November 2017doc.: IEEE 802.11-17/1573r1
IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs
Date: 2017-11-10
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Stephen McCann / BlackBerryLtd / The Pearce Building, West Street, Maidenhead, SL6 1RL, UK / +44 1753 667099 /
IEEE 802.11 Plenary Meeting – Session #166
Caribe Royale Hotel, Orlando, Florida, USA
November6th–10th, 2017
IEEE 802.11Opening Plenary, Monday 6thNovember 2017
The chair: Adrian STEPHENS (Intel Corporation) opened the meeting at 10:30Eastern Standard Time(EST).
Jon ROSDAHLVice-chair 1 (VC1)Qualcomm
Dorothy STANLEYVice-chair 2 (VC2)HPE
Stephen MCCANNSecretaryBlackBerry
There are316 votingand 13 Ex-Officio members of IEEE 802.11
- Approve/modify joint opening agenda(11-17-1526r1)
1.1.This is the main agenda for the week and shows the allocation of meetings to time slots. The meeting is in Quorum.
1.2.Chair: Please note the changes to the agenda meeting graphic as shown.
1.3.Move to approve the agenda (graphic and Monday agenda only) which will become 11-17-1526r2
1.4.Moved Al Petrick, 2nd Nikola Serafimovski
1.5.No objection to the approval of the agenda.
- Notices(11-17-1527r0)
2.1.Please note that photographs and recording devices are not allowed in these meetings and put cell phones to vibrate please.If there are any members of the press present, please can they make themselves known.
- Attendance
3.1.Please remember to login and register your attendance.
3.2.15people attended this meeting for the first time out of 203people in the room.
3.3.Secretary: There will be a new member’s meeting today at 13:30 (PM1) today, in room Bonaire 3.
- Policy and Procedures(11-17-1559r0)
4.1.Regarding patent information, please view for IEEE-SA patent information.
4.2.The VC2called for essential patents information.
4.3.No statements were made.
4.4.The IEEE-SA policy and procedures were also reviewed.
4.5.Slide #13 shows some topics that were discussed as potential changes for the future. One of these items regarding tutorials and non-badged events, will be considered at the 802 Executive Committee (EC) meeting on Friday afternoon this week.
4.6.Slide #16 also identifies some proposed changes to the IEEE 802.11 Operations Manual (OM).
4.7.Please respond to WG letter ballots to avoid losing your voting rights.
4.8.No questions
- September 2017 WG Minutes
5.1.Are there any matters arising from those minutes please?
5.2.Move to approve the Waikoloa September 2017minutes in document 11-17-1218r1
5.3.Moved: Stephen McCann, 2nd: Stuart Kerry
5.4.Following neither discussion nor dissent, the minutes were approved by unanimous consent.
- Announcements
6.1.1.Chair: There are quite a few liaisons both incoming (slide #4) and outgoing (slide #5) this week, as described in these slides. The incoming liaison from NGMN (11-17-1569r0) will be dealt with by the AANI ad-hoc meeting.
6.1.2.No questions
6.2.Krack vulnerabilities (11-17-1527 slide #6)
6.2.1.Chair: This shows some of the activities regarding the WPA2 “Krack” vulnerability.
6.2.2.TGmd will consider some of the issues regarding this during the week.
6.3.Procedure regarding forwarding drafts to RevCom (11-17-1630)
6.3.1.Chair: This shows a reminder of the process that a project with unsatisfied mandatory coordination comments should follow. This suggests the creation of a waiver that needs to be considered by the EC on Friday.
6.4.Other IEEE 802 working groups (11-17-1527 slide #8)
6.4.1.VC1: This slide shows links to the agendas of the other working groups and joint meetings. TGaq will present an overview to IEEE 802.1 on Wednesday. IEEE 802.11ah and IEEE 802.15.4g coexistence will be considered within IEEE 802.19.
6.5.Meeting rooms and online calendar (11-17-1539r0 slide #5)
6.5.1.VC1: Please note that online calendar has been updated and is more automated and should match the attendance and online schedule.There is a QR code on your registration pack to find an online agenda and schedule.
6.6.January 2018 interim (11-17-1539r0 slide #7)
6.6.1.VC1: Please note that the January 2018 meeting will be in Irvine, California, USA. Please remember to reserve your hotel rooms as soon as possible.
6.7.March 2018 plenary(11-17-1539r0 slide #8)
6.7.1.VC1: This meeting will be held in Rosemont, Illinois, USA.
6.8.Attendance(11-17-1539r0slide #9)
6.8.1.VC1: Please remember to register your attendance including affiliation for each meeting that you attend. Please record your attendance honestly.
6.8.2.Comment (C): Please note that the IEEE-SA web accounts are free.
6.9.Breaks and Wednesday social (11-17-1539r0slide #11)
6.9.1.Please note the times of lunches and breaks. There will be a cash lunch provided by the hotel.
6.9.2.Breakfast is included in the registration and will be in the main foyers.
6.9.3.Question (Q): Some of the emails from Face to Face Events have been blocked by corporate email systems.
6.9.4.Answer (A): Ok, I will check.RegOnline is our new registration system and it sent several emails to all registered attendees, but it’s not clear which Face to Face Events emails were blocked.
6.9.5.The social is on Wednesday evening. Please obtain a guest badge from the IEEE 802 registration desk for any guests.
- Status of all groups (11-17-1527r0 slide #15)
7.1.Chair: These slides show the general structure of the IEEE 802.11 activities and all the current officers for all the sub-groups.
7.3.No changes have been noted for the timeline chart at the moment.
7.4.There are reports of all the current groups within the document11-17-1558r1. Here are some extra notes:
7.5.Editor’s Meeting: This occurs at 7am on Tuesday morning. The publication order of TGaj, TGak and TGaq will be considered.
7.6.Coex SC: This will review the relationships with ETSI BRAN and 3GPP RAN regarding co-existence issues in unlicensed spectrum.
7.7.PAR SC: This Standing Committee (SC) will formalize the review of PARs from other IEEE 802 working groups. There are 3 PARs to be reviewed this week, 2 of which belong to IEEE 802.11. In addition, the 802.1CBcv PAR will also be looked at. Note, that some of the PAR meetings may be quite short this week.
7.8.WNG: There is one meeting on Tuesday morning to consider future topics for IEEE 802.11. There are currently 2 presentations.
7.9.REVmd:the most recent draft is D0.4 which rolls in 802.11ai and 802.11ah, together with approved comments over the last few meetings.
7.10.TGak: Please note that Mark Hamilton (the vice-chair) will be chairing these meetings this week.
7.11.TGax: The recent letter ballot (#230) failed with a 63% approval rate, with 3400 comments. Therefore, the plans this week are to proceed with comment resolutions.
7.12.TGba: Their initial letter ballot is now planned for May 2018 with Draft 1.0
7.13.LC SG: During this meeting, a PAR and CSD document will be considered by the study group.
7.13.1.Chair: Please can you mention the press release
7.13.2.LC SG chair: There is a press release about this new light communication technology. Together with the IEEE-SA a press release has been created. The intention is to publish this press releases (11-17-1589r1) as soon as possible.
7.13.3.Chair: Please can you review this document if you are interested. There will be a motion to approve this document during the Friday IEEE 802.11 closing plenary.
- Any Other Business
8.2.Meeting recessed at 11:51EST
Wednesday, 8thNovember 2017
IEEE 802.11 Mid-Week Plenary
Presiding chair: Adrian STEPHENS (Intel Corporation) opened the meeting at 10:31EST
179people present.
- Approve/modify joint opening agenda(11-17-1526r2)
9.1.Chair: There have been a few changes earlier today, so I propose to approve 11-17-1526r3
9.2.C: Please can I request some time about an IEEE 802.18 issue which is relevant to IEEE 802.11. The topic is the “FCC response the IEEE”.
9.3.Chair: Any objection to accepting these changes to the agenda.
- Call for Essential Patents
10.1.Call for essential patents
10.2.No statements were made.
- Announcements (11-17-1528r0)
11.2.Chair: Please can all sub-group chairs remember to attend the CAC on Thursday evening at 7.30pm.If you can’t attend, please can a delegate be found.
- Wi-Fi Alliance liaison (11-17-1773r0)
12.1.Update on the current activities of the Wi-Fi Alliance.
12.2.No questions
- IETF liaison (11-17-1557r0)
13.1.Update on the current activities of the IETF.
13.2.No questions
- IEEE 802.11 graphic changes (11-17-1526r2)
14.1.Chair: Are there any room releases?
14.2.TGax will release the Wed and Thurs PM2 slots.
14.3.Chair: Are there room requests?
14.4.TGaz would like 1 more slot please,Thurs AM2.
14.5.TGba would like to move TGba from Thurs PM2 to Wed PM2.
14.6.TGaq would like 1 more slot please, Thurs AM1
14.7.Chair: most of those changes are reasonable.
14.8.Motion: Approve the room changes to the agenda 11-17-1526r4
14.8.1.Moved: Stephen McCann, 2nd: Ian Sherlock
14.8.2.No objection to approving by unanimous consent
- Disclosure of affiliation (ec-17-0171r0)
15.1.Chair: This presentation is about some revised guidance on affiliation that has been prepared by the IEEE-SA.
15.2.C: The affiliation is recorded in the attendance report. However, affiliations are not recorded for each motion. Therefore, doesn’t this mean that we should have recorded votes?
15.3.Chair: A recorded vote would give more detail as to who voted yes/no and may include affiliation in the spreadsheet, but the affiliation is recorded in the IMAT record and in the minutes.
- Patent Committee questions (11-17-1528r0 slide #8)
16.1.Chair: This is the response to the questions from IEEE 802.11 to PatCom from an earlier meeting of IEEE 802.11.
16.2.No questions
- Liaisons from AANI
17.1.This presentation is about 2 draft liaisons (11-17-1750r3 and 11-17-1744r3) being developed within the AANI Standing Committee. They will be brought to the Friday closing plenary for approval.
17.2.C: It’s good to see that these liaisons (and especially the incoming liaisons) do show that 3GPP and NGMN is considering the inclusion of IEEE 802.11 within 5G. A question is how does IEEE 802.11 identify any performance gaps that 3GPP and NGMN have within their 5G requirements.
17.3.A: It’s not completely clear at the moment, how will this be achieved.
17.4.Chair: I’d like to add that these liaisons will be the position of IEEE 802.11 and not the IEEE 802 EC.
17.5.Q: Should the IEEE 5G committee be considered?
17.6.Chair: I’m not sure, but I’ll ask the IEEE 802 EC.
- IEEE 802.11 for 5G (11-17-1560r0)
18.1.This is a discussion about the motion text within this document addressing sending 802.11ac as an IMT-2020 submission.
18.2.The motion is required to schedule work within AANI before a specific date.
18.3.C: I’m not happy with the word “instruct”.
18.4.A: Perhaps we can change the word to “invite”.
18.5.Invite AANI to prepare draft documents meeting the 31 Jan 2018 requirements for submission of 11ac to ITU-R Working Party 5D as an IMT-2020 5G RIT and
18.6.Bring the documents for consideration and approval at the January IEEE 802.11 interim meeting.
18.7.Moved: Rakesh Taori, 2nd Harry Bims
18.7.1.C: I speak against this motion. This is requesting the AANI standing committee to do some work. However, I understand that this decision has already been made in IEEE 802.11.
18.7.2.Q: On Monday evening, there was a tutorial about this. During that tutorial, there was a straw poll. Do you feel that there is enough people to do this work?
18.7.3.A: This is a summary of the tutorial showing the results of the straw polls.
18.7.4.C: I just wonder if you have enough support within AANI to do this.
18.7.5.AANI chair: I’m willing to allow a group of people within the AANI SC to do this work.
18.7.6.Q: I speak against this motion. Why is this motion being brought to IEEE 802.11. Can’t this just be done within the AANI SC as an agenda item?
18.7.7.C: I speak in favor of this motion to do some more work in this area.
18.7.8.C: I also speak in favor of this motion, as it gives IEEE 802.11 another opportunity to consider 11ac as a candidate for 5G in IMT 2020
18.7.9.C: I speak against the motion, as it appears to be re-visiting the decision made by IEEE 802.11 one year ago.
18.7.10.C: I speak against the motion, as I don’t think 11ac is a reasonable candidate for IMT 2020.
18.7.11.I speak in favor of this motion. I think there is a lot of support for re-evaluating 11ac as an IMT 2020 candidate.
18.7.12.I also speak in favor of this motion.
18.7.13.I also speak in favor of this motion and I think that 11ac is a good candidate.
18.7.14.C: Please can you remove “11ac” from the motion text?
18.8.Move to amend the motion by removing “11ac”
18.8.1.Moved: Dmitry Cherniavsky, 2nd Hiroshi Mano
18.8.2.C: The timeline is very tight and I’d prefer to just concentrate on 11ac.
18.8.3.C: I speak against the amendment, as it becomes meaningless.
18.8.4.For: 47, Against: 30, Abstain: 39 (Motion passes)
18.9.Invite AANI to prepare draft documents meeting the 31 Jan 2018 requirements for submission of 11 to ITU-R Working Party 5D as an IMT-2020 5G RIT and
18.10.Bring the documents for consideration and approval at the January IEEE 802.11 interim meeting.
18.10.1.Mover changed from Rakesh Taori to Jon Rosdahl
18.10.2.Moved: Jon Rosdahl, 2nd Harry Bims
18.10.3.C: The title of the slide still states “11ac”.
18.10.4.Chair: Yes, but it’s not part of the motion under consideration.
18.10.5.For: 51, Against: 23, Abstain: 52 (Motion passes)
- New MIB recommendations (11-14-1068r0 & 11-15-0355r12)
19.1.Document (11-14-1068r0) provides a description of the problems encountered within the MIB. The architecture group (ARC) has been working on this for several years to create some guidelines on MIB styles and guidelines.
19.2.Please look at the results of this work as described within document 11-15-0355r12. This document will be considered at the IEEE 802.11 meeting in January 2018 for approval. If approved it will become part of the style guide for future IEEE 802.11 amendments.
19.3.Q: Within the 802.11aq there are some new MIB variables which may be affected by these recommendations.
19.4.C: Yes, we’ll need to look at it.
19.5.Chair: I suggest that ARC and TGaq consider this issue please. I may suggest that any required change be brought to TGmd, as TGaq have almost completed their work. I would also like to thank the ARC SC chair for all his hard work putting this together.
- Develop submission for FCC response to IEEE broadcast society
20.1.This is to inform IEEE 802.11 about work that is being done within IEEE 802.18 regarding the creation of a statement (or liaison) to the FCC regarding the 5 and 6 GHz band. If you are interested please come along to the IEEE 802.18 sessions tomorrow. If IEEE 802.18 create an output document (e.g. a statement or liaison to the FCC), it may come back to the IEEE 802.11 Friday plenary for approval.
20.2.C: There is an issue between IEEE 802.18 and some of the other IEEE 802 WGs. Therefore IEEE 802.18 needs to do some more work on this.
20.3.Chair: If such a document is produced, IEEE 802.11 can consider this during the Friday closing plenary.
20.4.C: The IEEE broadcast society made a comment about DFS, which needs to be responded to. The FCC does not consider any unlicensed technology over another, so there is a co-existence issue that needs to be dealt with.
20.5.Chair: I also note that if the 11ax PAR is indeed updated for 6 GHz band operation, then their co-existence document will also need to be updated.
- Recess
21.1.Meeting recessed at 12:20EST
Friday, 10thNovember 2017
IEEE 802.11 Closing Plenary
Call to order at 08:00EST by Adrian STEPHENS (Intel Corporation).
69people present in the room.
- Agenda (11-17-1526r5)
22.1.Chair: Since the previous version, I’ve added various agenda itemsfor this meeting. In addition, there are some new motions.
22.2.Move to approve the agenda in document 11-17-1526r6
22.3.Moved: Al Petrick, Second: Tim Godfrey
22.4.No objections, so moved and approved.
- Call for Essential Patents
23.1.The meeting is still operating the P&Ps as described on Monday
23.2.Call for Essential Patents and Letters of Assurance (LoA)
23.3.The participation slide was also presented
- Announcements(11-17-1528r0)
24.1.Minutes and documents
24.1.1.Please can everyone remember that minutes, should be completed within 30 days, once the meeting is closed.
24.2.Preparation for January 2018
24.2.1.In preparation for the January 2018 meeting, there will be our usualCAC teleconference meetings between now and that meeting, on December 11th2017 and January 8th 2018 noon ET.
24.3.LoA(slide #13)
24.3.1.Chair: Please note that there is one outstanding LoAs as shown on the slide.
24.3.2.No questions
24.4.IEEE Store(slide #14)
24.4.1.Chair: There are a couple of issues with the 11ai and 11aq drafts, although IEEE staff have been informed about this.
24.4.2.Please note that the “Get 802” program will move into the IEEE Explorer tool.
24.4.3.No questions
- Meeting Location(11-17-1539r1 slide #17)
25.1.VC1: Can I have a show of hands to see who is in favor of returning to this location again?
25.2.For: 20, Against: 12
25.3.VC1: How many people enjoyed the social?
25.4.Yes: 25, Did not: 2, Did not attend: 8
- Future Venues(slide #18 and slide #19)
26.1.VC1: Please note that the next wireless interim is:
26.1.1.January 2018 is at the Hotel Irvine, CA, USA
26.2.The venues for the other future wireless interims and plenaries are also shown.
26.4.Q: Is there a Bangkok meeting coming up?
26.5.A: Yes, this will occur in November 2018 and replaces the original China meeting.
- Treasurer’s Report
27.1.VC1: This is the current treasurer’s report.
27.2.This is the balance sheet to October 31st 2017. The surplus has increased by about $40,000.
27.3.The balance is roughly $500,000 at the moment.
27.4.The budget for the January 2018 interim meeting is to incur a small loss.
27.5.No questions
- Timeline Update
28.1.There are changes to the following timelines: TGak, TGaq, and TGax. The timeline chart will be updated shortly.
28.2.No questions
- WG Committee Reports(11-17-1561r0)
29.1.Attendance (slides#4)
29.1.1.The main attendance this week has been in TGba, followed by TGax
29.1.2.It’s also interesting to see that the general trend is a constant level of about 600 document submissions per meeting.
29.1.3.No questions
29.2.Technical editor (11-17-1561r0, slide #9)
29.2.1.Please note the editor’s style guide and the rules on slide #11 for figures.
29.2.2.Slide #12 shows a revised order and publication dates of the next amendments. TGaj, TGak and TGaq have now changed order. The RevCom date for all three is now March 2018.
29.2.3.Please use Visio for any figures that are developed.
29.2.4.VC1: Because the order has been changed, the dependency on slide #12 needs to be updated.
29.2.5.This slide will be updated for the January 2018 meeting.
29.3.AANISC (slide #15)
29.3.1.Chair: I’ve spoken to the IEEE representative to ITU-R and I have been informed that there is an approval process for submissions to IMT-2020. Please can the AANI chair talk to the representative.
29.3.2.AANI chair: Yes, sure.
29.4.ARCSC(slide #19)
29.4.1.No questions
29.5.PAR SC(slide #26)
29.5.1.VC1: These are the various comments compiled by IEEE 802.11 regarding the 3PARs from other IEEE 802 working groups this week. There was a 4th one that was added late, IEEE 802.1CBcv. IEEE 802.11’s understanding is that the IEEE 802.1CBcv scope is too broad at the moment.