Name: ______Date:______Assessor:______
Nonfiction: Level: ______
1. Student reads 100 + words orally for running record (on back). Teacher may give some background knowledge.
2. Student predicts by asking questions. Teacher records the questions.
3. Student finishes reading the book on his own and completes the summary and questions.
Comprehension / Intervention / Instructional / Independent / Advanced
(Prediction) / 1
makes unrelated question or no response / 2
1 reasonable question related to the text / 3
reasonable questions that go beyond read aloud pages / 4
3 thoughtful questions that go beyond the pages read aloud
Nonfiction Text
features / 1 Limited information accessed from text features / 2 partial information accessed from text features / 3 accurate information accessed from text feature / 4 detailed information accessed from text features
(Determining importance) / 1
1-2 ideas/facts in own language and/or copies text; may include incorrect information / 2
Partial summary; generally in own language; some important facts; some sections inaccurate / 3
Summary in own language; includes important ideas and a few supporting facts from each section / 4
Summary in own language; includes most important ideas and some supporting facts from each section
vocabulary / 1
uses general terms; limited understanding of key words/concepts / 2
uses some language/ vocabulary from text
some understanding of key words/concepts / 3
uses language /
vocabulary from text; basic understanding of most key words/concepts / 4
uses important language/vocabulary from text; good understanding of key words/concepts
What is the most important thing you learned from reading this book? Why? / 1 insignificant message; no reason for opinion or no response / 2 lesssignificant message and/or gives a general reason for opinion / 3significant message and gives relevant reason for opinion / 4 significant message and reason for opinion that reflects higher level thinking
Score: / 5 6 7 8 9 / 10 11 12 / 13 14 15 16 17 / 18 19 20

Write the word missed and the word from the story: Ex: word said by student

word from text

Questions: Teacher writes the questions from student. After questions, send child to finish book & to write summary.



2. ______




(Total # of words) – subtract ( # of miscues)= correct words; then divide: Correct words = ______% of accuracy

total words

Miscue analysis: sight words:______endings:______proper nouns:______decoding specifics______

Phrasing: ______word by word; ______short phrases ______consistent phrasing

Text Features: Choose a text feature (map, picture with caption, diagram, chart, etc.)

What does the information from this text feature tell you?


How did this text feature help you as a reader? ______


  1. What do you think is the most important thing you learned from reading this book?


  1. Why do you think it is important? (a reason with your opinion)



Title of book:______

Summary: Write 2 important facts in your own words for each heading.







Revised: Apr. 2013/HW