EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR Community engagement officer
fairfield High School
An opportunity exists for a full time temporary Community Engagement Officer in 2015 commencing immediately and finishing on the 18 December 2015. The position could also be extended into 2016. Please note that this position will be remunerated at a CLO rate.
Position Information
Fairfield High School, enrolment 950 students, including 91% from a non-English speaking background, is a comprehensive high school well-supported by RAM Equity funding. The school has a special education unit catering for students with mild and moderate intellectual disabilities. A well-established Intensive English Centre is located onsite as part of the school with a majority of the students coming from refugee backgrounds. The school has a balance of early career and experienced staff who focus on the delivery of a broad curriculum catering for the needs of individual students. The Community, Achievement, Respect and Environment (CARE) code underpins the ethos of the school. Fairfield High School has a growing group of involved parents with increasing parent engagement programs to support student learning and build knowledge and skills for the wider community.
An application addressing the criteria below and including two referees should be sent by email to Deanna Knapman,Deputy Principal Fairfield High School at 4.00pm WednesdayAugust 26 2015. Applications must not exceed three A4 pages. Applicants may be required to attend an interview.
Position Criteria
The Community Engagement Officer is responsible to the Principal for assisting in developing effective home, school and community partnerships to enhance student achievement as well as to improve the engagement of parents and the local community in the life of the school.The Community Engagement Officer will have:
- A demonstrated ability to relate well to families, students and other community members.
- Capacity to work as part of a team.
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
- Effective organisational skills and an ability to prioritise own work.
- Initiative and an ability to work without close supervision.
- Demonstrated experience in working within community and family environments.
- Understanding of the values and beliefs of the school and the nature of the school community.
Statement of Duties
- Establish, organise and maintain effective partnerships between the home, school and community.
- Work collaboratively with staff to support effective school programs to better understand students’ learning.
- Assist in developing and maintaining links across transition points including partnerships with primary schools, Year 6 Transition, Middle School initiatives, local business and industry, senior transition pathways to employment, TAFE and further education.
- Identify issues impacting on the local community and resources available in the community that could be shared to support the school, including various funding applications and grants.
- Develop community based initiatives that provide benefits to the school community.
- Develop, organise and maintain school promotions including school events and advertising.
- Organise and expand parent involvement in Parent Meetings and liaise with Parent Café.
- Refer any family or community concerns to the Principal.
- Perform other related duties as required by the Principal.
Current Position:
School / Location name:
Telephone Number: / Work:
Applicant’s Signature: Date:
If currently working in a school I endorse this expression of interest.
Principal / Supervisor’s name:
Signature Date:
Names and details of two referees (one of which must be your current Principal or direct supervisor)
First referee: / Second referee:
Name: / Name:
Position: / Position:
numbers / Work: / Telephone
numbers / Work:
Home: / Home:
Mobile: / Mobile:
Please include your two A4 page statement addressing the position criteria in addition to the above information as part of your application.
Enquiries and applications to: / Deanna Knapman
Deputy Principal, Fairfield High School
Phone : 9727 2111
Email :
Due Date: 4.00 pm Wednesday August 26 2015
EXPRESSION OF INTERESTcommunity engagement officer
fairfield High School