Personal information /
First name, Surname / RNDr. Andrea Vojs Staňová, Ph.D.
Born: / 18.10.1981
Marital status: / married
Contact (FFPW USB):
Street / Zátiší 728
Postcode: / 389 25
Town: / Vodňany
E-mail: / +420 389 034 752
web: /

1. Education

School, Institution
[Date from–to] / Degrees:
Comenius Universityin Bratislava, Faculty of natural Sciences, specialization analytical chemistry [2005–2011] / Ph.D.
Comenius Universityin Bratislava, Faculty of natural Sciences, specialization analytical chemistry[2005–2006] / RNDr.
Comenius Universityin Bratislava, Faculty of natural Sciences, specialization analytical chemistry[2000–2005] / M.Sc.

2. Professional experience

Date from–to / Place / Institution / Post / Characterization of activity
Since 2017 / Vodňany / University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice / Researcher / Research activities
2011- / Bratislava / Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences / Assistant Professor,
Head of the Laboratory of Mass Spectrometry / Teaching activities, Research activities
2009-2010 / Bratislava / Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences / Researcher / Research activities
2005-2011 / Bratislava / Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences / Ph.D. student, Technician / Research activities

3. Relevant experiencein the Slovak Republic

Date / Characterization of activity / Institution
2005-2013 / Complex project management of national and international projects / Slovak University of technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
2010, 2013, 2014, 2015 / Organizing of 4 international conferences / Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences

4. Relevant experience abroad

Date / Place / Institution / Position / Characterization of activity
6 weeks / Olomouc / Univerzita Palackého Olomouc / Trainee / Development of analytical methods based on combination of CE-MS
6 weeks / Olomouc / Univerzita Palackého Olomouc / Trainee / Development of analytical methods based on combination of CE-MS
4 weeks / Pécs / Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Bioanalysis, University of Pécs / Trainee / Development of analytical methods based on combination of CE-MS

5. Experience with projects

Date / Characterization of activity / Organisation
2006-2016 / collaborator (another researcher) of 8 national projects, principal investigator of 3 national projects / VEGA, KEGA, APVV,
Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic
2005-2013 / project manager of national and international projects (Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus, Ceepus, ESF, 6-RP, 7-RP) / Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic

6.Courses, training, seminars

Name of the course/training/seminar / Termination/final exam
School of Vacuum Technology / Written examination

7. Obtained certificates, licences, awards etc.

1. / Award of dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava for research team (2015) for research into solutions to the most challenging problems of separation, identification and determination of biological, medical and environmental relevant substances in complex samples (team members: Assoc. prof. RNDr. M. Masár, Ph.D., prof. RNDr. M. Hutta, Ph.D., Assoc. prof., RNDr. R. Halko, Ph.D., Assoc. prof. RNDr. J. Marák, PhD., RNDr. R. Bodor, Ph.D., RNDr. R. Góra, Ph.D., RNDr. A. Vojs Staňová, Ph.D.)
2. / Certificate of professional competence to work with toxic substances and mixtures, and very toxic substances and preparations, PHA SR (2012)
3. / Shimadzu Prize2009 – 2nd place

8. Selected articles published during last 5 years:

Páger, C., Biherczová, N., Ligetvári, R., Berkics, B.V., Pongrácz, T., Sándor, V., Bufa, A., Poór, V., Vojs Staňová, A., Kilár, F., 2017. Advanced online mass spectrometry detection of proteins separated by capillary isoelectric focusing after sequential injection, Journal of Separation Science 40: 4825-4834 (IF2016/2017 = 2.557)
Radičová, M., Behúl, M., Marton, M., Vojs, M., Bodor, R., Redhammer, R., Vojs Staňová, A., 2017. Heavily Boron Doped Diamond Electrodes for Ultra Sensitive Determination of Ciprofloxacin in Human Urine, Electroanalysis 29: 1612-1617 (IF2016/2017 = 2.851)
Mackuľak, T., Bodík, I., Hasan, J., Grabic, R., Golovko, O., Vojs Staňová, A., Gál, M., Naumowicz, M., Tichý, J., Brandeburová, P., Híveš, J., 2016. Dominant psychoactive drugs in the Central European region: A wastewater study. Forensic Science International 267, 42-51. (IF2015 = 1.950)
Vojs Staňová, A., Hrenáková, M., Marák, J., 2015. Long-term analyses in automated electrophoretic analyzer in hydrodynamically closed separation system. Journal of Chromatography A 1392, 110-117. (IF2015 = 3.926)
Marák, J., Vojs Staňová, A., 2014. Buffer salt effects in off-line coupling of capillary electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. Electrophoresis 35: 1268-1274. (IF 2014 = 3.028)
1) Publications on web of science (WOS) - 20
2) Sum of times cited without self-citations from WOS – 117
3) Average citations per item from WOS – 6.45
4) h index from WOS - 8
5) The best cited paper –31 citations
6) 1 book