(Curriculum Guidance for Foundation Stage page 74 , NNS Section 4 page 20 ,
NNS Section 5 page 23, NNS Section 6 pages 22 & 23, Year 7 Page 10 )
Year / Target
YR / Must:
Could: / Count out up to six objects from a larger group.
Use vocabulary such as half, halve, (e.g. How many cakes are there in the box. Take out half. How many did you take out?)
Understand and use in practical contexts halve, half.
as YR and
Y1 / Must:
Could: / Use vocabulary such as half, halve, (e.g. How many cakes are there in the box. Take out half. How many did you take out?)
Understand and use in practical contexts halve, half.
Begin to recognise that two halves or four quarters make one whole, and that two quarters and one half are equivalent.
as Y1 and
Y2 / Must:
Could: / Understand and use in practical contexts halve, half.
Begin to recognise that two halves or four quarters make one whole, and that two quarters and one half are equivalent.
Begin to recognise simple equivalent fractions e.g. five tenths and one half, five fifths and one whole.
as Y2 and
Y3 / Must:
Could: / Begin to recognise that two halves or four quarters make one whole, and that two quarters and one half are equivalent.
Begin to recognise simple equivalent fractions e.g. five tenths and one half, five fifths and one whole.
Recognise the equivalence of simple fractions.
as Y3 and
Y4 / Must:
Could: / Begin to recognise simple equivalent fractions e.g. five tenths and one half, five fifths and one whole.
Recognise the equivalence of simple fractions.
Recognise when two simple fractions are equivalent, including relating hundredths to tenths, e.g. = .
as Y4 and
Y5 / Must:
Could: / Recognise the equivalence of simple fractions.
Recognise when two simple fractions are equivalent, including relating hundredths to tenths, e.g. = .
Change a fraction such as to 4 and vice versa.
as Y5 and
Y6 / Must:
Could: / Recognise when two simple fractions are equivalent, including relating hundredths to tenths, e.g. = .
Change a fraction such as to 4 and vice versa.
Find equivalent fractions by cancelling or by multiplying numerator or denominator by the same number, e.g. cancel a fraction such as to and multiply the numerator and denominator by 5 to show that =
Lancashire Mathematics Team