February 17, 2016

NW Cape/Seven Island Workshop Minutes

JO – Javier Omana

JO - the purpose of the workshop is to present 5 Seven-Island development concepts.

Concept A – current entitlement by right 3 stories; no backfill – 210 to 607 units; 607 with height variances (12.6 DUS/ac); smart street landscaping and drainage.

Concept B –Charrette “Organic Plan”; low dense, with TH, MF, commercial village and marina.

Concept C – Complete street design for Old Burnt Store Rd.; boardwalk for spreader canal public access; 5 to 6 story buildings.

Concept D – Continue with the Old Burnt Store Rd. Smart Street, with bioswales, multi-purpose path and landscaping. Non-residential component consists of a hotel resort, restaurant and retail commercial. The concept calls for an enhanced Tropicana Park, has 995 units and a marina.

Concept E – 1300 units and 12 stories.

Typical 100-ft. Offset and buffer from Old Burnt Store Rd. to development

Q & A

Rob Lafrate – have we identified what the goal is?

JO -The design goal is to have a mix of uses and units for a viable community; public realm for parks and perimeter island boardwalk and trails to activate the waterfront.

Bruce C. -Water access South Opening with boat traffic tie up around the bend? Why not an additional cut?

JO -Cannot really can answer the question due to project scope, and State and Federal land and water ownership. The project is a 25 yr. plan and the demand does not warrant it.

Nate Bliss – What map and zoning code changes? Where is the NW Cape Master Plan? What new uses?

JO – We will be making amendment recommendations to LDC and Comp. Plan, thatin part will be based on the City’s selected plan. Purpose is to give the City options and basic regulatory parameters.

Bill ? – What canals are to be cut off?

JO – Propose back fill for limited portions of the 7 Island dead-end canal(s) that adjoin the Old Burnt Store roadside.

Dennis ? - Old Burnt Store Bridges – are they to be raised in height?

JO – No specific answer to bridge height; have looked at a bridge to be removed and are depicting one bridge being pulled out.

Rich ODonnel – What conclusions did you draw regarding high rise buildings?

JO –City has asked to see a tall building scenario, all 5 concept plans large buffer and setback from Old Burnt Store Rd. to the development pad.

Emille Odon – 130-ft wide canal in a res. Neighborhood; how did you come to the conclusions for high rises?

JO –The City has asked to see a tall building scenario; we are tasked with providing different options regarding height, housing, commercial, etc.

John Spicousa? – Understand that a goal is to be a destination? Did you look at a two-story Mercando Naples model?

JO – From a 100% residentialconcept plan to higher intensities with non-residential uses (concept plans B to E).

Ray ?– Boater; where are the docks?

JO – Waterfront activation includes docks and marinas; the scale makes it difficult to render.

Lorali – How many people want to leave it the way it is? Like it as-is. Do not develop the property.


Carl Veaux – San Souci is a big no for high rises; Cape is SF. What about Hurricane storm surge?

JO – Needs to comply with all local, state and federal rules.

Frank Bower – Public Park Space and then leave it alone; build the project elsewhere.

JO – Public parks bookend concept plans B, C, D & E, along with other OS and recreational areas.

Carol Adams – Where are the council members? There is no transparency.

JS (John Szerlag)– 3 council members are currently present. The project team is tasked with creating options for the council. There will be 2 more public meetings, including a 3 April council workshop that will include public input. The 2nd meeting will be formal Council hearing. Potential changes to code and the plan will result in additional City Council public hearings. Council makes the final decision on concept plans, rules and regulations.

Bill Buron – Has the decision been made? “Enrichment” and financial impacts to neighbors?

Rick Williams – The project and process is not operating in a vacuum. The City Council has had limited meetings with consultants and this is the first time I have seen all of the concepts. Not working around the people.

Sue ? – Any thought to make the islands nature/park/restaurants without housing?

JO - It is City owned property and the Council decides; but our concept plans are not for 100% open space.

Russ Moody – off Tropicana - Concern #1 Not having the opportunity to be engaged in design via web site. Multiple meetings did not happen though the June 29 kick off meeting stated that there were going to be multiple meeting. City has not involved the public; no public meetings. Charrettes – 7 hr public part of the project. Less than 1% representation during Charrettes.

JO –The project team has completed various tasks under the contracted scope; these tasks have included extensive public outreach and meetings.

? -- Will the council consider having the meetings in the winter?

JO – N/A

Scott Filleppe–What is south of Pine Island Rd. should be north of Pine Island Rd.? High rises will cost more to tax payers. Why not lease out to restaurant for one island? Keep other islands for park, etc. Ecotourism with passive and active recreation.