
UW AAFCS Student Section

January 18th 2007

After food and socializing, the meeting was called to order by President, Adrianna Carlton at 6:00 p.m. Those present at the meeting were Adrianna Carlton, Anna Fahy, Sophie Omolo, Roy Jaynes, Kayla Bowman, Jessica Jensen, and Virginia Vincenti as the advisor.


The group approved the minutes that were taken at the last meeting.

Officer Reports

Kayla Bowman, treasurer, reported that the University of Wyoming chapter of American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences has $2,161.60. Jessica, historian, talked about the progress of the AAFCS scrapbook, and emphasized the need to take more photos of activities.

Committee Reports

Jessica gave a report of the Annual AAFCS Spa Night that was held December 4that the end of the fall semester.

Unfinished Business

Adrianna Carlton talked about the homeless shelter, Second Street Station, and Interfaith Good Samaritan. Interfaith Good Samaritan does not need any clothes,except baby clothes and baby food. Anna Fahy suggested the possibility of operating a baby clothes drive to donate to Interfaith Good Samaritan. Adrianna Carlton suggested picking a committee head to handle Interfaith Good Samaritan and the homeless shelter. Jessica Jensen and Adrianna Carlton volunteered to be co-chairs of the Second Street Station and to do a project after a tour of the facility. Kayla Bowman talked about fundraisers for the Spring Semester. Some fundraisers included selling t-shirts already in stock. It was suggested that we dress up the shirts to make them look more interesting. Kayla Bowman suggested selling dipping dots for a possible fundraiser. Kayla Bowman also talked about the annual traveling bake sale for a fundraiser. It was noted that in order to take the bake sale to a building we must get permission from the dean of each college. Kayla Bowman suggested setting up a committee for the traveling bake sale. Adrianna Carlton suggested the week of Valentines Day (Monday Feb 12) to do the traveling bake sale. Adrianna Carlton discussed the possibility of helping out 4-H with projects and asked if anyone would be interested. The subject has been put off untilthe next meeting. Adrianna Carlton talked about the National Conference coming up this summer. Dates for the conference are June 21-24 and the theme is Americans Cultural Kaleidoscope.

New Business

Adrianna Carton suggested a grad school day with Phi U. Anna Fahy moved to wait until next meeting to make a decision when there will be more information. It was announced that we still need a Vice President and Ag Council representative. Roy Jaynesoffered to take the Ag Council position and it was seconded and approved by vote of the group.The group moved to not participate in the Spring Club Organization Day of Tuesday, January 30 and Wednesday, January 31. Roy Jaynes suggested the group have a membership drive. Adrianna suggested personal invitations and freshman packets. It was announced that theBrown and Gold Banquet and Ball, hosted by theUniversity of Wyoming Latter Day Saint Association, needs support via email to get ASUW support Saturday, March 3rd. Also discussed was the tobacco policy campaign focused on stopping the sale of tobacco sales on campus. Ashort paragraph expressing support is needed. The group voted to send a letter of support.


It was decided that the next meeting would be Monday, February 19 at 4:00 p.m.in room 3026. Adrianna Carlton needs confirmation of interest for the National Conferenceby March 22. Also announced was the Women’sLeadership Conference which will be heldFebruary 3rd at 8:30in the morning.


The meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jessica Jensen

Acting Secretary for Jodene Borgialli, who could not attend this meeting.