Name: ______
Prompt:A consistently debated question about education is: Should students be required to read literature?
Background:There is a divide among people regarding the necessity of reading literature. Some believe that reading literature is unnecessary because it is fictional, and they feel it is more beneficial to focus on reading non-fiction or informational texts that are based on real life events and situations. Others believe that reading literature is vital to one’s education because it deals with real problems and allows readers to learn life lessons from fictional characters.
The essay must be five paragraphs (introduction, 2-3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion).
You must use two organizational strategies for persuasive writing (causal chain concession and rebuttal).
Also, use three of the seven elaboration strategies (anecdote, scenario, examples, description, definition, statistics and facts, quotations).Don’t use the same strategy more than once!
The essay must be typed, double spaced, and follow MLA format.
You must highlight and label the following on your final draft:
- Concession/rebuttal
- Causal Chain
- Three expository strategies
You must submit your essay to AND turn in a printed copy to me! If you do not upload your essay to, you grade for the assignment will remain a 0 until you do…
The essay is due ______.
4 / 3 / 2 / 1Support of Prompt
(20 pts) / Completely addresses the prompt
Ideas stated in topic and concluding paragraphs align with variety in structure (20) / Mostly addresses the prompt
Ideas stated in topic and concluding paragraphs align (17) / Attempts to address the prompt
Ideas stated in topic and concluding paragraphs don’t align (15) / Does not answer the prompt
Missing topic or concluding paragraph (13)
Use of Persuasive Strategies
(30 pts) / Effectively uses 2 different persuasive strategies (30) / Uses 2 persuasive strategies (26) / Effectively uses only 1 persuasive strategy (22) / Uses only 1 persuasive strategy (or none) (19)
Use of Expository Strategies
(30 pts) / Effectively uses 3 different expository strategies (30) / Uses 3 different expository strategies (26) / Uses 2 different expository strategies (22) / Uses 1 expository strategies (19)
Conventions and Grammar
(10 pts) / Minimal convention errors (10) / Some convention errors, but does not impede reader(8) / Convention errors begin to impede reader (7) / Convention errors detract from meaning (6)
(10 pts) / Paragraphs are formatted appropriately. (10) / Paragraphs have 1 formatting error. (7) / Paragraphs have 2 or more formatting errors. (6)
Total: ______/100