Fun, Food, Friends and Faith
An exciting after school program for community children (through 6th grade)
When? Wednesdays after school, beginning Wednesday, September 21, at approximately 3:05pm when the school bus or parents drop the children off.
Where? Grace Lutheran Church, Highway 26 in South Range, 906-482-2011.
Why? To provide another option for families in the community who would like their children engaged in positive and enjoyable after school activities.
What? The tentative schedule for this fun and educational event is as follows:
3:05pm Welcome and Snack
3:15pm Music and Dancing
3:40pm Bible Lesson and Craft
5:00 pm Closing
5:15pm All children MUST be picked up
We anticipate the children being picked up by parents or authorized adult no later than 5:15pm. Of course, children may be picked up earlier for your convenience. You are also welcome to visit at any time during the program year.
Who is it for? Not limited to members of Grace Lutheran Church, the after school program is for all area children who are not yet in the 7th grade.
Who is in charge? Katie Bridgers is coordinating this program which will be staffed by congregation and community volunteers.
What’s the gimmick? No cost to you this is FREE! This program is as straight forward as presented here. Many families in the area want a safe and helpful setting where their children can learn about God’s love. Contributing to the faith development of children is our goal at Grace Lutheran, where we strive to serve our community.
*Although the weekly bible story will be told by Pastor Sally Wilke and other lay leaders, of Grace Lutheran, there will be no particular denominational focus. In the fall, the stories will come from the Old Testament and will tell of God’s continual love and faithfulness for all people. After Christmas, the stories will come from the New Testament and will speak of the coming of Jesus and his work on earth among the people.
Please call with questions, concerns or stop by the church to see the curriculum and learn more about the program. Church phone #: 482-2011. Speak to Katie. If you’d like to register your child(ren), please complete the attached form and return to the church office prior to their first attendance.
Grace Lutheran Church
After School Program
Hours of Operation:
Following the area school calendar, from September to June, we are open on Wednesdays from 3:05 to 5:00 P.M.
Note: If school is closed due to poor weather conditions, we will not be holding the after school program.
Pick Up Time:
Pick up time will be no later than 5:15 P.M.
Admitting and Releasing Children:
The After School Program must have a completed registration. Children will only be released to a person authorized to pick up the child. We cannot accept responsibility for children not enrolled in our program.
Healthy snacks are provided. Parents are welcome to donate packaged goods to be used in snack preparation, if desired.
Visiting the After School Program:
Parents are welcome to visit any time they choose.
Grace Lutheran Church
After School Program
(All entries must be complete, including addresses, phone numbers,
and signatures or registration will be considered incomplete.)
Date ______
Name of Each Child School Grade Birth Date Allergies
Please explain any additional information concerning your child’s allergies/special needs: ______
Parent/Guardian Information:
Parent #1 Name Email
Address City State
Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone
Parent #2 Name Email
Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone
Emergency Information:
In the event of an emergency and I am unable to be reached, I authorize the following persons to pick up my child/children:
Name Relationship Address Phone
Name Relationship Address Phone
Emergency Contact Information:
Name of Physician Address Phone
Name of Hospital Address Phone
Consent for Medical Treatment:
I give consent for the Grace Lutheran Church After School Program to secure any and all necessary medical care for my child.
Parent Signature Date