The Scientific Reformation 1

ChapterSix The Scientific Reformation

Definition of Myth – Macquarie Dictionary

A traditional story usually concerning some super-human being or some alleged person or event and which attempts to explain natural phenomena, especially a traditional story about deities or demigods and the creation of the world and its inhabitants.

Gods and Goddesses

Gods and Goddesses pertain to the domain of Mythology.

As myths, they are mere make believe fictions.

Sage scribes in the past, using the limited data at their disposal, attempted to explain natural phenomena in terms which seemed plausible to them. Their efforts have significant roles in our understanding of cultural evolution.

Interesting though the fruits of their thinking be, they can have no place as scientifically demonstrable postulates in the foundations of formal systems of learning and academic religious knowledge.

Aseity is a key word

in the History and Philosophy of Science.

Aseity’s name is neither fictional nor mythical.

It is factual. She has life from her very own self.

Aseity is SELFLIFE. Her Divine Nature is Existential Self↔Other Relativity

Aseity has always been active in selflife existence. As long as humans have existed, so long have women’s ova been the vehicle of human self-propagation. Only in recent times has Biological Science, aided by microscopes, revealed her Selflife’s true Nature in act as pregnant woman, the human female ego-egg-laying placental mammal.

For two thousand years, women have had a bluffed and bullied existence at the hands of their allmale intransigent ignorant ecclesiastical authorities.

Fictional Mythological places like the Kingdom of Heaven and the Underworld of Hell are not Existential Revelations.The only reality which Mythology’s hypothetical“Daddy” God has up in the sky somewhere is as an unverifiable make believe idea in somewhat immature childlike human minds.

Giving names to things or putting ideas or concepts, like gods and goddesses, into writing may give them a unique verbal literary fictional existence, but does not existentializethem IN ACT i.e., endow their essence with real actual selfexistence.

As Peter sits in a wheelchair in front of his computer, his mind is still active, though his memory often fails him.Heis satisfied that he hasnot only achieved his teenagegoals of demonstratingscientifically,true or false,some basic religious ideas,butas far as he knows, his Thesis of Existential Self-Other Relativity is unique.It initiates anew oneness and togetherness to old themes in Science, Mathematics, Philosophy and Religion. He has restructured the logical basis of Cantorian Set Theory in The New Mathematics and by using the simplest linguistic analysis, removed the paradoxes from Set Theory, thus providing a consistent foundation for Mathematical Logic – a task hitherto deemed by Academe as impossible.

The beginning on Page 3 isrepeatedhere.

The author’s lifelong quest for experiential knowledge of a divine maternal being within himself had led him to sail uncharted amniotic waters in the womb of the ever pregnant Divine Mother of all Selflife in the Cosmos.

Some things still puzzle him and arouse hisdesire to understand how the events of the Patriarchal Era and male usurpation of the seats of learning and government were brought about.

To the ever-questioning human mind, comprehend-ing the mystery of sexuality has always been a challenge. Maternity was once held in reverential awe in matriarchal societies. Then came Aseity’s global Trial and Error experiment. How would future civilizations evolve if proud arrogant men refused to submit to her amicable dominion and were allowed to try to rule the world in a selfish belligerent male hegemony?

We are witnessing the culmination of her trial and error pantomime. Christianity evolved from the fictional myths of monotheistic Judaism. In deference to a godfather of lies, its Mythology worshipped an all- male Trinity {Father, Son, Holy Ghost}. We know now that all such homosexual unions are sterile. There can be no fatherhood without woman’s ego-egg laying function. The patriarchal era is coming to an end. It must now be admitted that the Mythological founda-tions of Pauline Christianity are no longer tenable.

In the Mythologies of the matriarchal cultures of the distant past, the mystery of new life, birth and growth focused attention on maternal aspects of the many titled Great MotherGoddess. Artistically exaggerated figurines or “Venus figures” date back to Cromagnon Time between 35,000 and 10,000 B.C.E.

About 3000 years ago a new patriarchal mindset {I, Me, Mine} was initiated among the cattle breeding nomadic Hebrews in the Middle East. Eventually, it was incorporated into Greek and Roman ways of thinking and became the intellectual determinant of future Western culture. The author’s new book LET WOMAN SPEAK is an hypothesis of how it came to dominate in the West, and how it has progressed culturally until today’s seeming inevitable self-destruction. Life on Planet Earth is about to undergo profound changes. LET WOMAN SPEAK is designed to effect new paradigm shifts in cultural evolution.

It is important to be mindful that it was the feminine principle in the supreme Deity that was so widely venerated in long ages past. Notions of female self-fertilization or parthenogenesis would seem to indicate that Goddess cults preceded similar male expressions of the beginnings of life.

Archaeology is requiring historians to reassess the social structures of the dim past and to acknowledge that male bias has given us the wrong picture of how civilizations evolved. Modern scholarship has deter-mined that the early civilizations of the Near East belonged to the Indo-European or pre-Indo-European families like the Sumerian and many others. Ancient Semitic peoples were confined to the Arabian Peninsula from whence later Hebrew tribes emerged. The latters’ semi-barbaric nomadic tribal culture wreaked havoc on the great matriarchal city states of Sumer and the settled woman-oriented agricultural societies which were integrated with them.

Throughout many millennia, gender distinction and sexual intercourse in fertility rites were associated with procreation in spite of the long period of gestation. Only much later did servant man superficially reason a seeming integral male role in sexual copulation. The erect phallus and its ejaculation of semen had to have some meaningful function or purpose. They could logically be given a causal role in animal propagation. Male mind then reversed woman's superior position and man made himself the lord and master of she who formerly was his lady and mistress.

Herdsmen’s necessary acquaintance with the mys-tery of sexuality was limited to animal husbandry in the breeding of their flocks and horses. Cultivators of the soil and the growers of plants and trees must certainly also have been aware of some sort of sexual distinction and union in the observed structure of flowers and the elaborate procedures for the male pollination of female ovules and their subsequent seed propagation.

Two thousand years ago in the Pauline Christianity of the Middle East, Jewish Mythology played a founda-tion role. At first, the stories in the much later written Scrolls of Genesis were part of various oral traditions. Their written form begins: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. This is Mythology in the making at its very best.It gives verbal existence to a god who is also a creator of things which have beginnings.To the minds of tribal story tellers and their listeners, and subsequently to writers and readers he was male. This hypothetical being was given different names. They were all male, named in the image and likeness of the male scribes and priests who worshipped him with bloody sacrificial offerings and wrote about him in their sacred scriptures.

One name that stands out above all others is that of the Hebrew tribal deity, Yahweh, generally translated as “I am who I am”. It was unquestioningly interpreted in the Hebrew patriarchal mindset as a male god. But was all this really so? Might it not just have been a deliberate experimental trial and error link in cultural evolution’s permitted wishful and aberrant thinking?

Yahweh can also mean “I am whom I will my otherself become.” The key words in this Trial and Error sequence of events are the “WHAT IF…” of stage performances. Were the Hebrew tribesmen deceived on purpose? Were they chosen ones to put on show lessons of Good and Evil in the staged Drama of cultural evolution? What if proud arrogant men took control of human affairs? What if they demanded that all human beings worship and show obeisance to a deity who was also a Father God of lies? What if Aseity, the pregnant Motherself of the Cosmos seemed to let humans think that She did not exist?

It is essential for understanding the evolution and history of modern cultural monotheism, to be mindful that in the Hebrew language, there was, and still is, no word for divine mother or goddess. No name meant no existence. Theologically speaking, in the patriarchal mindset, Judaism and its offspring were, and still are, motherless children. Greek Socratic male-only self-sufficiency paralleled a similar Palestinian mindset. All female divinities were officially anathema to it and to its later derivatives, Christianity and Islamism. Simple common folk were continually and vehemently reprimanded for whoring after the “unspeakable” goddess abominations of their godless neighbours. Judaism insisted that only its own male Lord God Almighty should be worshipped. Pauline Christianity did, and still does, the same.Its mindset could not conceive nor would it ever have tolerated any inclusion of woman in an all-male same-sex godhead.

For the patriarchal authorities in Judaism and its Christian and Islamic offshoots, their deity could in no way be construed as heterosexual. In the metaphorical unity of the respiring breath of the Holy Ghost, Father and Son were literally and psychically homosexual, from the Greek word homos meaning same. Today, patriarchal ecclesiastical authorities still guard their male homosexual hegemony jealously. Neophytes are baptized in the name of a same-sex all male triunity.

Cultural Evolution bears witness to both the propos-ing and the disposing of hypotheses. Already existing Egyptian and Sumerian creation myths had suggested a heterosexual origin and content. It was a simplified but deliberately distorted version to limit creation just to the activity of a motherless single almighty mascu-line Father in his sky canopiedHeaven. Reverential worship and obedience to its all-male deity and its priests for the past three thousand or more years is experiencing a profound paradigm shift.

Christianity is at a crossroads in cultural evolution. The sources of its revelation, the Bible and Tradition, were considered and decreed to be inerrant. Both are now in a quandary regarding their empirical verify-ability. It comes as a surprise to professed Christians of the Western world to learn that their Religion is based on Hebrew cattle breeders’ fictional myths.Believers are being forced to choose between either a retrogressive childish fundamentalist worship of the Bible and Tradition, or by cutting their umbilical link with the past, be reborn into the becomingness of adult age in an intellectual Scientific Reformation.

Hypothetical creator-gods were made in the image and likeness of the men themselves who created them. Hebrew monotheism initiated the beginning of an arro-gant despotic patriarchal phase in cultural human evolution. The common folk were naively persuaded that their Lord God Almighty actually spoke at times to them through Moses and subsequent prophets.

It would seem, Hebrew Mythology was the first and only major religious cult whose absolute deity was uniquely of male gender and in which there was no place for any form of heterosexual ritual and worship. Christianity and Islam followed suit. In repudiating any form of female Self-Other Relativity in divine relation-ships, it betrays being under the influence of a delib-erate deceiver, an Evil One,a Father God of lies.

The Hebrew scribes wrote what they believed they were being inspired to write. For them, it was their tribal mythical God who inspired belief in his own existence. It was this same God who was supposed to have inspired their scribes to compile laws deemed necessary for human behaviour.

Israelite history, for the most part, was an almost continuous record of infidelity and disobedience to their Lord God. Absolute obedience to Yahweh was the dominant human virtue. The threat of severe punish-ment for disobedience was purported to be voiced by Yahweh through his prophets. As captives in exile they could but look forward to some future liberator who would restore the honour and glory of Israel.

The combined Pauline and Johannine mindsets melded into Christianity and its Theology. Christian Theology is basically baptized Christian Mythology. Imagined divine justice demanded that the honour of a fictional Creator Father God was so outraged by created men’s acts of disobedience that only a divine act of propitiation and vicarious atonement could reinstate mankind’s favour in his God’s sight. For simple minded people, this was the all-powerful motivating force for unquestioning obedience to all kinds of male authority, religious, legal, civil and domestic. Disobedience was a heinous sin. It under-mined male superiority and authority.

Let Divine Woman Aseity speakher eternal love story to East and West, to North and South. We pray her truly catholic Queendom come within us. She can also tell of a fictional tragedy and catharsis in her Drama of an Evil One’s cancerous self-destruction in the mortal conflict between the singular sterile individual {I, Me, Mine} and the plural fertile together-ness {We, Us, Ours}.

Male monotheism eventually came to dominate in the West. With belligerence and violence, it is rapidly progressing to its own demise in self-destruction. Aseity worship is designed to effect new paradigm shifts in cultural evolution.

Mindsets in Transition

YAHWEH: This Hebrew sacred and feared word understood only male monotheism. It verbalized the singular individual mindset of the motherless personal male God of Israel as {I, ME, MINE}.

Pauline Christianity evolved from monotheistic Judaism.

It proclaimed and worshipped a motherless mindset, an all-malehomosexual Trinity

{Father, Son, HolyGhost}.

A-sé-i-ty: This English four-syllabled scientific word meaning having life from itself, understands and verbalizes the plural social mindset of the ever pregnant personal Mother Self of the Cosmos as


Cultural Evolution on Planet Earth might well be about to undergo profound changes. Armies and arsenals are being prepared for global thermonuclear war. If such eventuates, it could abort most of the inhabitants from the live womb of Mother Earth..

Pauline Christianity cut its umbilical link with the female sexual source of all self-other life and love. Her genitalia were declared to be pudenda, organs of which she should be ashamed. Freedom now from service to female authority and liberation from any reverential worship of her charms ensured mankind’s salvation and attainment of noble Socratic self-sufficiency in what was now divinized male homosexuality. Hetero-sexuality was belittled. Celibacy was nominally extolled but its practice often dubious and sexual satisfaction sought in other unapproved ways. The maintaining of Church property solely under strict Church control was a primary concern why its ministers should remain celibate. Unmarried, they would not be required to provide for housing, clothing and feeding natural human families out of Church funds.

In past Catholic Moral Mythology, there was no such thing as light matter with respect to sexual sin, whether of word, thought, or deed. Every such sin was mortal and the unshriven were punishable in hell’s fiery underworld for all eternity. These ideas are being changed by an enlightened understanding of the possible evil role of mutant genes. Paedophilia was a poor and often an embarrassing substitute for mutual heterosexual affection.

This author accepts Christianity's intended male fertilizing and distinctioning role in two millennia of cultural evolution. Human selflife can only perceive the divine as an immanent mothering experience, analog-ous to the pregnant placental mammal. It is the divine maternity in labour in the human psyche who knows her human brainchild “You” as the son of man within.

Judaeo-Christian traditions have melded the patri-archal cultures of the West. Exclusively male priest-hoods have masterminded their own ecclesiastical development in their external worship of an invisible, ineffable and transcendent heavenly father god and creator up in the sky somewhere. He was out there, inhabiting inaccessible heights. He was all-powerful, all-knowing and as lawmaker and judge he condemned and pardoned, was merciful and also vengeful. In the past such a deity mirrored, and still continues to mirror, the experience of its male worshipping selves. They have continued to bask in the reflected glory of an exclusive tribal lord and manly god. For the Jews of old, The fear of the Lord was the beginning of Wisdom, and out of a holy reverence and mortal fear of desecration, the name of their Yahweh became an unpronounceable Tetragrammaton, YHWH.