Agenda item #5
Santiago Library System
Executive Council Meeting Minutes
Orange County Public Libraries
June 9, 2015 ~ 1:00 p.m.
Agenda item #5
Agenda item #5
Audrey Lujan, APL; Carrie Lixey, YLPL; Cindy Mediavilla, CSL; Melissa Kelly, NBPL; Helen Fried, OCPL; Jeanette Contreras, PLD; Mary McCasland, BPLD; Maryruth Storer, OCPLL; Maureen Gebelein, FPL; Stephanie Beverage, HBPL; Yolanda Moreno, OPL; Vera Skop, SLS
Genesis Hansen, MVPL; Tim Hetherton, NBPL*
Agenda item #5
Call to Order
1. Call to Order – Vice-Chair Mary McCasland called the meeting to order at 1:16 p.m.
2. Roll Call.
3. Adoption of Agenda. A motion to adopt the agenda was made. (SB/AL)
4. Oral Communications.
Consent Calendar
5. Minutes from the April 14, 2015 Santiago Library System Executive Council Meeting (Received, File and Approved)
6. Financial Reports (Received, File & Approve)
Continuing Business
7. 15/16 Plan of Service and Proposed 15/16 Budget. Vera presented the 2015/2016 Plan of Service and 15/16 Budget for review. Santiago will be receiving 1/3 less CLSA money and Linda and Vera’s hours have been reduced. Vera has also set aside money for an audit of the books for the last two fiscal years. The Committee discussed their options on how to spend the unallocated money. After the discussion it was recommended to reimburse each library for telecommunication costs. A motion to approve the 15/16 Plan of Service with the recommendation was made. Motion carried. (AL/SB)
8. SWOT Update. Carrie presented the results from the Strategic Plans of Service survey. In the future this will help guide and direct the committees into realizing “what are we doing here” including their goals and objectives. Vera will include committee goals and objectives in the next Plan of Service.
9. Meeting date and time. It was suggested that Vera and Linda send out a Doodle poll asking committee members to list the day and time they are available to attend the Executive Council meetings
New Business
10. Election of Officers. The following committee members will be your Executive Council officers for FY 2015/2016.
- Chair Mary McCasland
- Vice Chair Stephanie Beverage
- Past Chair Jeanette Contreras
11. Executive Council Roundtable. What’s new at your library? Members related new of their libraries.
12. Executive Director.
- Movie Licensing USA. Vera reported that she was contacted by Sue Meyer from Movie Licensing USA as several libraries have this service and there was a possibility for a group discount. Vera will follow up with Sue.
- Cenic. Vera reported that there will be a Cenic information session in Carlsbad in August.
13. State Library. State Library Outcome Workshop, July 30, 2015. Cindy reported that there will be 8 Outcomes workshops on “Adding Value to Library Services With Outcome-Based Planning and Evaluation,” starting July 20th through July 31st around the state. The Santiago/Inland workshop will be on July 30th.
14. Agenda Preparation for August 24, 2015 Executive Council Meeting at Orange County Public Library.
15. Review of Action Items.
16. Adjournment at 2:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Linda Andersen
Agenda item #5