Award Name/ Procedures / Frederick N. Andrews / Ross / Knox
PhD / Objective PhD / Masters
Description / To recruit outstanding students to graduate program at PurdueUniversity. / To recruit outstanding students to graduate program at PurdueUniversity. / To enhance the diversity of the graduate student body through the recruitment of students from diverse backgrounds with diverse views and experiences.
Annual Support / $14,000/year minimum
Actual stipend determined by school / $14,000/year minimum
Actual stipend determined by school / $14,000/year minimum
Actual stipend determined by school
Length of award/funding source / 2 years GraduateSchool support
2 years department support / 1 year GraduateSchool support
3 years department support / 1 year GraduateSchool support
1 year department support
Other financial considerations / Includes: Medical insurance supplement, tuition waiver & technology fees
Excludes: Designated/differential fees / Includes: Medical insurance supplement, tuition waiver & technology fees
Excludes: Designated/differential fees / Includes: Medical insurance supplement, tuition waiver & technology fees
Excludes: Designated/differential fees
Application materials / Application form at: / Application form at: / Application form at:
Complete the diversity essay, which should be 500 words or less responding to the statement: Describe your leadership, work experience, service experience, or other significant involvement with racial, ethnic, socio-economic, or educational communities that have traditionally been underrepresented, and how these experiences would promote a diversity of views, experiences, and ideas in the pursuit of research, scholarship, and creative excellence.
Application/Allocation Process / Allocate Dec/Award Feb-Apr/Recipient names to ADLE by April18 / Allocate Dec/Award Feb-Apr/Recipient names to ADLE by April 18 / Allocate Dec/Award Feb-Apr/Recipient names to ADLE by April 18
Eligibility requirements/degree objective / Recruitment of PhD students / Recruitment of PhD students / Degree objective minority Master’s
Supply & expense allowance / None / None / None
Who determines recipient/makes offer / School/Department / School/Department / Dept nominates students; MAC selects recipients; Dept makes offer
Deadlines/Info needed
Dept Comm / February 15th
Offers / March 1st – deadline to accept Apr 15th
ADLE office / Recipient/Award name before April 18
GraduateSchool / Offer letters & acceptances for admitted students when awarded, Form 90/June 16
Start/end dates / Normally Aug 1 thru July 31
Academic or Fiscal Year / Fellowships always fiscal/Assistantships may be fiscal or academic – as determined by dept
Fellowship vs. Assistantship / Department makes determination – Assistantship in C&I – ¼ teaching & ¼ research during GradSchool funded years – ½ teaching during Dept yrs
Registration requirements / Must be admitted to Purdue and enroll for at least 9 credits in fall & spring & at least 6 credits in Summer
Limitation on additional funding / .25 FTE maximum additional appointment
Award Name/ Procedures / Purdue Doctoral / Charles C. Chappelle / Dissertation Fellowship
Minority / Purdue seniors w/PhD objective / PhD candidate
Description / For recruitment of new graduate students, intended to enhance the diversity of the graduate student body through the recruitment of students from diverse backgrounds with diverse views & experiences / To provide fellowship support to students with undergraduate degrees from Purdue for the furtherance of post-graduate research at Purdue. Chappelle Fellows will be selected on the basis of character, intellectual ability, and promise of attainment. / To provide support to outstanding PhD candidates in their final year of writing. It is expected that the doctoral degree will be awarded at the conclusion of the fellowship year.
Annual Support / $14,000/year minimum
Actual stipend determined by school / $14,000/year minimum
Actual stipend determined by school / $14,000/year minimum
Actual stipend determined by school
Length of award/funding source / 2 years GraduateSchool support
2 years department support / 1 year GraduateSchool support / 1 year GraduateSchool support
Other financial considerations / Includes: Medical insurance supplement, tuition waiver & technology fees
Excludes: Designated/differential fees / Includes: Medical insurance supplement, tuition waiver & technology fees
Excludes: Designated/differential fees / Includes: Medical insurance supplement, tuition waiver & technology fees
Excludes: Designated/differential fees
Application materials / Complete the diversity essay, which should be 500 words or less responding to the statement: Describe your leadership, work experience, service experience, or other significant involvement with racial, ethnic, socio-economic, or educational communities that have traditionally been underrepresented in higher education, and how these experiences would promote a diversity of views, experiences, and ideas in the pursuit of research, scholarship, and creative excellence. / Qualified seniors should submit one copy of the following materials to Fellowship Office, GradSchool, YONG: official transcript
2.a letter from a Purdue faculty member with whom the student has studied or worked
3.curriculum vitae or resume essay (1000 words or less) addressing the impact Purdue has had on the student’s development through learning, discovery, or engagement. / 1.fellowship application form
2.summary of the dissertation project, not to exceed 3 pages (excluding bibliography)
3.letter of recommendation from the student’s dissertation committee chair
4.statement of career goals
5.curriculum vitae or resume
Recipients must register for a minimum of 3 research credits during each semester of the award.
Application/Allocation Process / Allocate Dec/Award Feb-Apr/Recipient names to ADLE by April 18 / Submit application materials by March 11 / Allocate Dec/Award Feb-Apr/Recipient names to ADLE by April 18
Eligibility requirements/degree objective / Degree objective PhD / Degree objective PhD
Supply & expense allowance
Who determines recipient/makes offer / Dept nominates students; MAC selects recipients; Dept makes offer / Competitive; committee will make selection / School/Department
Deadlines/Info needed
Dept Comm / February 15th
Offers / March 1st – deadline to accept Apr 15th
ADLE office / Recipient/Award name before April 18
GraduateSchool / Offer letters & acceptances for admitted students when awarded, Form 90/June 16
Start/end dates / Normally Aug 1 thru July 31
Academic or Fiscal Year / Fellowships always fiscal/Assistantships may be fiscal or academic – as determined by dept
Fellowship vs. Assistantship / Department makes determination – Assistantship in C&I – ¼ teaching & ¼ research during GradSchool funded years – ½ teaching during Dept yrs
Registration requirements / Must be admitted to Purdue and enroll for at least 9 credits in fall & spring & at least 6 credits in Summer
Limitation on additional funding / .25 FTE maximum additional appointment
Award Name/ Procedures / Strategic Initiatives / Summer PRF
Objective PhD / PhD
Description / To provide an opportunity for graduate students, under the direction of a faculty member, to develop and submit a proposal. Individual graduate students may submit a proposal for one award related to any of the following GradSchool strategic plan goals:
  • Attracting external & internal sources of funding;
  • Enhancing recruitment & retention of graduate students to increase the number, quality, & diversity of GradSchool applicants;
  • Emphasizing mentoring relationships between faculty & students;
  • Fostering interdisciplinary graduate education; or
  • Improving services to enhance the quality of life for graduate students.
Please note: recipients of the fellowships are not required to conduct the activities described in the proposal. The award will be administered as an assistantship if the recipient elects to conduct the activities. / Student must have held a teaching assistantship during both the fall and spring semesters immediately prior to the summer of the grant award
Annual Support / $14,000/year minimum
Actual stipend determined by school / $980/month minimum
Actual stipend determined by school
Length of award/funding source / 1 year GraduateSchool support / 2 months GraduateSchool support
Other financial considerations / Includes: Medical insurance supplement, tuition waiver & technology fees
Excludes: Designated/differential fees
Application materials / Completed proposals should be 3-5 pages in length & must include the following information:
1.Special Initiatives application form (
2.abstract & program rationale, citing relevant research;
3.program description, objectives, & method of evaluation;
4.proposed budget (limit of $1,500); and
5.statement of endorsement from the major professor or faculty advisor.
Completed proposals must be submitted electronically to no later than 5:00 pm on March 11 /
  • Application form (attached)
  • One-page rationale
  • Support letter from major professor

Application/Allocation Process / Competitive
Eligibility requirements/degree objective / Degree objective PhD
Supply & expense allowance / None
Who determines recipient/makes offer / selection by committee
Deadlines/Info needed
Dept Comm / February 15th
Offers / March 1st – deadline to accept Apr 15th
ADLE office / Recipient/Award name before April 18
GraduateSchool / Offer letters & acceptances for admitted students when awarded, Form 90/June 16
Start/end dates / Normally Aug 1 thru July 31
Academic or Fiscal Year / Fellowships always fiscal/Assistantships may be fiscal or academic – as determined by dept
Fellowship vs. Assistantship / Department makes determination – Fellowship in C&I
Registration requirements / Must be admitted to Purdue and enroll for at least 9 credits in fall & spring & at least 6 credits in Summer
Limitation on additional funding / .25 FTE maximum additional appointment

ADLE = Associate Dean for Learning and EngagementFind this chart at:

Awards/Fellowship Subcommittee Schedule

Approximately December 15th – summer PRF, teaching & dissertation award information distributed

Approximately January 10th & 17th the request for applications will be in the Monday memo.

Approximately February 1st – awards application materials due

February 15th – deadline for professors to submit nominations for fellowship/assistantships

Between February 15th & March 1st– C&I Awards/Fellowship subcommittee submits nominees for fellowship/assistantships and awards (plus alternates) to department head

March 1st– offer letter goes out to fellowship/assistantship nominees and names of award winners sent to COE Awards Comm

April 1st -- COE Awards Comm provides names of awards winners to the Dean

April 15th – deadline for nominees to accept offer

No later than April 18th – names of fellowship/assistantship nominees (offered, accepted, declined, response forms, and report) to Associate Dean for Learning and Engagement

No later than April 21st – names of fellowship/assistantship nominees provided to the GradSchool


1.Fellows must be registered as full-time students in a degree-seeking program. The GraduateSchool considers full-time status to be a minimum of 9 credit hours during the fall and spring semesters and 6 credit hours during the summer session.

2.Fellows must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 / 4.0 during the award tenure.

3.During their academic tenure at Purdue, students are eligible for one and only one of the following GraduateSchool administered fellowship/assistantships: Fredrick N. Andrews, George Washington Carver, Lynn, Purdue Doctoral, Ross, Strategic Initiatives. Students are also eligible for the following endowed fellowships during their academic tenure: Charles C. Chappelle, David M. Knox, Ludwig Kruhe, and Nick Puskas.

4.Each award can be administered as a fellowship or an assistantship and includes a medical insurance supplement. When administered as a fellowship, the award includes tuition scholarships, and payment of the technology fees. When administered as an assistantship, students are considered graduate staff and are entitled to fee remissions and a waiver of the technology fees. These awards exclude designated fees, differential fees, and the international student fee.

5.All fellowships, whether administered as a fellowship or assistantship, may have an additional 0.25 appointment. International students are limited to 0.50 funding during the fall and spring semesters.

6.Fellowships are to be activated within the award year. Students receiving multiple awards should contact the Graduate School Fellowship Office to discuss their options.

7.Multiple awards must be reported. Recipients may not hold simultaneous awards, but these may be used as support in subsequent years. Students should contact the Fellowship Office to discuss their options.

8.Fellows with five or more years of external fellowship funding will be asked to relinquish their GraduateSchool administered fellowship.

9.Funding in Years 2-4 should be equal to the initial Year 1 level of funding.

10.A “signing bonus” may be included in Year 1.

11.The Purdue Doctoral and Knox must be accompanied by an essay on the following:

A 500-word essay on diversity responding to the statement: Describe your leadership, work experience, service experience, or other significant involvement in racial, ethnic, socio-economic, or educational communities that have traditionally been underrepresented, and how these experiences would promote a diversity of views, experiences, and ideas in the pursuit of research, scholarship, and creative excellence.

Department Requirement

12.Student must have teaching experience to be considered for a fellowship/assistantship.

Find this chart at: