
May 9, 2013

9:00 a.m. – BRK 204D

1)  Call to Order

a.  Teresa Szabo called the meeting to order at 9:09 a.m.

b.  Members present include, Donna Haynes, John Snyder, Teresa Szabo, Jeri Frederick, Raymond Barnett, Greg Mayes, Toni Langdon, Helene Bea, Keith McMath, Mae Noll and Maureen Hoover

c.  Guests: Patti Sims, Laura Alexander, Clay Bellot

2)  Approval of Agenda

a.  Maureen Hoover asked for an amendment of the agenda to include a discussion on a fund raiser.

b.  Maureen moved to approve the agenda as amended and the motion was seconded by Greg Mayes

c.  Motion approved.

3)  Approval of Minutes

a.  John Snyder asked to amend line 90 of the minutes to replace Campus with Illinois

b.  Motion to approve was made by Greg Mayes

c.  The motion was seconded by John Snyder

d.  Motion approved.

4)  Treasurer’s Report

  1. Greg Mayes brought copies of the treasurer’s report for everyone. After paying copying charges for the CAPE Award event, we have a balance of $237.28 in our account. Maureen moved to approve the report and Raymond seconded. The report was approved.

5)  Announcements

a.  Ray brought a Transfer Express flyer to the meeting. He also raised the non-smoking policy that is being addressed in the Illinois legislature. He said that 3 or 4 student groups are opposed to the ban and he expects some push back. There was a lengthy discussion about the proposed policy.

b.  Greg announced that APAC now has s deposit stamper with our account number. He also said that the SGA will be drafting a resolution regarding the use of I-Card for bus riders. Greg has some experience with a similar situation at the UIUC campus and has proposed a implementing a program at UIS. SGA will poll students to determine the level of interest for this program.

6)  Old Business

a.  Teresa Szabo has not met with the Provost regarding a list of names for the Ombudsman to use for grievance hearings. She asked that anyone interested contact her by May 10th at 5 p.m.

b.  Teresa received an email from UPPAC regarding the HCS report that includes two report updates; one on March 13th and one on April 3rd. Laura Alexander reported that she had only seen the March report and is uncertain about the changes in the April version.

c.  Toni Langdon gave some history on the report for the new members of APAC. Teresa reviewed what has been happening and re-capped the conversation regarding the report that took place at last month’s APAC meeting. Laura said that she has received feedback from the President’s Cabinet and APAC, but hasn’t heard anything from CSAC. Toni said that Laura should be receiving something from CSAC soon. Teresa said that she will forward the email and the list that was submitted to Laura to all APAC members.

7)  New Business

a.  Nominations were taken for all the APAC officers and since there was only one person nominated for each position, we voted on accepting the slate as presented. The slate was approved.

  1. Teresa Szabo – Chair
  2. Maureen Hoover – Vice Chair
  3. Jeri Frederick – Secretary
  4. Greg Mayes – Treasurer
  5. CSAC representative – Keith McMath
  6. Campus Senate representative – Ray Barnett

b.  Teresa announced the UPPAC meeting scheduled for June 11th at the President’s home in Champaign. The meeting will take place from 1 -4 with a reception following from 4 – 5 p.m. Greg will reserve a minivan for the trip.

c.  Maureen discussed holding a Farmer’s Market to raise money for the Staff Scholarship since we APAC didn’t do much to assist with the CSAC fundraiser. Maureen will investigate to find out the feasibility of holding the event on campus and Ray will find out if we can include outside vendors who are willing to donate a portion of their sales to the scholarship fund. Greg made a motion to revisit the discussion once Maureen gathered more information. Donna Haynes seconded the motion and it was approved.

8)  Committee Updates

a.  Campus Senate – Raymond Barnett

Ray was unable to attend the campus senate meeting on April 19th, but attended the final meeting on May 3rd. President Easter and the Chancellor were in attendance. President Easter said that he’d like more scholarship from this campus. He also addressed the budget concerns and stated that he doesn’t anticipate any furloughs this year. He did say that if necessary there might be a need for layoffs. The pension issue is still in flux and the U of I is trying to prepare for taking on pension funding. He talked about credentialing and whether there is a need for a new focus or a focus on intellectual enrichment. He would like a more decentralized approach to branding each campus. There was also a conversation about a 3% salary increase, but he’s not sure if the funding will be available.

The Chancellor talked about the Town Meetings she holding and plans to continue. We will have 777 graduates walking at commencement this year.

The Campus Senate re-elected Lynn Fisher as Chair, Kathy Jamison as Vice-Chair and Peter Boltuc was elected to a three year term on the University Senate Committee.

Full minutes to the meetings are located at:

b.  CSAC – Toni reported that the CSAC Silent Auction went well and raised a total of $2000.00 between the bake sale and auction items. The wellness committee is moving forward and the Chancellor will be meeting with CSAC this summer. She also talked about training that will be taking place for supervisors regarding compliance issues. Finally, another SUCCS audit will take place in July.

c.  Clay has been added to the work group for the Word Press transition and the APAC site is ready.

9)  Comments

Patti Sims said that a big HR issue is in the forefront about hiring retired employees. The legislature is adding strict policies about the time these employees can work and prior authorization will be needed to rehire retired employees. There will be more to come, including new forms and careful monitoring and tracking of these individuals.

Raymond said that Dr. Tim Barnett is planning supervisor training for student employment regarding operations and customer service.

Greg commented that there are lots of issues with the non-centralized HR for University Administration.

10) Motion to adjourn was made by Donna Haynes and seconded by Jeri Frederick.

Meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m.

Next meeting – June 13, 2013, 9:00 a.m. Brookens 204D