Bonjour! Bienvenue!
Welcome to French with Mademoiselle Watson at Mattacheese the school year 2009-2010. Here are some guidelines for success in this class based on our school Code of Conduct, an explanation of grades as well as an outline of topics we will cover this year.
respect oneself: A student who respects himself or herself listens and participates in class, comes prepared for class, accepts responsibility for himself or herself and works hard. A prepared student enters the classroom with homework, a binder with French materials, and writing utensils.
respect other people: A student who respects other people lets others learn, lets the teacher teach, helps others, follows the school and classroom rules, and speaks kindly toward others.
respect our school: A student who respects our school takes care of school property(books, furniture, equipment, etc.), shows guests good citizenship and a sense of pride about our school and thinks of ways to make our school even better.
responsibility for actions: A student who is responsible for his or her actions makes appropriate choices, accepts consequences for poor or irresponsible choices without argument and works on avoiding the same mistake in the future.
Students who do not follow these guidelines will spend time after school in a detention with me.
grades: Student grades are composed of homework classwork AND quizzes projects.
homework and classwork:
50% of the total grade
graded on a scale of 0-10
should be resubmitted until it is at least an 8
may be turned in late without loss of credit
must be your own work, not copied from a computer or a friend
quizzes and projects:
50% of the total grade
must be your own work
may NOT be retaken or resubmitted
must be made up within two weeks of an absence
Extra creditcan be found on the website Students are expected to regularly visit the website to earn extra credit and to keep up with homework and classwork. Please visit EDLINE regularly to check on your grades. Students may also comment on my blog for extra credit:
Topics we will cover in 6th grade:
Greetings: introduce yourself and greet someone in French
Classroom Objects: identify objects in your binder as well as in the classroom
Classroom Commands: listen to directions in French and follow them
Numbers: identify numbers 0-60 and some basic math in French!
French Speaking Countries: become familiar with many French speaking countries in the world and discover where you can speak French
Geography of Europe: locate France and its neighbors in Europe
In every unit there will be homework assignments to practice new material, quizzes and projects. Some projects will be in groups, some in pairs and some individual. Students are expected to read, write, speak and listen during class.
We will also watch cultural videos, look at Powerpoint presentations of pictures I have taken in France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Canada and read supplementary materials about French speaking countries.
I stay after school every day except Wednesdays. Students are welcome to stay for help, to make up quizzes or homework and I will accept students for detentions any day that I stay after school. Students do not need to sign up ahead of time to stay with me.
I am looking forward to another exciting year and I hope you are as well! Please sign this letter and show to me so that I know you have read it!
Student Signature:
Parent/Guardian Signature:
Email address: Website: