Bessemer City Schools Elementary Daily Lesson Plan
Teachers: Wells, Cox, Sealie, Molden, Morris, & Canada Week of: October 7-11 Grade: 4th Subject: English
CCR Standard: Consult reference materials, (e.g. dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation and determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases.
Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words or phrases in a text relevant to a Grade 4 topic or subject area. RI. 4.4
Provide a concluding statement or section related to the information or explanation presented. W. 4.2e
Day of the Week / Daily Outcome / Before (Review or Introduction) / During (Guided Practice) / After (Independent Practice)Monday
Rigor Level
1 2 3 4
Homework: / I can statement: I can identify library organization.
English textbook (pages 142-143
post it
chart paper
markers / Strategy: Turn/Talk
Purpose: Activate prior knowledge.
Student Tasks: TW discuss the various resources of a library. SW make a list of books they have read. / Strategy: Group Writing
Purpose: Make connection to text
Student Tasks: SW make a two column table with one column titled fiction and the other nonfiction. SW tell which section each book will be found in the library. / Strategy: Journal Response
Purpose: Reflect on content in lesson.
Student Tasks (formative assessment): SW compare their choices, reflect on what they have learned in their journals, and complete page 143.
Rigor Level
1 2 3 4
Homework: / I can statement: I can distinguish between the types of cards in the card catalog.
Language textbook pgs. 144-145 / Strategy: KWL
Purpose: Activate prior knowledge and build background knowledge.
Student Tasks: SW discuss what they know about card catalog and fill in the K on their KWL chart. / Strategy: Jot Notes
Purpose: Make connection to the text.
Student Tasks: TW define, explain, and model. SW read page 144, copy bold printed words on pages 144 & 145, and fill in the W on their KWL chart. / Strategy: Exit Slips
Purpose: Reflect on content in lesson.
Student Tasks (formative assessment): SW tell tell which card they would use to find various books. SW also complete page 145 and write what they have learned.
Rigor Level
1 2 3 4
Homework: / I can statement: I can identify action verbs in sentences and supply action verbs to complete sentences.
Language textbook 152-153 / Strategy: Think- Pair-Share
Purpose: To build background knowledge and activate prior knowledge
Student Tasks: SW make a list that includes five things they did the night before. / Strategy: Turn and Talk
Purpose: Integrate new info with prior knowledge.
Student Tasks: SW highlight the the verbs from their list and select a verb to act out. / Strategy: Action Verb Charades
Purpose: Reflect on content in lesson and make learning interesting.
Student Tasks (formative assessment): Sw act out a verb from their complied list. The other students and teacher will attempt to guess what action is being performed.
Rigor Level
1 2 3 4
Homework: / I can statement: I can identify main and helping verbs.
English Textbook (Pgs. 66-69)
dictionary / Strategy: Chalk Talk
Purpose: To build background knowledge and activate prior knowledge.
Student Tasks: SW discuss previous taught lesson and share what they know about main verbs after treading page 154. / Strategy: Snowball Review
Purpose: Integrate new info with prior knowledge and make learning of interest to the students
Student Tasks: TW model/explain. SW section their paper into four squares. TW write a sentence on the board that requires the students to identify the main and helping verb. SW write the main and helping verb in a section of the paper. Once completed, the students will bald up their papers and throw them across the room so that another student can retrieve it. Once the paper is received by another student, they will open and share. Corrections will be made if necessary. / Strategy: Writing Application
Purpose: Reflect on content in lesson.
Student Tasks (formative assessment): Students will complete page 155
Rigor Level
1 2 3 4
Homework: / I can statement I can identify library organization, action verbs, and main /helping verbs.
Language textbook
Chart paper
Markers / Strategy: Think-Pair-Share
Purpose: Activate prior knowledge and keep students actively engaged
Student Tasks: SW reflect on previous taught skills / Strategy: Chalk Talk
Purpose: Assess prior knowledge
Student Tasks: TW draw a circle on board/chart paper. SW answer questions about their understanding of the previous taught lessons on the board/chart paper by writing comments inside or around the circle. / Strategy: Assessment
Purpose: To assess prior knowledge
Student Tasks (formative assessment): Sw complete a teacher made test.