HCT II Summer Reading: HOSA Medical Reading Novels

Over the summer you will read one of the books that HOSA picks for their annual medical reading and complete a dialectical (text) journal with at least 25 entries/ passages (2-3 sentences in length). You are responsible for bringing a copy of the novel to class the entire time the text is being studied, so if you borrowed from a library, make sure to renew your book! I would suggest ordering the book from Amazon.com or visiting a local bookstore:

How They Croaked: The Awful Ends of the Awfully Famous by Georgia Bragg, illustrated by Kevin O’Malley

While reading, please complete the assigned text journals. Here is an example of how complete a dialectical (text) journal:

DIALECTIC means “the art or practice of arriving at the truth by using conversation involving question & answer.” A text journal helps the reader keep a record of thoughts, ideas, opinions, observations and questions. The purpose of the journal is to ask questions of the text and then pose possible answers. Sometimes we do not always understand what we read- this is where the journal can come in handy. Some texts may contain references to material that is unfamiliar or difficult to understand (sometimes done on purpose). Look up unfamiliar words or references that write the meaning down on the right side. In addition to passages that you do not understand you also want to record passages that interest you or that you can relate to.

a. Divide your paper into three columns- on the left side write the page number and passage/ quote from the text in its entirety. indicate a pattern – a repetition of images, ideas, details, diction, etc.

b. indicate a shift of some sort – in plot, character, or setting

c. confuse you (and try to figure it out)

d. highlight the author’s strategic use of literary devices including but not limited to: foreshadowing, flashback, figurative language (metaphor, simile, personification, hyperbole, oxymoron), irony, symbolism, syntax, point of view, diction, characterization, dialogue, punctuation

e. seem important to you for some reason

f. raise questions for you that aren’t answered in the text (and try to answer them)

g. highlight the tone of the book

h. highlight the mood of the book

i. indicate themes in the book

j. evoke a strong reaction from you (only use 3-4 of these)

k. Stand out compared to other parts of the book


Page # Passage What does it mean? Why is it important? Your notes

1 “There are only two birthdays that stand This is coincidental because I don’t really remember my

out in my memory as distinct…One: my birthdays either, but I do remember my 16th birthday party in my

my sixteenth birthday…” basement with all my friends. This was a milestone in my life. The party wasn’t that great, but I felt like a new person!

2 “I’m allergic to dairy (including goat’s This is so similar to my family. After my older sister’s immune

milk), egg, soy, beef, shrimp, pine system was compromised by a parasite, she developed severe

nuts…I’m also allergic to mold, dust, allergies to EVERYTHING. She can only eat turkey, beef,

grass, tree pollen, dogs, rabbits, chicken and some vegetables. I, on the other hand, only have egg

horses…” allergies but am allergic to anything with fur as well as grass and pollen.

** So, here are two of the 25 entries for the journal. The connections that are made to the text are detailed and fully explained (2-3 sentences).