[b]Ok, you want to join FB right? I hope so anyways, just go by these 5 easy Steps and you'll hopefully be posting in no time.
[b]Step 1[/b]
[b]Step 2[/b]
[b]Step 3[/b]
Step 4
In your registration note put:
*Starter Pokemon, gender, Level 5*
*Nickname if needed*(Pokemon or you)
*Misc (anything about you etc)*
Step 5: I'll send you the FB Test, you answer the questions and RP and then if you do good you pass, you will be approved for entry. If you fail you get denied access and you can try again in a Month from your [u]fail date[/u], but if you know how to read you should pass. I will also Edit this thread if you pass to give you the Pokeball[/b]
[b]When you first start, you get a free Special Pokeball. If you do not see your name here with a Pokeball, request for one.[/b]
[b]ATG - Fastball[/b]
[b]Newo - Heavy Ball[/b]
[b]Arnold - Fastball[/b]
[b]SmokinJ - Lureball[/b]
[b]UB - Level ball[/b]
[b]Kuno - Moon Ball[/b]
[b]Mozz - Level Ball[/b]
[b]Celebipower - Love Ball[/b]
[b]BBB - Heavy Ball[/b]
[b]P2K - Heavy Ball[/b]
[b]ZJ - Lure Ball[/b]
[b]The Other Guy - Fast Ball[/b]
[b]Hana - Heavy Ball[/b]
[b]DCD - Fast Ball[/b]
[b]Tsukai - Moon Ball[/b]
[b]FF - Level Ball[/b]
[b]Sul - Friend Ball[/b]
[b]Mystic Gohan - Fast ball[/b]
[b]Abysmal Flames - Heavy Ball[/b]
[b]Becca C - Level Ball[/b]
[b]Azure Dream - Fast Ball[/b]
[b]Genesis - Lureball[/b]
[b]Mr Ace - Heavy Ball[/b]
[b]Pumpkin - Heavy Ball[/b]
[b]Llanenwaar - Heavy Ball[/b]
[b]BTM - Moon Ball[/b]
[b]Bluesy - heavy ball[/b]
[b]Loki - Moon Ball[/b]
[b]LC - Friend Ball[/b]
[b]CA - Lure Ball[/b]
[b]DM - Lure Ball[/b]
[b]Nick - Friend Ball[/b]
[b]Puju - Timer Ball[/b]
[b]Jirachi - Premier Ball[/b]
[b]PT - Premier Ball[/b]
[b]Itsy - Friend Ball[/b]
[b]SB331- Dive Ball[/b]
[b]Dit - Fast Ball [/b]
[b]F93 - Heavy ball[/b]
[b]Patch - Dive Ball[/b]
[b]Karate - Timer Ball[/b]
[b]Kurai - Luxary ball[/b]
[b]Jag - Love Ball[/b]
[b]Matt - Heavy ball[/b]
[b]Thargor - Moon ball[/b]
[b] AK - Premier Ball [/b]
[b]Potatoe - Repeat Ball[/b]
[b]Neo - Fast Ball[/b]
[b]Goth - Friend Ball[/b]
[b]Rabs - Level Ball[/b]
[b]BW5 - Friend Ball[/b]
[b]RR - Premier Ball[/b]
[b]Kaz - Friend Ball[/b]
[b]Sciz - Friend Ball[/b]
[b]Aipom - Lure Ball[/b]
[b]DY - Timer Ball[/b]
[b]Eon - Nest Ball[/b]
[b]DX - Repeat ball[/b]
[b]DL - Moon Ball[/b]
[b]Chaa - Premier Ball[/b]
[b]Itaz - Luxury ball[/b]
[b]Raichu - Heavy Ball[/b]
[b]Pika - Dive Ball[/b]
[b]Denn - Moon Ball[/b]
[b]ME - Moon Ball[/b]
[b]KA - Lure Ball[/b]
[b]Dex - Timer Ball[/b]
[b]Ninj - Moon Ball[/b]
[b]Psy - Timer Ball[/b]
[b]Frost - Lure ball[/b]
[b]Chuu - Dive Ball[/b]
[b]AM - Timer ball[/b]
[b]PM - Premier Ball[/b]
[b]Fush - Net Ball[/b]
[b]Arc - Fast Ball[/b]
[b]Ron - Premier Ball[/b]
[b]DT - Moon ball[/b]
[b]ES -Level Ball[/b]
[b]Fire - Net Ball[/b]
[b]AB - Moon ball[/b]
[b]Chibi - Level Ball[/b]
[b]Potty - Nest Ball[/b]
[b]Talon - Timer Ball[/b]
[b]Yoshi - Net Ball[/b]
[b]DD - Lure Ball[/b]
[b]FC - Timer Ball[/b]
[b]PF - Net Ball[/b]
[b]Cody - Nest Ball[/b]
[b]AP - Luxary Ball[/b]
[b]SSK - Moon Ball[/b]
[b]PF - Repeat Ball[/b]
[b]CO - Dive Ball[/b]
[b]Geodude - Premier Ball[/b]
[b]Tsuki - Fast Ball[/b]
[b]Enchantress - Friend ball[/b]
[b]VL - Fast Ball[/b]
[b]Char - Moon Ball[/b]
[b]NP - Dive Ball[/b]
[b]Yoob - Net Ball[/b]
[b]Ferillin - Heavy Ball[/b]
[b]DL - Timer Ball[/b]
[b]Gilta - Dive Ball[/b]
[b]Tsuk - Moon ball[/b]
[b]GR - Fast Ball[/b]
[b]ZZ - Net Ball[/b]
[b]Laz - Timer Ball[/b]
[b]Char14 - Heavy Ball[/b]
[b]ZR - Fast ball[/b]
[b]Beluga - Nest ball[/b]
[b]Pyro - Luxary ball[/b]
[b]Inferno - Heavy Ball[/b]
[b]Myuu - Timer Ball[/b]
[color=red][b]Zink - Fast ball (Account Terminated)[/b][/color]
[b]Preacher - lure ball[/b]
[b]Shin - Timer ball[/b]
[b]Star - Heavy Ball[/b]
[b]LG - Premier Ball[/b]
[b]Biffy - Fast ball[/b]
[b]xander - Net Ball[/b]
[b]Gardevoir - Timer ball[/b]
[b]V-road - Friend Ball[/b]
[b]trepie - Heavy Ball[/b]
[b]Ariel - Lure Ball[/b]
[b]ABL - Nest Ball[/b]
[b]GT - Net Ball[/b]
[b]ADrag - Lure Ball[/b]
[b]AA - Level ball[/b]
[b]Magma Charizard - heavy ball[/b]
[b]Bubble - Net Ball[/b]
[b]Ice maiden - Dive ball[/b]
[b]min8or - Fast Ball[/b]
[b]Phantom - Heavy Ball[/b]
[b]Pheonix - Fastball[/b]
[b]Kia - Lure Ball[/b]
[b]xiHix - Heavy Ball[/b]
[b]CP - Heavy ball[/b]
[b]Ecco - Friend ball[/b]
[b]Hyla - level ball[/b]
[b]Destiny01 - Fast Ball[/b]
[b]Nimbus - Premier ball[/b]
[b]Coffee - Heavy Ball[/b]
[b]YT - lure ball[/b]
[b]Tyr-Fast Ball[/b]
[b]Tawny Amaryllis - Net Ball[/b]
[b]Wise Absol - Dive Ball[/b]
[b]icezkewl - Net Ball[/b]
[b]Bane-Fast Ball[/b]
[b]IAm2Hod4U- Heavy Ball[/b]
[b]Teal - Fast Ball[/b]
[b]Aero - Heavy ball[/b]
[b]Overblast[/b] - Fast Ball
[b]Ainako - Net ball[/b]
[b]Pokecrazy- Fast Ball [/b]
[b]Bulbasaur - Fast Ball[/b]
[b]SkepticReptile - Lure ball[/b]
[b]Harvest Moon - Fast Ball[/b]
[b]Rat - Heavy ball[/b]
[b]~April Showers~ - Nest Ball[/b]
[b]JAF - Level Ball[/b]
[b]blueaquadog - Lure Ball[/b]
[b]Minto - Luxury Ball[/b]
[b]NOTE :
-Remember to update your registration with your Pokemons' Levels, Items you have, as well as other vital information.
-No Restarts[/b]
[color=orange]Move Tutor Move[/color]
[color=white]HM Move[/color]
[color=cyan]TM Move[/color]
[color=limegreen]Emerald Move Tutor move[/color]
[b](Male, Level 5)
[color=orange]Cross Chop[/color]
Quick Attack
Thunder Punch [color=crimson](Lv 9)[/color]
Light Screen [color=crimson](Lv 17)[/color]
Swift [color=crimson](Lv 55)[/color]
[i]Evolves To Electabuzz[/i] [color=crimson](Lv 30)[/color]
Screech [color=crimson](Lv 33)[/color]
Thunderbolt [color=crimson](Lv 41)[/color]
Thunder [color=crimson](Lv 49)[/color][/b]
[b]([color=white]*SHINY*[/color] Female, Level 5)
[color=cyan]Ice Beam[/color]
[color=orange]Sesmic Toss[/color]
Defense Curl [color=crimson](Lv 8)[/color]
Stomp [color=crimson](Lv 13)[/color]
Milk Drink [color=crimson](Lv 19)[/color]
Bide [color=crimson](Lv 26)[/color]
Rollout [color=crimson](Lv 34)[/color]
Body Slam [color=crimson](Lv 43)[/color]
Heal Bell [color=crimson](Lv 53)[/color][/b]
[b](Male, Level 42)
Knock Off
Night Shade
Faint Attack
Shadow Ball [color=crimson](Lv 48)[/color]
Snatch [color=crimson](Lv 55)[/color]
Grudge [color=crimson](Lv 64)[/color][/b]
[b](Dr Eggman, Male, Level 100)
[color=orange]Ancient Power[/color]
Leech Seed
Stun Spore
Posion Power
Sleep Powder
Solar Beam
Egg Bomb[/b]
[b](Female, Level 15)
[color=orange]Petal Dance[/color]
[color=orange]Light Screen[/color]
[color=orange]Magical Leaf[/color]
[color=orange]Grass Whistle[/color]
[color=white]Rock Smash[/color]
Leech Seed
Vine Whip
Poison Powder
Sleep Powder
Razor Leaf [color=crimson](Lv 20)[/color]
Sweet Scent [color=crimson](Lv 25)[/color]
Growth [color=crimson](Lv 32)[/color]
Synthesis [color=crimson](Lv 39)[/color]
Solar Beam [color=crimson](Lv46)[/color][/b]
(Runpappa, FemaleLv 100)
[color=orange]Leech Seed[/color]
[color=orange]Razor Leaf[/color]
[color=orange]Water Gun[/color]
Nature Power
Fake Out
Fury Swipes
Water Sport
Hydro Pump
Rain Dance[/b]
(Male, Lv 100)
[color=orange]Double Edge[/color]
[color=orange]Light Screen[/color]
[color=cyan]Thunder Punch[/color]
[color=orange]SIlver Wind[/color]
[color=orange]Razor Wind[/color]
[color=cyan]Icy Wind[/color]
Quick Attack
Focus Energy
False Swipe
Wing Attack
Metal claw
Swords Dance
Double Team
Fury Cutter [/b]
[b] (Male, Lv 39)
[color=orange]Beat Up[/color]
[color=cyan]Thunder Punch[/color]
[color=orange]Sesmic Toss[/color]
[color=cyan]Iron tail[/color]
[color=Cyan]Dynamic Punch[/color]
[color=white]Rock Smash[/color]
Focus Energy
Double Kick
Posion Sting
Horn Attack
Helping Hand
Horn Drill [color=crimson](Lv 53)[/color][/b]
[b](Female, Level 100)w/[color=skyblue]Nevermelt Ice[/color]
[color=orange]Body Slam[/color]
[color=cyan]Ice Barrier[/color]
Powder Snow
Double Team
Icy Wind
Ice Beam
Sheer Cold [/b]
[b] (Male, Lv 100)
[color=white]Rock Smash[/color]
[color=orange]Body Slam[/color]
Focus Energy
Take Down
Fissure [/b]
[b](Pimplord, Male, Level 455) w/ Pimp Hat
[color=orange]Body Slam[/color]
Water Gun
Water Pulse
Water Spout
Hydro Pump [color=crimson](Lv 59)[/color][/b]
[b](Espy, Female, Lv 26) [color=magenta]w/ Twisted Spoon[/color]
[color=Cyan]Icy Wind[/color]
[color=cyan]Areil Ace[/color]
[color=orange]Body Slam[/color]
Tail Whip
Helping Hand
Sand Attack
Quick Attack
Swift [color=crimson](Lv 30)[/color]
Psybeam [color=crimson](Lv 36)[/color]
Psych Up [color=crimson](Lv 42)[/color]
Psychic [color=crimson](Lv 47)[/color]
Morning Sun [color=crimson](Lv 52)[/color][/b]
[b](MissyD, Female, Level 36)
[color=Cyan]Tri Attack[/color]
[color=cyan]Shock Wave[/color]
Confuse Ray
Mean Look
Pain Split [color=crimson](Lv 37)[/color]
Perish Song [color=crimson](Lv 45)[/color]
Grudge [color=crimson](Lv 53)[/color][/b]
[b](Chowder the 2nd, Female, Level 47)w/ [color=magenta]Twisted Spoon[/color]
(Not evolving)
[color=orange]Future Sight[/color]
[color=limegreen]Icy Wind[/color]
[color=orange]Thunder Wave[/color]
[color=limegreen]Mud Slap[/color]
[color=cyan]Water Pulse[/color]
[color=cyan]Iron Tail[/color]
[color=cyan]Ice beam[/color]
Water Gun
Psych up [/b]
[img] [size=1][b]
(Letter T, Lv 5) [color=yellow]w/Magnet[/color]
Hidden Power [color=yellow](Electric)[/color][/size]
[b](Salt and Pepper, Female, Lv 100)
[color=cyan]Bullet Seed[/color]
[color=cyan]Ariel Ace[/color]
Fury Attack
Tri Attack
Drill Peck
Agility [/b]
(Female, Level 5)
[color=orange]Mirror Coat[/color]
[color=orange]Mud Sport[/color]
[color=orange]Body Slam[/color]
[color=orange]Seismic Toss[/color]
[color=white]Rock Smash[/color]
Tail Whip
Bubble [color=crimson](Lv 7)[/color]
Withdraw[color=crimson](Lv 10)[/color]
Water Gun [color=crimson](Lv 13)[/color]
Bite [color=crimson](Lv 19)[/color]
Rapid Spin[color=crimson](Lv 25)[/color]
Protect[color=crimson](Lv 31)[/color]
Rain Dance[color=crimson](Lv 42)[/color]
Skull Bash[color=crimson](Lv 55)[/color]
Hydro Pump[color=crimson](Lv 68)[/color][/b]
[b](Male, Level 5)
[color=limegreen]Icy Wind[/color]
Tail Whip
Horn Attack [color=crimson](Lv 8)[/color]
Scary Face [color=crimson](Lv 13)[/color]
Pursuit [color=crimson](Lv 19)[/color]
Swagger [color=crimson](Lv 26)[/color]
Rest [color=crimson](Lv 34)[/color]
Thrash [color=crimson](Lv 43)[/color]
Take Down [color=crimson](Lv 53)[/color][/b]
[b]Trainer Name: Loki
Gender: Male
History: Loki started his Fizzy Bubbles journeys in March of 2003, 28th person to join ^_^. Since then he has become a well known owner of the 1337 Water Zone, a Moderator, and a all around funny guy. But beware, get on his angry side and you'll be in major trouble.
Character Age: Young in his 20s, but is said to have the appearance of an older teen sometimes.
Character Appearance: A male of Asian decent, Loki is considered by all the girls (and some guys) to be tall and dashing, albeit slender. While he keeps himself looking clean, he is somewhat lazy and skips shaving the stubble on his chin. His hair is dark black and is a bit long. His bangs are the longest and are known to flow through the breeze, but never gets into Loki's eyes.
Character Traits: Loki acts very aloof and relaxed, but is actually quite cunning and sharp. While he doesn't always say things directly or seriously, he never tells a lie. He very much hates dishonesty and becomes very serious when he fights for a just cause. He is very willing to help those in need and is always ready to make friends. Loki also has a soft spot for pretty girls. He has trouble denying them their requests and often finds himself in trouble because of one, whether intentional or not. While he has an affinity towards reptilian Pokemon, he has almost no problem using any Pokemon in battle as his combat skills are second to none.
[color=blue]Blue = Male[/color]
[color=red]Red = Female[/color]
[color=silver]Silver = Move Learned[/color]
[size=1][img] w/ Scope Lens
Level Moves:
[color=silver]01- Rage
01- Defense Curl
11- Yawn
14- Glare
21- Rollout
24- Spite
31- Pursuit
34- Screech
41- Takedown
44- Flail
51- Endeavor[/color]
Other Moves:
[color=silver]TM- Powder Snow
TM- Flamewheel
TM- Hidden Power: Dragon
TM- Bullet Seed
TM- Water Pulse
TC- Dig
EM- Ancient Power
EM- Astonish
MT- Counter
MT- Substitute[/color]
[color=silver]-Not required. Dunsparce is the perfect Pokemon.[/color]
Brief Bio: Level 5, Starter
Dunsparce was Loki's starter Pokemon. Merrily the two have cultivated many companions and have defeated many enemies. But the two have also seen many sad times as they had to lose some friends along the way, including a Venonat, Loki's first capture, Abra, Loki's first adoption and became a powerful Alakazam to aid his adventures, and a Vulpix, which helped him acquire his Powder Snow TM. Dunsparce is also one of Loki's more versatile Pokemon with it's learning of Dig from TrainingCenter; Hidden Power : Dragon, Bullet Seed, Powder Snow, & Flamewheel from TMs; Ancient Power & Astonish from Move Tutor. Dunsparce is Loki's most faithful and beloved friend with a strong bond that can never be broken.
Level Moves:
[color=silver]01- Rage
05- Bite
05- Leer
17- Headbutt
21- Focus Energy
25- Ember
30- Protect
38- Dragonbreath
47- Scary Face
50- Fly
61- Crunch
79- Dragon Claw
93- Double-Edge[/color]
NOTE: Salamence was capable of learning moves early by not evolving.
Other Moves:
[color=silver]EM- Hydro Pump
EM- Dragon Dance
EM- Rock Slide
EM- Twister
TC- Rock Smash
TC- Strength
TC- Cut
TM- Aerial Ace[/color]
-[color=silver]Fully Evolved[/color]
Brief Bio: Level 5, Hatched Dragon Egg from Egg House
Bagon was born from one of Loki's Dragon Eggs. The small dragon had big dreams for the future, including being one of the strongest Pokemon out there. After many months of vigorous training and intense candy munching, Bagon evolved into a powerful Salamence! It's patience paid off since now it is capable of doing every move it can naturally learn.
Level Moves:
[color=silver]01- Splash
15- Tackle
01- Thrash
20- Bite
25- Dragon Rage
30- Leer
35- Twister
40- Hydro Pump
45- Rain Dance
50- Dragon Dance
55- Hyper Beam[/color]
Other Moves:
[color=silver]00- Surf
00- Waterfall
00- Whirlpool
TM- Aerial Ace[/color]
- [color=Silver]Fully Evolved[/color]
Brief Bio: Level 6, Captured in Mountain Zone
After a strange explosion and landing in the middle of no-place lake, Loki was able to obtain his much vaunted Magikarp. Afterwards, Loki quickly put it to work with weekly Daycare drop-offs and Rare Candy feedings. Eventually Magikarp evolves into the devastating Gyarados it is now and helps win many of Loki's most crucial battles.
[img] [color=Blue]L57[/color]
Level Moves:
[color=Silver]01- Wrap
01- Leer
08- Thunder Wave
15- Twister
22- Dragon Rage
38- Agility
47- Safeguard
55- Wing Attack
61- Outrage
75- Hyperbeam[/color]
NOTE: Dragonite was capable of learning moves early by not evolving.
Other Moves:
[color=Silver]00- Surf
00- Waterfall
TM- Iron Tail
MT- Icepunch
MT- Thunderpunch[/color]
-[color=silver]Full Evolved[/color]
Brief Bio: Level 5, Cable Club trade with Thargor(?)
Originally babysat by Sciz, but after his disappearance, Loki reclaimed his stake on Dratini. Now it has finally reached full potential as it has evolved into a Dragonite at Level 57, allowing it to learn all his moves early.
[color=blue][img] L53[/color]
Level Moves:
[color=silver]01- Tackle
01- Growl
06- Mud Slap
10- Water Gun