Señora Wilson Spanish III - Overview and Grading Criteria

¡Bienvenidos! Spanish Three is an advance, college-level reading and writing class with high level vocabulary building and intensive grammar review.

The daily class lesson will be highly interactive from the very first session. You will be interacting with me, as facilitator, and with your classmates. You are not expected to be fluent. Just do your best with the skills you have and keep a sense of humor. Before you know it, you will amaze yourself at how much you can do!

Grading will be based on the following:

Participation and attitude 10%

We want our classroom to be a warm and inviting place. We encourage others, help them out, realize that we all have something to learn from each other, and that nobody is perfect. Relax, give it your best and be kind to others, and you will do fine.

Please observe these rules:

1.  Be on time.

2.  Bring your notebook, homework, paper and pen or pencil to class every day.

3.  Have your homework out to be checked when class starts.

4.  No food, drink or gum. No cell phones or other electronic devices.

5.  Use the bathroom between classes.

6.  Treat others and our classroom with respect

7.  When given an assignment before the end of class, begin on it right away. Do not pack up or proceed to the door until I end the class.

Tarea (Homework) 15%

Homework helps to reinforce what you do in class. It is one of the most important things you can do to help speed up the learning process. Homework assignments will be short, but you can expect them most week nights. You must have the homework completed before the start of class. Late assignments are not accepted. Your job is to try your best and correct and learn from your mistakes. If you have an excused absence, you have one additional day for each day of excused absence to submit the assignment.

Pruebas y Examenes (Quizzes and Test) 65%

You can expect regular vocabulary quizzes, oral quizzes, and a chapter test at the end of each Etapa. Third year requires a lot of work, so going over vocabulary and grammar each night will help a great deal here.

Before tests:

1) go over your vocabulary list, testing yourself by writing the Spanish from the English prompt and checking. Repeat, if you have made mistakes. 2) Commit any special verb forms to memory 3) go over the shaded sections in your text. They present the grammar you will be tested on. 4) Go over workbook assignments. See if you could still come up with the correct responses by checking yourself on a few items from each section.

Examen Final (Final test) 10%

At the end of each semester there is a final exam, this exam is a summative assessment. Students are required to obtain a passing grade to continue.


Each assignment will be given a point value according to its length and difficulty. Assignments will be in the following areas: Homework, Participation, Quizzes, and Compositions (heavily weighted – don’t fail to do these!), Notebooks, Tests, and Special Projects. The total of your points divided by the total possible will determine your grade for the grading period. Your grade will be calculated on the following scale:

A = 90-99% D = 60-69%

B =80-89% F = Below 60%

C = 70-79%

Academic Honesty. Any person giving or receiving answers from another student will receive no credit for that assignment or test. Don’t make your answers available to another student. Keep your eyes on your paper during tests.

Make-ups It is the student’s responsibility to meet with the teacher before or after class to find out what he/she needs to make up. Tests must be made up outside of class, so plan ahead if you are absent on a test day and make an appointment as soon as your return. Make-ups are for excused absences only.

Absences. Be sure to clear an absence within 3 days. If your absence is not cleared, it will be considered unexcused. You lose credit for all work turned in during an unexcused absence.

Extra help and Parent Contact I will be in the classroom shortly before and after school. By appointment I will meet with students during break or lunch. Parents can leave a voice mail or e-mail message at school. My email address is: