2018 IPMA Achievement Award

for [Project (Organisation) name]

Category: Diversity in Project Management

The Diversity in Project Management Award aims to honour those project managers/ organisations that have proven to successfully implement and manage diversity intheir project/organisation.

Please refer to the IPMA DiPMSubmission Guidelines while filling in thisApplication Form.

All content must be presented in Calibri font, minimum size 12 points. Maximum length is 30 pages, A4 size including appendices, but not including the English translation of any original documentary evidence provided in a language other than English.

Photos should be included at appropriate points throughout the submission. The electronic submission must include a minimum of three and a maximum of 10 high resolution project(organisation) related photographs in JPG format.All grey instructions should be deleted in the final Application Form.

Company name:

Project name:


Date of submission:


Table of Contents:

Section 1 General Information

Section 2 Overview of the Project (organisation)

Section 3Outline of the Project (organisation)

Section 4Diversity issues outcomes

Section 5Outstanding Achievement and/or Innovation in Diversity in Project Management good Practice

Section 6Appendixes

Section 7Statement of Applicant

Section 1 General Information

Name of the Company
Name of the Project (organisation)
Location of the project (organisation)
Street / P.O.Box
Postcode / City / Country
Name and contact details of the owner/principal
Phone / E-mail
Name of key stakeholders
Name and contact details of the project team / project manager
Name and contact details of the media representative
Phone / E-mail

Submission Confirmation

Please insert the confirmation or add it as the attachment to the Application Form.

Confirmation that the client, principaland/or executive managementhas provided consent to submitthe project (organisation)

For example a letter or email from the client, principaland/or executive management granting consent for participation in this DiPM Award process.

Confirmation that the client, principal and/or executive management consents to the use of photographs, company logos and other properties used in the submission.

For example a letter or email from an appropriate person granting permission.

Confirmation that the project/organisation has permission and budgetto enter the DiPM award.

For example a letter or email from an appropriate person stating the plan and budget approval, or a copy of an approved plan and budget addressing diversity and inclusion issues(including the approval).

Section 2 Overview of the Project (organisation)

An overview of not more than 100 words aboutthe project(organisation). This summary should address diversity issues addressed in the project (organisation). This summary may be used in any audio-visual presentation compiled by IPMA for the Achievement Awards.

Section 3Outline of the Project (organisation)

In this section provide an outline of the project(organisation) - indicatively one A4 page - to state the diversity purpose and objectives of the project(organisation) any other relevant information.

Section 4Diversity Issues Outcomes

Provide a detailed summary (indicatively one A4 page) of the diversity and inclusion success of the project (organisation) comparing the planned diversity and inclusion initiatives versus achieved outcomes.

Section 5Outstanding Achievement and/or Innovation in Diversity in Project Management Good Practice

a)There are ten areas in the DiPM award that need to be addressed:

The concept of diversity means understanding, accepting and respecting that each individual is unique, and recognising the individual differences.Describe outstanding achievements and/or innovationsin DiPM areas (e.g. age, gender, education, race, ethnicity, language, religion, political belief, sexual orientation, socio-economic status,physical abilities, organisational cultureand/or other forms of diversity) in either a particular phase or part of the project (organisation) or throughout the overall total project (organisation) – indicatively up to half to one A4 page for each example.

Description of all areas should be in STAR format (that is: a short description of a specific situation/problem/challenge, of a Task, of Actions to resolve the situation/problem/challenge and of the Result(s) of the Actions. Each Performance narrative may describe one or more STARs).

Provide relevant examples of project documentary evidence to support the claims made in each of the ten narratives (indicatively up to half to one A4 page for each example).

NOTE: Management of significant issues or challenges related to diversity in project managementis to be addressed in the part ‘Issues or Challenges’.

DiPM Area 1 -Stimulation, recognition and addressing of diversity issues in project management

DiPM Area 2 -Leadership attention for promoting diversity & inclusion in project management

DiPM Area 3 -Level of inclusion (i.e. beyond Anglo Saxon male employment within project management)

DiPM Area 4 -Diversity KPI’s and measurable benefits (which ones…?)

DiPM Area 5 -Level of innovation: applicationof innovative approaches, which have resulted in a step up from business as usual and delivered real benefits

DiPM Area 6 -Level of impact on diversity practices beyond immediate sphere of influence (i.e. outside the project or project team at hand)

DiPM Area 7 -Level of sustainability: up to what extent will the applied diversity practice leave a lasting legacy and can it be replicated in other projects?

DiPM Area 8 –Proof of practices of equal opportunity and rewards

DiPM Area 9 –Proof ofattention towork/life balance

DiPM Area 10 –Proof ofgood practices for inclusion (child care, handicapped facilities etc.)

b)Describe how two significant diversity in project management issues or challenges were managed, (indicatively oneA4 page for each example).Description of issue or challenge should be in STAR format. For each example, provide relevant project documentary evidence to support the claims made in the narrative (indicatively up to half a page for each example).

Issue or Challenge 1: [name of issue or challenge]

Issue or Challenge 2: [name of issue or challenge]

c)Describe two lessons learnt relating to diversity in project management, (i.e. gender, geography, etcetera.) Description of lesson learnt should be in STAR format.Outline what did not go well, why it did not go well and, where appropriate, provide recommendations for improvements. Additionally, discuss how these lesson learnt will facilitate outstanding achievement and/or innovation in diversity in the future (indicatively one A4 page). Provide relevant (project)management documentary evidence to support the claims made in the narrative (indicatively one page).

Lesson Learnt / Innovation 1: [descriptionof lesson learnt / innovation]

Lesson Learnt / Innovation 2: [descriptionof lesson learnt / innovation]

Section 6Appendixes

Appendix 1: [insert name of evidence included in this appendix]

Evidence is required to support your submission claims. For example, if the innovation you are claiming increased female participation with 20%, then providing the data from comparable projects within your organization. From a business case with a comparison document showing the saving is considered validated. Another example may be that an extract from the original project document be included with a copy of the amended plan again highlighting the difference between what was planned and what actually occurred.

Photographs and quotes from clients or managers substantiating claims that you make are also classed as appropriate evidence.

The copies of original documentary evidence may be provided in the original language, but where this is not English, an English translation should be provided. Any pages used to provide such a translation are not included in the application form 15 page limit.

Note: Evidence is scored during judging and therefore if evidence is not provided, the judges score for evidence may be zero, and likewise if the evidence is not relevant or considered to be supportive, then the scoring will be commensurate with this.

Appendix 2: [insert name of evidence included in this appendix]

Include evidence for DiPM area, issue or challenge, and lesson learnt covered in section 5. One piece of evidence may be relevant for more than one of the areas, issue or challenges, and lesson learnt.

Appendix 3: [insert name of evidence included in this appendix]

Include evidence for each DiPM area, issue or challenge, and lesson learnt covered in section 5. One piece of evidence may be relevant for more than one the areas, issue or challenges, and lesson learnt.

Section 7Statement of Applicant

We consent herewith, in the name of the project team and our organisation, to observe the rules in the application process for the IPMA Achievement Award and to recognise the IPMA assessment organisation’s decisions as absolute.

We confirm that the project fulfils the requirements for the IPMA Achievement Awards and that all information given in the submitted application and documentation are trueand correct. We accept the data protection and confidentiality clauses demanded by the IPMA organisers.

Location / Date / Signature of project owner/principal