Partner: EfVET Date: 30 September 2015
Period Covered by this Review: 1 April2015 to 30September 2015
Please complete this form to record the activities and progress in the period.
Communication:Which partners have you had communications with?
How often and in which way have you communicated with partners? / Communication with all partners by emails.
Emails on a monthly
Innovatory aspects:
Describe any innovatory aspects to your activities. / -Targeting news on POOLS3 Facebook
-Contributions to Pools 3 newsletters and EfVET Newsletter.
Do you feel that information relating to the management of the project is sufficient, relevant and effective? (Please comment).
Give a rating on a scale of 5 to 1.
5 being the the most positive. / We receive sufficient and clear information and the partnership working has continued to be of high order, with prompt sharing of information and ideas between all participants.
List of dissemination activities you have been engaged in. / Leaflets handed out in some events :
-Teaching Entrepreneurship? How education can make entrepreneurship more attractive, Brussels, BE
-Youth debate at the European Parliament, Brussels, BE
-European Workshop related to the Development of Professional Qualifications for VET, Brussels, BE
-Cloud, Big Data, Internet of Things: How they transform eHealth, Brussels, BE
-“Intergenerational learning for inclusive societies”, Brussels, BE
-Validation of learning outcomes: opportunities and threats for non-formal education, Brussels, BE
-Methods final conference, Guadeloupe, FR
-IATH, International Academy of Tourism and Hospitality, Milan, Italy
-EfVET Executive meeting and Steering Committee meeting, Brussels, BE
-EfVET Annual Conference in Paphos, Cyprus
External impact/mainstreams:
Any multiplier effect/impact. / We put information about the project on EfVET website:
We upload the Pools 3 Newsletterson EfVET website
and on EfVET Facebook page
We share all information about the Pools 3 project on EfVET Facebook page
Regular updates to project Facebook page
We informed more 400 + stakeholders, including vocational school about the project directly by email or via EfVET News (monthly)
We upload the Pools 3 project on EfVET currently project brochure
Overall comment: / The 2year project had rather busy but really successful and we have learnt a lot from all partners. Great team!
Summary of Local Activities in the period:
Contributing articles for the newsletters.
Sharing information about the project to partners of EU projects and stakeholders.
Milestones met:
Facebook up and running very well.
Contributions to Final report.
Communication platforms up and running, regular updates and contributions.
Contributions to quarterly project newsletter.
Delays (if any) in planned activities and outputs:
If applicable how will the team compensate for the delays and catch up:
Other comments:N/A
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