Women in Solid Waste & Recycling (WISR)
Women in Solid Waste & Recycling (WISR) is a 501 (c) 6 organizationestablished under California law with the goal of diversifying the decision makers in the waste and recycling industry by empowering women to take on leadership roles through networking and professional development and training hereby recognizesWISR ______Chapter as a program of Women in Solid Waste & Recycling. WISR is composed of members and chapters, includingthe______Chapter, whose interests coincide with the WISR goals and interests.
The Chapter shall be known as and shall operate using the name, Women in Solid Waste & Recycling, Chapter(the" Chapter" ) or "Chapter")... Although WISR is the ultimate authority in terms ofgovernance,the Chapter is authorized to develop and implement, with the approval of the WISR Board of Directors, regulations by which certain internal and external activitiesofthe Chapter shall begoverned.
TheChapter shall be permitted to solicit and recruit members from those persons who qualify for WISR membership who reside in, or are employed byemployers located in, the followinggeographicarea: .
Furthermore, the Chapter is authorized to seek reasonably priced sponsorships for all events as long as the solicitations do not impede WISR sponsorship solicitation at the national level.
In order to remain in good standing with WISR and to retain this charter, the
1.Conform to WISR and industry standards for professional and ethicalconduct;
2.Maintain minimum membership of ten (10) FullMembers; Members are members of WISR national organization.
3.Timely file with WISR all reports required by the Chapter andWISR’srequirements;
4.Maintain membership and potential member data. Use membership data only forWISRand Chapter business and communication. The membership data cannot be sold or used other than as noted above without express written approval ofWISR.
5.Use WISR logo and name only in connectionwiththeChapterand its approved activities. No alterations in design or color of the WISR logo can be used without the express written consent ofWISR.
6.Develop, engage in, endorse or sponsor only those programs, services, products or other activities consistent with WISR mission and goals. Such programs include networking, leadership development, skills training and industry tours.
7.Hold at least four events a year in locations deemed most likely to attract the largest participation.
8.Duly appoint or elect a Chapter Chairman and Secretary/Treasurer with responsibilities as outlined in the WISR chapter guidance.
9.Appoint or elect other officers as needed, including a Vice-Chair, Program Chair,
Marketing Chair and Membership Chair and Webmaster.
10.Form an Advisory Board, composed of Chapter officers and others as appropriate, to oversee the planning and programming as well as recruitment for the chapter.
11.The Chapter shall not be empowered to bind WISR or commit WISR resources under anycircumstances.
12.Conform to the Chapter guidelines, which may be updated from time to time.
WISR in its sole discretion, can designate other chapters in the territory of the
Chapter, as described above, if such action is deemed to be in the best interest of WISR and its members. No such action will be taken until certain actions, which shall include as a minimum, full open communications with all parties and a fair process including input from an affected chapter prior to making a final decision, have beentaken.
The Chapter acknowledges WISR’s ownership of the WISR logo and name and agrees that the Chapter’s use of the logo and name shall inure to the benefit of and be on behalf ofWISR.
TheChapter will abide by the WISRpolicies, procedures and guidances as revised from time to time.
The foregoing Charter oftheWISRChapter Corporation has been duly adoptedthis dayof ,20 , by action of the AdvisoryBoard of WISR
The foregoing Charter has been issued totheWISRChapter.
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