Policy Name: RECRUITMENT & SELECTION POLICY / Submission Date: September 26, 2000
Submitted by: Human Resources Department / Approval Date: November 8, 2000
Name & Title of Approving Manager: / Revised: January 19, 2006
Signature of Approving Manager:

Reason for the Policy: A Recruitment and Selection Policy has been established to ensure consistency in all functions of recruiting and placing a new employee at XYZ Company. The policy was designed to itemize all steps taken by Human Resources, hiring managers and other individuals towards selecting a quality candidate for any vacancy or new position. All relevant forms are available on the Intranet. This policy and forms associated with the policy cannot be altered without consent or written approval of the SVP of Strategy and Organizational Development.


·  Requesting a New Hire

Forms: Personnel Requisition Form

Job Description

Criteria List Template

The hiring manager will complete a Personnel Requisition form in full to indicate that an employee is required. A requisition identifies specific data regarding the individual required. A Human Resources representative should spend some time discussing all items of the Personnel Requisition with the hiring manager to be sure that all applicants meet the basic needs of the position to be filled. The requisition form should be used for all positions which are exempt, non-exempt, temporary and positions created under a grant.

If a Job Description exists for a vacancy, it must be reviewed by the hiring manager to be sure it reflects the current essential functions of the position. If the vacancy is for a union position, any changes to a job description must be negotiated and approved by the union representative before a change is effective. If a job description does not exist for a vacancy, such as in the case of a new position, a job description must be created by the hiring manager and approved by the SVP of Strategy and Organizational Development. Finally, the job description would be submitted to the Human Resources Department to ensure all essential functions and requirements of the position are presented in the correct format.

Finally, a criteria list should be completed by the hiring manager to identify the key factors required of an applicant. Enclosed is a sample criteria list for managers to use when developing their own. Eventually, it will be used as an interviewing tool by Human Resources and all hiring managers.

Responsibilities of the Hiring Manager:

1)  Complete a Personnel Requisition form

2)  Review the job description of the vacancy, indicating any changes to be made for review by the SVP of Strategy and Organizational Development and Human Resources. Any changes to union job descriptions must be negotiated and will not be effective until approved by the union representative.

3)  Create a job description for a new position to be approved by the SVP of Strategy and Organizational Development and properly formatted by Human Resources.

4)  Complete a Criteria List form, which identifies the key factors that an applicant must have.

Responsibilities of the Senior VP of Strategy & Organizational Development and Senior VP of Finance/Operations:

1)  The completed personnel requisition, job description and criteria list must be sent to the SVP of Strategy and Organizational Development for review. A signature from the SVP of Strategy and the SVP of Finance/Operations are required on the Personnel Requisition. A signature from the SVP of Strategy and Organizational Development is required on any updates to job descriptions. In addition, a Union Representative will review and approve any changes made to job descriptions for bargaining unit employees. Human Resources will review all job descriptions for internal and external equity before the descriptions are finalized and distributed back to the supervisor.

2) It is the responsibility of the SVP of Strategy and Organizational Development and the SVP of Finance/Operations to approve the existence of the grant/cost center for grant employees. Positions may only be filled that have a source of money through a grant on the operating budget.

Responsibilities of Human Resources:

1)  The Personnel Requisition form will be utilized to write an advertisement and an internal job posting.

2)  Changes to job descriptions approved by the SVP of Strategy will be made to the job description currently on file, marked as updated and distributed back to the hiring manager for filing. Changes to union job descriptions will be negotiated with a Union Representative as needed.

3)  The Criteria List will be used for screening purposes during the initial interviews by Human Resources and copied to any manager/supervisor who is asked to interview a candidate.


·  Job Posting

Forms: Job Posting Application

All vacant or new positions must be offered to internal staff in a formal Job Posting. The Human Resources Department maintains a Job Posting bulletin board located on the Intranet. Human Resources may also seek qualified external candidates during this period. All positions will be posted for a minimum of three (3) business days. Union positions will be posted on the Intranet and the Union bulletin board the internal posting period.

Responsibilities of Eligible Internal Job Applicants:

1)  The applicant must carefully review the job posting to determine interest in and qualifications/eligibility for the job opportunity.

2)  All eligible applicants must complete a Job Posting Application. The application must be signed by the current manager/supervisor. The Human Resources Department will accept both the application and an updated resume if the forms are received by the submission deadline stated on the job posting.

·  Recruitment Process

The Human Resources Department will utilize the same recruiting sources for all positions unless the hiring manager requests an additional source. A complete listing of recruitment sources is available from the Human Resources Department upon request. In general, a brief advertisement will be written and given to two local newspapers (deadline is Thursday at 12noon), a local employment agency may be utilized, two Internet resources will be utilized and two alternative recruiting sources will be identified and notified. Human Resources reserves the right to choose the recruiting sources based on budgetary allowances and availability.

Responsibilities of Human Resources:

1)  Identify and note all recruiting sources utilized in the placement of all open positions in the vacancy folder.


·  Resumes

Forms: Job Application

Consent to Request Consumer Report Information

Interview Do’s and Don’ts informational sheets

All resumes received through the mail or by facsimile will be date stamped and reviewed by a Human Resources representative. If another individual or department receives resumes, the original resume must be sent to Human Resources. Applicants who apply via email will receive and automatic response informing them that the resume has been received. The resumes will then be entered into the HR database. The candidates, who best fit the position description, will be contacted for an interview with just Human Resources or with Human Resources and the hiring manager. For interviews with both Human Resources and the hiring manager a pre-scheduled block of time must be submitted with the resumes for scheduling purposes. Those individuals brought in for a personal interview must complete a Job Application and Consumer Report Information. If the hiring manager requests pre-employment testing, a time will be arranged with the applicant to take any tests.

Responsibilities of Human Resources Department:

1)  All resumes will be sorted by the Human Resources Department and entered into the Human Resources applicant tracking system. If a resume is received in a different department or sent to specific person, it must be forwarded to Human Resources for proper record keeping.

2)  All properly formatted emailed resumes received by the department will be acknowledged by sending the applicant a Resume Acknowledgement email.

3)  All potential interviewees will be scheduled for an interview with a member of the Human Resources Department and/or the hiring manager. Each candidate must complete a Job Application and a Consent to Request Consumer Report Information form before the interview takes place.

4)  Available upon request is a copy of “Interview Do’s and Don’ts” to aid managers in conducting an interview.

·  Reference and Security Checks

Forms: Reference Checklist

Security Report from a Credit Reporting Agency

Security Check Policy and Guidelines

Payroll Change Notice

Human Resources will conduct reference checks on all final candidates. If any reference reports negative comments or the Human Resources Department has reason to believe that the reference is not acceptable, the candidate will be removed from the selection process. A follow up form letter will be mailed to the candidate explaining this decision.

Responsibilities of Human Resources:

1)  Human Resources will conduct three telephone reference checks using the Reference Checklist form. The form is standardized and asks the same questions of all references.

2)  If all references are positive, Human Resources will conduct a security check on those positions for which this step has been specified. Two sources for a security check have been identified; one of which will be utilized based on the discretion of the HR representative. If necessary an offer letter to the candidate will state that the security check must be completed before a hiring decision can be made.

3)  The Credit Reporting Agency will supply Human Resources with a report. If the Security Checking Report has an adverse impact on the hiring decision of an employee, the employee must be notified in writing and given the opportunity to rebut the report. Please refer to the Security Check Policy and Guidelines for more information.

Responsibilities of the hiring manager:

1)  Copies of all candidate resumes identified by Human Resources as appropriate after an initial interview will be given to the hiring manager. The hiring manager will determine the necessity of the second interview which will be scheduled by Human Resources upon receipt of scheduled time blocks.

2)  If a third interview is required, Human Resources will arrange the third interview with the appropriate individuals.

3)  Human Resources will not make an offer to a candidate without completion of the Payroll Change Notice by the hiring manager.

4)  A Payroll Change Notice will be completed by the hiring manager with all applicable information completed. The change form is used by the Payroll Administrator to set up a new hire file in the payroll software.

·  Rejection of a Candidate

Form: Rejection letter (2 – with or without interview)

All candidates rejected for a position will be notified in writing by the Human Resources Department of this decision within a reasonable time frame. Only the Human Resources Department can communicate this decision to the candidate. Any telephone calls placed to the hiring manager or committee by the candidate should be forwarded to the Human Resources Department to ensure consistency and compliance with all internal policies.

·  Acceptance of a Candidate

Form: Offer letter (2 – employee or grant employee)

If a candidate is deemed acceptable by the hiring manager, the Human Resources Department will contact the candidate and then send out an confirmation letter which states the date of hire, the annual salary, applicable benefits and any stipulations to the position, such as an acceptable report on the reference or security checks. Only the Human Resources Department can provide a confirmation letter or make a verbal offer to a candidate. This, again, is to ensure consistency and compliance with internal policies.

·  New Hire Orientation

If the candidate accepts an employment offer, the Human Resources Department will arrange, in conjunction with the hiring manager’s schedule, to have the new hire report for work. Following an orientation checklist, the Human Resources Department will explain all policies, procedures and benefits to the new employee. A New Hire Package will be given to the employee during their first week with all relevant written policies, memorandums and application forms. Further, the Human Resources Department will set up the Personnel Files (3) for the new hire.

Responsibilities of the hiring manager:

1)  Following the Orientation Checklist, the hiring manager is responsible for structuring the employee’s first day. The new employee must be oriented to the department and position. The manager must arrange for a tour of the organization and assign a mentor/shadow in the department who is responsible for guiding the new employee for the next two weeks. Human Resources will be responsible for setting up all relevant appointments with key staff regarding policies/procedures.

2)  If there are any problems or concerns with the new employee, this information will be communicated to the Human Resources Department as soon as possible for follow-up.

3)  The hiring manager will conduct a 90-day performance evaluation (a 30 or 60 day evaluation can be scheduled if needed).

Responsibilities of the Human Resources Department:

1)  The orientation checklist must be completed by all necessary individuals and signed off by the new employee and a Human Resources representative before placing the form in the personnel file.

2)  All relevant new hire forms and applications will be returned to the Human Resources Department within a specified period of time. Human Resources will follow up with the employee to obtain all required forms.

3)  If the new hire has selected health insurance coverage, a COBRA Initial Notification Letter must be sent to their home address. It should be addressed to all of the participants who are considered as dependents under the coverage. For instance, if the new hire elects family coverage, the addressee should be “Ms. Smith and Family”. For more information, please review the COBRA Policy.

4)  The 90-day Performance Evaluation form along with performance targets will be sent to the hiring manager within 30 days of the date of hire.

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