Head Teacher: Mrs S Fiske

Twitter: @wheatlands_sch

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Year 4. We aim for it to be a year filled with exciting learning opportunities and have lots for you to get involved in. We hope you will find the following information useful and look forward to working alongside you to support and encourage your child’s progress and development during the course of the year. We are always happy to meet with you to discuss any issues concerning your child’s education and time in school so please do speak to one of us rather than worry about something.

Meet the Team

This year there will be a number of staff working alongside your child. Miss Soderman and Mr Carss will be the main class teachers; Mrs Howell and Mrs Endrodi will be the Teaching Assistants for each class. In addition we will have Mrs Day, Mr Edmunds and Mr Nixon supporting some of our lessons and Mrs Parramore, Mrs Falconer and Miss Pinderare our volunteers.

PE Kit

Please ensure that your child has appropriate PE kit in school for both indoor and outdoor PE this term.

This should include plain black shorts and white short sleeved T-shirt and PE shoes for indoor PE. It should also include trainers for outdoor PE (ideally a pair that can stay in school) and spare socks. We will be doing outdoor PE as much as possible and PE shoes are not suitable for on the field.

All PE kit should be sent in a single drawstring bag or carrier bag, clearly labelled on the outside with your child’s name. Children with earrings must be able to remove them before P.E. lessons. Also if your child is unable to participate in P.E. we do need to be notified in writing.

Our allocated PE slots are on a Monday and Friday but these often change so it is vital that your child’s kit is kept in school all term. Separate kit should be sent for any sports clubs, or children should change back into school uniform before going home.

This term we will be focusing on ball skills, tag rugby, hockey and gymnastics. We will also be having a week of swimming lessons in November. We really hope your child will take advantage of one of the after school sports clubs this term.