistently accurate & courteous
5 / COLLEGIALITY AND TEAMWORK / Takes no active role in campus initiatives and/or uncooperative / Participates in team meetings and works cooperatively with campus staff / Fills a leadership role and works cooperatively to support the team/campus
6 / CAMPUS PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTS / Does not follow directives or guidelines; requires frequent reminders regarding procedures / Generally follows directives and guidelines, but needs reminders regarding procedures / Directives and guidelines are consistently met; procedures are completed in a timely manner
7 / USE OF DATA FOR IMPROVEMENT OF STUDENT PERFORMANCE / No evidence of using data to track student progress / Data is used to track student progress / Data is used to track student progress and make instructional decisions for individual students
8 / USE OF TECHNOLOGY / Does not use technology appropriately to complete classroom management tasks / Generally uses technology appropriately to complete classroom management tasks with few exceptions
/ Technology is used proficiently to complete all classroom management tasks
Check if appropriate
/Professional Growth Plan is attached
Teacher’s Signature: / Appraiser’s Signature:Date: / Date: