Warsaw, 4 April 2013
concerning the procurement for the supply of Group E gaseous fuel (PN-C-04750) for the purposes of the transmission system operation
1. Dialogue Organiser
Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. having its registered office in Warsaw, at 4Mszczonowska St.
2. Legal Basis
Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A., acting pursuant to Article 31(a) and 31(b) of the Public Procurement Law Act of 29 January 2004 (for consolidated text see: Journal of Laws of 2010, No. 113, item 759, as amended) announces its intention to hold a technical dialogue procedure with a view to obtaining useful information for the preparation of the relevant contract award.
3. Object of the Contract
The object of the contract consists in the supply of approx. 90 million m3 of high-methane natural gas (Group E according to PN-C-04750) during the gas year 2013/2014 with the highest possible flexibility (expressed in m3/hour) for the purposes of the operation and balancing of the transmission system. The required technical parameters of the object of the contract are set forth in the current Transmission Network Code (available at the Operator s website http://www.gaz-system.pl/ ). The website also contains the overview of the transmission system, list of entry points and other information constituting a preliminary description of the object of the contract. The Dialogue Organiser is considering the possibility of dividing the contract into lots.
4. Dialogue Participants
The participation in the dialogue is open to all contractors interested in obtaining the contract for the supply of Group E natural gas, provided that they have the necessary capabilities to deliver the contract being subject of the dialogue and the relevant experience in wholesale supply of natural gas.
The participation in the technical dialogue is tantamount to an unconditional consent by the Participant for the use of the provided information by the Dialogue Organiser in the contents of the future Specification of Essential Terms of Contract and other documents under the public procurement award procedures.
In case when commercially sensitive information is disclosed, the disclosing party should each time make a reservation as to the confidentiality of such data.
5. Technical Dialogue
In order to take part in the Technical Dialogue, interested parties are required to fill out the Questionnaire enclosed as Attachment 1 to this announcement and send it back to the Dialogue Organizer.
The filled out Questionnaire should be sent to the Dialogue Organiser by 12 April 2013 to the following address: Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A., Commercial Division, 4 Mszczonowska St, 02-337 Warszawa, or by email to:
The Dialogue Organiser reserves the right to request the Dialogue Participants to provide clarification and/or additional explanation in writing or orally of their responses provided in the questionnaire.
1. Contact person
Katarzyna Łączyńska
Phone: +4422 220 1484
Email Address:
2. General Information
a) The Technical Dialogue is held in the Polish language.
b) The Dialogue Organiser does not envisage any remuneration for the parties taking part in the procedure.
c) The dialogue is held in a manner that ensures fair competition and equal treatment of contractors.
d) The potential contractors taking part in the Technical Dialogue do not qualify for exclusion from the procedure pursuant to Article 24(2)(1) of the Public Procurement Law, which stipulates that: “Excluded from contract award procedures shall also be: 1) economic operators who directly performed actions in connection with the preparation of the procedure,”“ except for any actions performed in the course of the technical dialogue referred to in Article 31a (1), or retained persons involved in performing such actions for the purposes of the preparation of the tender, unless the participation of such economic operators in the procedure does not distort fair competition; this provision shall not apply to any economic operators that are awarded contracts under Article 62(1)(2) or Article 67(1)(1) and (2);”
Attachment no 1
on the capabilities to provide the supplies of gaseous fuel (Group E according to PN-C-04750)
for the purposes of the transmission system operation
in the period from 01/10/2013 to 30/09/2014
for Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
Technical Dialogue Participant......
address street......
postal code …..…….…………. city………….…………………………… country……….…………………….……...
phone ...... fax......
NIP...... , REGON ......
Contact person – name, surname and email: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Are you in the position to fulfil all the requirements and technical conditions applicable to the supply of natural gas, as mentioned in this “Technical Dialogue Announcement” and the Transmission Network Code?
YES/NO (please delete as applicable)
A. (fill out if YES was selected) Please specify how you intend to fulfil the relevant requirements and conditions.
B. (fill out in NO was selected) Please indicate what measures should be implemented in your opinion in order to enable you to offer gas supplies for the purposes of the transmission system operation.
Please provide the information requested in the table below. The inquiry concerns the possibility to offer the supplies of gaseous fuel to the TSO Exit Point – fuel gas.
The maximum capacity available for contracting [m3/h]The maximum flexibility of supply available for contracting without extra charges
From [m3/h]
To [m3/h]
For the volume of [m3]
The maximum flexibility of supply available for contracting subject to extra charges
From [m3/h]
To [m3/h]
For the volume of [m3]
The minimum monthly contract quantities
MCQ [m3]
The maximum monthly contract quantities MCQ [m3]
Would you be able to offer a single all-inclusive price per m3 or kWh in the contract award procedure?
Would you be able to offer a discount with respect to the prices and rates set forth in the tariff in the contract award procedure?
Date and signature