Tuesday, September 6, 2011


On behalf of the entire staff, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome back all of our Tennyson families. A special welcome to all families that are joining us this year. We hope that your summer vacation was safe, enjoyable and memorable, and that you are ready for a productive and exciting 2011-2012 school year.I am looking forward to working with parents, staff and students to continue to make Lord Tennyson a caring, safe and academically challenging school.

To all of Tennyson’s parents, thank you in advance for your continued support of our school and your child’s education. By staying involved on a daily basis this will send a clear message to your child that learning is important. The 2011-2012 academic year promises to be exciting, productive, and full of many wonderful memories.

I welcome your comments, questions, and suggestions. Please feel free to contact me by telephone, email or drop in.


Jacquie Lavoie, Principal

Staff Updates and Welcomes

Please help us in welcoming the following new staff members to Tennyson!

We are thrilled to announce that Mme Miller had a baby girl on July 27th. Melina Miller and mum are doing very well. They had their first visit to Tennyson last week and plan on coming to see the students later on this month.

A warm welcomeSiaw Wong our new Administrative Assistant. Mme Wong is fluent in French having learned her French in Montreal. Please stop by the office to say hello.

We are pleased to announce that Mme Valerie Carriere will be the acting Vice-Principal until the end of December. She will be in this position 25% of the time and will also continue teaching at the intermediate level.

Welcome back to Mme Cynthia who is returning from her maternity leave. Welcome backto Mme Christine Simisterand Mme Caroline Shuhwho both received a full-time continuing contract.They will be working on the intermediate team.

Welcome back to Mme Bolegoh. Mme Bolegoh will be teaching part-time at the primary level. Human Resources are presently seeking a job share partner to work with her.

Welcome to Mme Nadine Cahan who will be job sharing with Mme Leong on Thursdays. Mme Cahan has experience teaching in French Immersion, most recently at L’Ecole Bilingue.

Welcome to Mme Joelle Butler who will be job sharing with Mme Cassells on Mondays and Tuesdays. Mme Butler has extension experience in French Immersion. She is currently teaching at Queen Elizabeth Annex as well.

Welcome to Mme Lisa Halowaty. Mme Halowaty taught for six years at L’Ecole Jules Quesnel at the Grade 2 level and most recently taught in Sqwamish in French Immersion. She joins our primary teaching team.

Welcome to Mme Peggy Louisy-Daniel. Mme Peggy has just moved to Vancouver with her family from France. She will be teaching at the Kindergarten, replacing Mme Chretien who continues to be on leave. Mme Peggy taught at the Kindergarten level in France.

And finally, welcome to Mme Ester Kamphuis who will be teaching Physical Education preps to intermediate students on Tuesday all day and Thursday afternoon. Mme Kamphuis has previously taught Physical Education at Queen Elizabeth Annex and has extensive coaching experience.

We are sad to announce that Mme Sylvie Texier will not be returning to Tennyson as she and her husband have returned to France. She will be greatly missed! We wish to thank her for all of her hard work, her dedication and joie de vie.

It is also with regret that we must announce that Tania, our Supervision Aide will not be returning, as she has also moved out of province. We are unsure yet as to who will be replacing Tanya. In the interim, a substitute will be filling the position. Tanya willbe sadly missed!

We still have a few unfilled positions. We are presently seeking a job share partner to work with Mme Valerie in the classroom. We are still in need of someone to provide Prep time to students at the primary level. This position was vacated when Mme Carver departed. Mme Juneau is still in need of a job share partner to work with her on Thursdays and Fridays. These positions will be posted and substitute teachers will fill the positions in the interim.

Start-Up Plans

As you are aware, students will be remaining with their previous teacher until we receive final staffing allocations from Human Resources. This could take up to one week. During this time, teachers will take the opportunity to review curriculum, work on social responsibility activities, individualized projects and group exchanges at some of the grade levels. As soon as we receive our staffing and are ready for students to begin in their new classes, we will notify you through your existing class parent. We thank you in advance for your support as we strive for a smooth transition into the new school year!

Playground Supervision

There are two staff members on supervision duty before school from 8:40 am until 8:55 am and two staff members on duty after school from 3:00 pm to 3:15 pm. Students arriving in the morning are asked to wait outside, as this is where the supervision is. On rainy mornings, students may go downstairs to the lunch room, as this is where the supervising teachers will be.

Please remind your child that at the end of the day, if the second bell has rung (3:15pm) and they have not been picked up, they must come into the office to let us know. Before 8:40 am and after 3:15 pm there is NO adult supervision outside, therefore children CANNOT be left on their own.

Children are NOT permitted to use the office telephone to make social arrangements.

For safety reasons, skateboards, scooters and roller blades ARE NOT to be ridden on school grounds during school hours, from 8:40 am to 3:15 pm. Students and parents are requested to walk their bikes, etc. on the school grounds.

Recess and Lunch

Three Supervision Aides are on duty at recess and lunch. Under no circumstances are students permitted to leave the school grounds at recess. Unless the office is notified in writing by parents that other arrangements have been made, we expect those students who stay for lunch to remain on the school grounds. Grade 6 and 7 students will be receiving a separate letter about leaving the school grounds during lunch hour on Fridays. Until this letter has been distributed, Grade 6 and 7 students are expected to remain at school for lunch.

Student Absence and Late Arrivals

It is very important that parents notify the office in advance if a child will be absent or late for school, as teachers take attendance promptly in the morning. You may leave a message at 713-5426 at anytime of day or night regarding absences.

Last year, chronically late arrivals were frequent and were of great concern to staff. We encourage parents to ensure that students arrive at school on time. Promptness is important; late students disrupt the classroom and it is difficult to keep up when valuable instruction time is missed.

Leaving During School Hours

If it is necessary for you to pick up your child during school hours because of an appointment or due to illness, please sign them out in the “Sign Out” binder located on the counter in the office. It is imperative that we know where our students are during school hours.

Valuable Personal Items

Valuable articles, money, games, toys, ipods, and all other electronic devices should not be brought to school unless specifically requested by the classroom teacher. Cell phones brought to school MUST be turned off and remain in the student’s backpack and cannot be used during school hours (8:40 am -3:00 pm). The school cannot assume responsibility for any missing items.


Parking is extremely limited around the school. Ticketing and towing is common, so please respect the signs accordingly. See attachments from the City of Vancouver regarding parking around schools.

Peanut Allergies

Some of our students have life threatening allergies to nuts and peanuts We ask your assistance in ensuring that students do NOT bring any foods containing nuts, peanuts or peanut butter to school.

Extended Vacations For Students

We have noticed that increasingly a number of students and their families have either extended their vacation after holidays or are taking holidays during the school year. We do not wish to be punitive when absences arise, nor do we wish to suggest that holidays are not permitted, but if you so choose to extend or take a holiday during the school year, teachers are not expected to prepare nor provide work for students during their absence.

100th Anniversary Party!

Please mark your calendar for Lord Tennyson’s 100th Anniversary Party on Friday, September 30th.

Many volunteers are needed for various tasks in order for the party to be a hit. Please see the sign-up board located outside the office.

If you know of any alumna’s, please forward this invitation on to them as well.