REGULAR MEETING as presented 7-11-2017
June 6, 2017
7:00 p.m.
Barry Township Hall
155 E. Orchard St.
Delton, MI 49046
Board Members Present:
Wesley Kahler Supervisor
Judy Wooer, Treasurer
Debra J. Knight Clerk
Lee Campbell Trustee
Teresa Schuiteboer Trustee
Absent : None
Guests: Several interested parties
Supervisor Kahler called the regular meeting to order @ 7:00 p.m.
Those present stood and stated the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America.
ROLL CALL: Present: Wooer, Knight, Kahler, Campbell and Schuiteboer.
Absent: None.
MINUTES: 5-1-2017 minutes were presented for approval. MOTION by J. Wooer, second by L. Campbell to approve the minutes from 5-1-2017 as presented. ALL AYES MOTION CARRIED.
TREASURERS REPORT: Fund Balance report for May 2017 was presented to members.
AGENDA: MOTION by L. Campbell, second by D. Knight to approve the agenda with 3 additions. 1. Closed Session for legal update. 2. Consumers Energy update. Smith Park improvements. ALL AYES MOTION CARRIED.
LIMITED PUBLIC COMMENT: Request for Public Comment: J. Enrietti spoke on the new drain located on the south end of Mud Lake, Floria Rd.
COUNTY COMMISSIONER: Commissioner Jackson updated members on the matters brought before the various Barry County boards.
HCFD: Chief Wyman gave the report. 10 calls to service, all in Barry Township. 7 general service calls and 3 MFR.
DFD: Captain M. Pharr gave the report. 13 calls to service in Barry Township.
BTPD: Chief Doster gave the report. 172 complaints were processed in May 2017.
Chief Doster and Lt. Reserve Police officer John Stech introduced R. Miles to board members. Both our seeking board approval to hire Mr. Miles. Mr. Miles has passed the required tests and has met the requirements. MOTION by L. Campbell, second by J. Wooer to hire Ron Miles as an active Reserve Barry Township Police officer effective 6-6-17. ALL AYES MOTION CARRIED.
RECESS: Supervisor Kahler called a short recess @ 7:24 p.m.
Regular meeting back in order @ 7:25 p.m.
DDL: J. Wooer updated members on the activities scheduled at the Library in June 2017.
CEMETERY: Sexton Lennon gave the report. 5 burials and 3 cremations in April. 1 burial and 4 new foundations in May 2017.
SWBCSWA: Minutes from 4-25-17 and 5-23-17 were presented to members.
GLSA: Minutes from 4-26-17 were presented to members.
BTWATER: No report.
4TWPWATER: No report.
OPEN POLICE CAR BIDS: Supervisor Kahler opened the 6 bids received for the Barry Township 2007 CV Police car. MOTION by L. Campbell, second by T. Schuiteboer to accept the bid of $2,007.00 from C. Jones. ROLL CALL VOTE:
LC: Yes. TS: Yes. JW: Yes. WK: Yes. DK: Yes. MOTION CARRIED.
BUDGET AMENDMENT: MOTION by J. Wooer, second by D. Knight to approve the one-sided budget amendment in the amount of $25,000.00, to increase line 207-000-930-008, New Vehicles. ROLL CALL VOTE: JW: Yes. DK: Yes. WK: Yes. LC: Yes. TS: Yes. MOTION CARRIED.
TOWNSHIP TAX POLICY RESOLUTION: MOTION by L. Campbell, second by W. Kahler to adopt the “Policy Resolution 17-09 to Collect Tax Payments” as follows: The Township of Barry will only accept checks for the correct amount for the payment of taxes. If payment is not enough the payment will be accepted as a “partial payment” and will state as such on the receipt. If the payment is for too much money the check will be returned to the payee, with a note stating the correct amount due. There will be no refund check written from the tax account for errors made on payments. ROLL CALL VOTE:
WK: Yes. DK: Yes. TS: Yes. LC: Yes. JW: Yes. MOTION CARRIED.
WATER SHUT OFF/TURN ON POLICY: MOTION by D. Knight second by J. Wooer to adopt the Policy to Shut Water, Off/Turn on, effective June 6, 2017 as follows:
Upon receipt of a written request to discontinue water service to a premise stating the reasons why the request is being submitted, Barry Township shall review the request and ask for proof of ownership of the person making such a request. If validated, Barry Township shall review the premise payment history, and require payment of all past due amounts plus the current month’s Ready-to-Serve charge, plus charge a fee of $50.00 for Shut-off, and additional $50.00 to remove the meter from the premise. Upon receipt of payment, Barry Township shall schedule the Shut-off / Turn-on the Water, and an additional $50.00 to reinstall the meter at such time as water Turn-on is requested.
ROLL CALL VOTE: WK: Yes JW: Yes. TS: Yes. LC: Yes. DK: Yes. MOTION CARRIED. Shut off/Turn on policy is Duly adopted.
RESOLUTION TO ADD SEXTON AS AN ELIGIBLE PARTICIPANT: MOTION by J. Wooer, second by D. Knight to add the Sexton position as an eligible participant of the John Hancock Barry Township plan. ROLL CALL VOTE: LC: Yes. TS: Yes. DK: Yes. WK: Yes. JW. Yes. MOTION CARRIED.
DELTON KELLOGG ART DEPT LOGO: Brian Makowski presented members with logos designed by his art department students.
SHARON RITCHIE DISCUSSES INVASIVE SPECIES: Sharon spoke on the 5 invasive species that Upper Crooked Lake already hosts. To help control the further introduction of aquatic invasive species into Upper Crooked Lake, a watercraft wash station has been made operationalized and all watercraft entering the launch site will be subject to a visual inspection and washed by the owner or a trained attendant.
CONSUMERS ENERGY GUN LAKE AREA PROGRAM UPDATE: Consumers Energy Community Affairs Mangers Dennis McKee and Greg Moore addressed the improvements being made to our power poles and substations. Both are liaisons for customer questions or concerns in our area. Contact Mr. Moore :email:.
SMITH PARK IMPROVMENTS: Trustee Schuiteboer spoke about removing the horse shoe pits located in the park behind the township hall. Board held discussion on how much these horse shoe pits are used and what was needed to improve the pits. Supervisor Kahler will monitor the usage over the summer.
JUNE BILLS AND CHECK REGISTER: MOTION by J. Wooer, second by L. Campbell to approve the bills as presented and accept the check register from 5-3-17 to 6-6-17. ALL AYES MOTION CARRIED.
MOTION by W. Kahler second by L. Campbell to enter into CLOSED SESSION @8:23 p.m.
to discuss attorney client privileged material as described under Sec 8e.of The Open Meetings Act. ROLL CALL VOTE: DK: Yes. WK: Yes. JW: Yes. LC: Yes. TS: Yes. MOTION CARRIED.
MOTION by W. Kahler second by L. Campbell to go out of CLOSED SESSION and open the REGULAR Meeting @ 8:46 p.m.
Supervisor Kahler asked for any questions hearing none.
MOTION by L. Campbell, seconded by J. Wooer to adjourn at 8:46 p.m.
Debra J. Knight
Barry Township Clerk