DATE: January 24th, 2016

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)


In the liturgy today we discover that Jesus called ordinary people to be his first disciples. May we respond to his call as readily as they did. YEAR OFMERCY

FIRST READING: Nehemiah 8: 2-6, 8-10


Response: Your words, Lord, are spirit and life.

The law of the Lord is perfect,

it revives the soul.

The rule of the law is to be trusted,

it gives wisdom to the simple.

The precepts of the Lord are right,

they gladden the heart.

The command of the Lord is clear,

it gives light to the eyes.

The fear of the Lord is holy,

abiding for ever.

The decrees of the Lord are true,

and all of them are just.

May the spoken words of my mouth,

the thoughts of my heart,

win favour in your sight, O Lord,

my rescuer, my rock.

Response: Your words, Lord are spirit and life.

SECOND READING: 1 Corinthians 12: 12-30


Alleluia, alleluia!

The Lord sent me to bring good news to the poor

and freedom to the prisoners.

Alleluia alleluia.

GOSPEL: Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21

Luke begins his version of the ‘good news’ claiming he has a special purpose in telling the story of Jesus. He must do something more than those before him who have told the story. There have been eyewitnesses and then ministers of the word. Luke belongs to the third generation, and now his story will instruct Theophilus: ‘how well founded the teaching is that you have received.’
The preaching from the scroll of Isaiah which Jesus provides for his home town is preface and program for the whole of the Gospel... the text Jesus reads speaks of the coming of the Messiah, which is Hebrew for 'the anointed one’. In the Spirit, the anointed of the Lord, Jesus proclaims how he will fulfil his messianic mission by bringing hope to the hopeless. His life story will be dominated by this mission. Throughout the Gospel of Luke good news is proclaimed to the poor – the captives, the blind and the downtrodden.
Israel knew of a wonderful year, the ‘year of the jubilee’, which occurred as a conclusion to a cycle of seven sabbatical years. The basic element of this year was the liberation of all who, because of their poverty, had to sell themselves into slavery. As Jesus closes the scroll and gazes at his audience he is able to tell them that such a ‘year’ is about to happen, in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. ‘This text is being fulfilled today, even as you listen’.
In the Christian understanding of things, this ‘year’ did not merely run for 365 days during the lifetime of Jesus. It had its beginnings in the life of Jesus, and was passed on to his Church before his ascension. In the life of the Church this ‘year of favour’ is still being proclaimed and lived.
Are we able to proclaim with Jesus: ‘This text is being fulfilled today, even as you listen’? The Church must be good news to all people, but especially to those who are broken in many different ways. This is not something which we, as members of the Church, may or may not choose to do. It is Jesus’ most challenging word to us today.
Francis J Moloney sdb
This is the Gospel of the Lord / Due to strict privacy laws, names of the sick can only be put in the Bulletin with the permission of the immediate family. Thank you.
Names for the sick or anniversary list can be added by emailing details to or by ringing 4997 1822.
The sick and deceased members of our families and our parish
Sick List: Todd Penson, Matthew Carter, Harry Sharpe, John Jones, Carmel Bentley, Belinda Cale, David Houlahan, Kevin Boland, Marlene Goodall, Pat Perry, Paul Buesel, Judi Coates, Kevin Weir, Frank Lantry, TJ Welsh, Annette Rhodes, Marion Cooper, Tony Knight, Frank Screpis, Noelene Casey, Quade Watson, Shirley Moran, Betty Dudley, Luke Spalding.
Monday 25 January, Mark 16: 15-18
Tuesday: 26 January, Matthew 5: 2-12
Tea Gardens – Rosary at 4.30pm. Mass at 5.00pm.
Wednesday: 27 January, Mark 4: 1-20
Thursday: 28 January, Mark 4: 21-25
Bulahdelah – Mass at 9.15am
Friday: 29 January, Mark 4: 26-34
Tea Gardens – 7.40am Rosary followed by Liturgy of the Word & Communion
NEXT WEEKEND TIMETABLE Fifth Sunday of the Month
Saturday: 30 January, Karuah 5.15pm Mass
Bulahdelah 7.00pm Mass
Sunday: 31 January, Tea Gardens 8.30am
Celebration in Anticipation of Eucharist
As we are fast approaching a new school year this is a “cry for help”. To allow our important work to continue at Tea Gardens Public School, we are asking for volunteers both as helpers and teachers. Please do not think a lack of teaching experience would be a barrier. Assistance in any way would be greatly appreciated. It is not such a daunting task and it would just take an hour of your time once a fortnight.
Our programme makes a significant difference in the faith development of each child in our Catholic classes.
Please speak to me or call on 4997 2991 if you can help with the programme.
Thank you each and every member of our parish.
Jen Jordan. SRE Co-ordinator.
Australia Day commemorates the first landing in Australia by Captain Arthur Phillip.
May all who share our Great South Land, Australia, be people of PEACE.
May there be peace in our hearts, our homes, our Nation.
Church Cleaning: Bernadette Newton & Elaine Fittock; Readings: Mark Smyth; Prayers of the Faithful: Barbara Mason; Presentation of the Gifts: Margaret Pile & Beryl Barry; Altar Server: Brendan; Eucharistic Minister: Terry & Phil.
Church Cleaning: Group 2; Welcome: Brian Lourey; Readers: Francis Betar & Mary Leafe; Gospel: Joanne Trotter; Reflection: Leon Bobako; Ministers of Communion: Daryl Martin; AV: Bev Knight; Flowers: Kerrie; Organist: Michael Harvey.
Church Cleaning: Rose; Greeters: Brian & Pam; Reader: Julie-Gai; Preparation of Gifts: Marcia & Tammy; Minister of Communion: Lyn.
If any parishioner would like to order a copy of the 2016 Daily Mass Book, please let Sr Libbey know by 30th January. Messages can be left on the parish phone number. We will place an order on 1st February for any who request one.
Wednesday 27 St Vincent de Paul Meeting at 3pm
Wednesday 27 Men’s Discussion Group at 4.00pm
LENT 2016
The Calendar for Lent 2016.
Shrove (Pancake) Tuesday February 9th, Ash Wednesday 10th February, Good Friday 25th March and Easter Sunday 27th March.
More information about Pancake Tuesday celebrations next week.
Limited response last weekend. Last year there were four groups: Karuah, The Grange (home group) and two church groups at Tea Gardens. So far there will be one Church group on Wednesday morning at Tea Gardens and Tuesday evening at Karuah. For more information you might like to talk to Peter McKay or Cecily Guest.
In this Year of Mercy, we may wonder what it is that we are being called to practise, what we mean when we speak of God as merciful or even what all the fuss is about. When we look more deeply at this small five-letter word, we might gain some insight into what Pope Francis has in mind for our Church and world this year.
Sr Veronica Lawson, in her book The Blessing of Mercy writes: the notion of mercy in the Bible clearly transcends the vocabulary or language of mercy.
In order to understand the stories and sayings in the Gospels, she identifies five words from the Hebrew Scriptures which can expand our understanding of the special Jubilee Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis.
1.  Hamal: Mercy as liberation and compassion
2.  Hus: Mercy as looking with the eye of pity or the eye that spares the guilty
3.  Hesed: Mercy as steadfast, enduring love or loving kindness
4.  Rehem: Mercy as womb-compassion
5.  Hen: Mercy as grace or graciousness.
These five words are used in many stories and psalms from the Hebrew Scriptures which form the underlying foundation to our Christian tradition and help us to understand something of the mind and heart of God our creator, liberator and sanctifier. / Readings for next week:
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)
1st Reading: Jeremiah 1:4-5,17-19
2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 12: 31-13:13
Gospel: Luke 4:21-30
Tuesday 2 Anointing Mass at the Manor at 10am
Wednesday 3 Parish Finance Council Meeting 2.00pm
Wednesday 3 Parish Pastoral Council Meeting 3.30pm
Monday 8 Sharing the Journey 9.30am Tuesday 9 Diocesan Launch of Project Compassion Cathedral at 10.30am
Tuesday 9 Women’s Shed at Karuah at 9.30am
Tuesday 9 Pancake Tuesday Celebrations
Wednesday 10 Ash Wednesday
Wednesday 10 Y4M at 9am
Wednesday 10 Catholic Church Service at Peter Sinclair Gardens at 10am
Thursday 11 Bulahdelah Community Meeting at 7pm
Thursday 11 Anointing Mass at Bulahdelah Nursing Home at 10.30am
Thursday 11 St Brigid’s Community meeting at 7pm
Tuesday 16 St Stephen’s Morning Tea at 10.30am
Wednesday 17 Men’s Discussion Group
Sunday 21 St Stephen’s Community Meeting after Mass
Wednesday 24 St Vincent de Paul meeting at 3.00pm
Sunday 28 Karuah Community Meeting after a cuppa
Tuesday 1 Anointing Mass at the manor at 10am
Wednesday 3 Men’s Discussion Group
Wednesday 9 Catholic Church Service at Peter Sinclair Gardens at 10am
Wednesday 23 St Vincent de Paul meeting at 3.00pm
First Prize – Ronelle McKay
Second Prize – Molly True
CUPPA This weekend at
OLR Karuah


A Year of Mercy Event will be held onSaturday 27 Februaryat Tenison Woods Education Centre, St Joseph's Convent, Lochinvar. The Tenison Woods Education Centre presents a day reflecting on Mercy in the Scriptures. Presenter: Michele Connolly RSJ, Catholic Institute of Sydney. Email:


Looking for something to read?

Why not take one of our Parish Library books home!

Our Parish Library is housed at Tea Gardens and

books are sent to Bulahdelah and Karuah for loan.


Don’t forget to save your used postage stamps this Christmas. Place them in the “STAMP” box on the table in each of our Churches. Thank you

Joy is the gift in which all the other gifts are included. It is the expression of happiness, of being in harmony with ourselves, that which can only come from being in harmony with God and with his creation. Pope Benedict XVI


Harry had not been to church for many years but decided to make a fresh start, including reconciliation. The priest welcomed him and invited him to say the Lord’s Prayer with him. Harry couldn’t remember. Father then offered to jointly say a Hail Mary, Again no luck but Harry said he remembered the Angelus. The priest was impressed and encouraged him to commence ... which Harry did: ... bong...bong...bong