Develop, apply and share knowledge in your specialist area
/ This unit is about developing, applying and sharing knowledge in your specialist area. You will need to be able to define the scope of your specialist area and identify colleagues who need to know your specialist knowledge.
There are three elements
1 Develop your knowledge of your specialist area
2 Apply your specialist knowledge in your work
3 Share your specialist knowledge with others
Target Group
This unit is aimed at all SOCA officers.
Performance criteria
You must be able to: / Develop your knowledge of your specialist area
P1 clearly define the scope of your specialist area and how it contributes to your organisation's strategic objectives
P2 identify the sources of knowledge and expertise in your specialist area and how to access these sources
P3 use an appropriate range of methods and sources to obtain information about developments in your specialist area
P4 assess the accuracy, currency and validity of information about developments in your specialist area
P5 identify gaps in, or doubts about, your knowledge of your specialist area and carry out focused research to fill these gaps or alleviate these doubts
P6 evaluate the potential relevance and usefulness of new knowledge to your own work and the work of colleagues
P7 review your existing concepts, paradigms and understanding in the light of information about developments in your specialist area
P8 discuss with your peers your new concepts, paradigms and understanding to test their validity and refine them, where appropriate
P9 record your knowledge of your specialist area in ways that render the knowledge accessible to those who have a right to it
You must be able to: / Apply your specialist knowledge in your work
P10 identify situations in which your specialist knowledge – particularly new knowledge – could be applied to your work and the work of colleagues
P11 apply your specialist knowledge to your work and the work of colleagues
P12 review the application of your specialist knowledge and re-evaluate its relevance and usefulness to your own work and the work of colleagues
You must be able to: / Share your specialist knowledge with others
P13 articulate to colleagues the scope of your specialist area
P14 identify colleagues who need to know your specialist knowledge
P15 proactively communicate your specialist knowledge to colleagues who need to know it, in line with its classification
P16 make yourself available to colleagues who need to access your specialist knowledge
P17 protect classified knowledge and covert methods and sources in line with current policies and procedures
Knowledge and understanding
You need to know and understand: / Develop your knowledge of your specialist area
K1 the scope of your specialist area
K2 the sources of knowledge and expertise in your specialist area, and how to access these sources
K3 the range of methods to obtain information about developments in your specialist area
K4 the range of sources of information about developments in your specialist area
K5 why it is important to assess the accuracy, currency and validity of information about developments in your specialist area, and how to do so
K6 how to identify gaps in your knowledge of your specialist area
K7 how to carry out research to fill gaps in your knowledge of your specialist area
K8 how to evaluate the potential relevance and usefulness of new knowledge to your own work and the work of colleagues
K9 why it is important to review your existing concepts, paradigms and understanding in the light of information about developments in your specialist area, and how to do so
K10 peers with whom to discuss your new concepts, paradigms and understanding to test their validity and refine them
K11 how to record your knowledge of your specialist area in ways that render the knowledge accessible to those who have a right to it
You need to know and understand: / Apply your specialist knowledge in your work
K12 how to identify situations in which your specialist knowledge could be applied to your work and the work of colleagues
K13 the techniques to apply your specialist knowledge to your work and the work of colleagues
K14 the importance of reviewing the application of your specialist knowledge and re-evaluate its relevance and usefulness to your own work and the work of colleagues, and how to do so
You need to know and understand: / Share your specialist knowledge with others
K15 why it is important to articulate to colleagues the scope of your specialist area
K16 how to identify colleagues who need to know your specialist knowledge
K17 why it is important to proactively communicate your specialist knowledge to colleagues who need to know it, in line with its classification
K18 how to make yourself available to colleagues who need to access your specialist knowledge
K19 how to protect classified knowledge and covert methods and policies and procedures covering relating to classified material
Additional Information
Scope/range related to performance criteria / Develop your knowledge of your specialist area1. methods and sources
1.1 overt
1.2 covert
2. colleagues
2.1 fellow workers in your organisation
2.2 fellow workers outside your organisation
3. peers
3.1 other specialists in your organisation
3.2 other specialists outside your organisation
Apply your specialist knowledge in your work
4. colleagues
4.1 fellow workers in your organisation
4.2 fellow workers outside your organisation
Share your specialist knowledge with others
5. colleagues
5.1 fellow workers in your organisation
5.2 fellow workers outside your organisation
6. methods and sources
6.1 overt
6.2 covert
Developed by / Skills for Justice
Version number / 1
Date approved / November 2008
Indicative review date / November 2013
Validity / Current
Status / Original
Originating organisation / Skills for Justice
Original URN / SFJ CM101
Relevant occupations / Law and legal services; Protective Service Occupations
Suite / Policing and Law Enforcement
Key words / develop knowledge, apply knowledge, share knowledge, police, specialist area
SFJ CM101 Develop, apply and share knowledge in your specialist area 6