11 Cwrt Morgan, Caerwent, Caldicot, Mons. NP26 5QZ. Tel: 01291 422089

Minutes of the Meeting of the Community Council held on Monday 13th March 2017 which commenced at the Village Sports Hall.

Public Forum

Mr Ray Nash, a representative of Chepstow Lions gave a presentation on “Public Access to Defibrillators” This was an initiative that Chepstow Lions had taken up and had provided funding for several adjoining villages. He stressed the need for the defibrillator to be placed where it would be easily accessible. The kit contains full instructions and a DVD, on completion of training the NHS must be informed in order that it be registered for public awareness. There would be no cost to RCC.

He left the necessary documentation for completion in order that our application would be ready when funds became available (May 2017) and left his contact number.

Mr Paul Cromwell attended seeking an up-date on M4 Relief Road. The CC confirmed they had made further representation to the Public Inquiry; a representative had attended the initial opening and made it clear RCC would be represented and would be speaking on 20th June. The CC further confirmed they whole heartedly supported the new Green Route and this was documented and recorded in the Public Inquiry papers. It was noted that 22 different routes had been submitted for consideration.

Nick James MCC Sport and Leisure Manager and Laura James MCC Sports Development attended in order to promote MCC’s “Potential Weekly Park Run at Rogiet/Caldicot. The 5k run would be held on Saturday mornings. There had been a good response to the initiative with a lot of local interest. They were keen to involve the local community and it was suggested they approach the Community Café. The CC were fully supportive and Nick and Laura promised to keep the CC informed.

11/2954 Present

Chairman - Cllr R Stallard

Vice Chairman - Cllr J Douglas

Community Councillors- S Evans, Mrs L Guppy & Mrs S Oliver Holland

Mr P Cromwell - Rogiet Pool

Mr N Jones - MCC – Sports Development

Ms Laura James - MCC – Sports Development

Mr Ray Nash - Chepstow Lions

Clerk - Mrs M Williams

11/2955 Apologies


11/2956 Declarations of Interest

Cllr R Stallard - Air Ambulance

Cllr J Douglas - Caretaker

Cllr S Evans - Trustee of Tenovus Cancer Care

Cllr Mrs L Guppy - Caldicot School – personal interest

Declarations of Interest contd

LEA Governor Caldicot School

Cllr Mrs S Oliver Holland - MYS

11/ 2957 Chairman’s Address

Chairman had received positive comments on the work being done on the WW1 Memorial Garden and requested a letter of thanks be sent to Mencap. He was looking forward to the spring and the feel good factor it always induces.

11/2958 Minutes

It was resolved that the Chairman be authorised to sign the minutes of the monthly meeting held

on 13th February 2017 as a true and correct record of the meeting.

11/2959 Financial Matters and Schedule of Accounts

The Schedule of Accounts and Financial Matters dated 13th March 2017 were approved and signed by the Chairman.

Following expenditure was approved;-

Donation Caldicot Comprehensive Appeal 1958 – 2017 £500.00

Donation Teenage Cancer Trust £50.00

Cllr S Evans left room whilst the matter discussed

Donation Wales Air Ambulance £35.00

Cllr R Stallard left the room whilst the matter discussed

Clerk confirmed acceptance of MCC’s quote for grass cutting and summer planting in Rogiet of £3416.94 for 2017/2018 with a few minor adjustments, Station Road to be planted up with annual bedding plants instead of wild flowers and this roundabout to be tidied up in the autumn. Acceptance of this quote was based on good working practices, value for money and ability to meet the CC’s needs. This quote does not include the shared partnership arrangement with MCC concerning the Countryside Park.

Further discussion took place on the WW1 Memorial Garden regarding the wording of the epitaph. Matter remains under consideration.

11/2960 To receive Action/Progress Report

Future Maintenance of WWI Memorial

Work in progress. Need for consideration of appropriate memorial

MCC Dog Fouling Initiative

Cllr SE attended the meeting held on Thursday 26th January and reported on same,

Traffic Issues on Station Road/School Crossing

Situation on-going, refer to email dated 15 Feb

Police contacted on parking issues in Crossway

Over-use of open green space adjoining old school building development.

Email sent- awaiting update

M4 Relief Road

Public Inquiry commenced 28th February 2017 will continue throughout the summer.

Street Lighting

Meeting to be arranged with Mr. Roger Joy, Street Lighting Engineer, to progress the matter.

VSH/ Playing Fields Issues


Matter to be progressed on Public Liability Insurance and H & S Policy relating to the dugouts and barriers, and Draft Contract.


AH and Youth Club contacted. Situation has reached stalemate.


Under discussion


Awaiting confirmation of spec details before going ahead

Playing Fields Car Park

Matter on-going

Clock Tower

Clerk liaising with Phil Wall. – work in progress

Any County Council issues

County Councillor not in attendance, no further up-date available

Police Report

Report covering the period 8th February – 12th March received retrospect and circulated to all members.

11/2961 Inquiry - M4 Relief Road 28th February 2017

Matter now in the hands of the Public Inquiry, please refer to Public Forum. RCC Member will continue to monitor any progress.

11/2962 – Review Draft Hire Contract – VSH ( Use of Pitch – STNP. FC)

Members had been furnished with draft copy. Document being revised, meeting to take place in May to address outstanding issues and contract.

11/2963 Correspondence

Welsh Government - M4 Motorway Scheme

“ “ - Additional Documents – Public Local Inquiry

MCC - Election Documents - 4 May 2017

Village Alive Trust - Owner of property Listed as of Architectural Merit

(Old Windmill, Rogiet) – Conference 13th May 2017

SLCC - Conference for Wales 15th March 2017

Clerk Magazine

Clerks & Council Direct- “ “ “


MCC Press releases / Circulars/ Planning / Road Works / Closures etc. / General Information etc. Agendas / Minutes

One Voice Wales – information updates / training / general information / area committees

Misc information and circulars

NB All emails rec’d on the system for the period 14/02/ - 13/02/2017 circulated

11ours/2964 Planning Applications/Permission

Planning Permission Application No DC/2017/00232

Application Type Planning Permission

Description of Proposal: Proposed rear double story extension

Location: 16 West way, Rogiet NP26 3SP

Recommendation: -

11/2965 Confirm Date of next Meeting

It was confirmed that the next monthly meeting of the Community Council would take place on Monday 10h April 2017 to commence at 6.45pm. Meeting closed at 9.30.p.m.

Signed: ______

Dated: ______

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