December 6, 2008 NDTA Fall Board meeting
President Jeff Wagner called the NDTA Board of Directors meeting to order at 10:26 AM, in the MDUOfficeBuilding in Bismarck, ND.
Those Board members present were Bill Suda, Louis Kuster, Chet Nelson, Greg Vaage, Blaine Dukart, Jeff Wagner, Don Krueger, Jeff Zwarych, Bill Gauslow, Tom Polkinghorne, Scott Phelps and Dean Rohrich.
Minutes of the June 21st, 2008 Board meeting were read. Motion to approve as read by Bill Suda, second by Scott Phelps, motion carried.
Minutes of the July 27th, 2008 Board meeting were read. Motion to approve as read by Chet Nelson, second by Jeff Zwarych, motion carried.
The Board Directory was reviewed and corrections made. The State Secretary will have the corrected version posted on the web site.
The treasurer’s report was presented indicating a balance in the checking account of $3633.87;a savings account balance of $1504.83 and a CD with a current value of $7203.19. The total value of all accounts is $12,341.89. The report indicates that expenses for the 2008 target year exceeded revenues by about $1600.00 due to fewer targets thrown and fewer ATA memberships in ND. Dean Rohrich moved to approve the treasurer’s report, second by Blaine Dukart, motion carried.
Louis Kustergave the secretary’s report. Due to the October 31 target year end, the report from the ATA was just received a few days ago and time hadn’t allowed finalizing the State Teams and High Average winners. They will be sent out to the Board members for review before posting on the web site. Total targets thrown in ND during the 2008 target year were 378,200. This is 22,250 less than the 2007 target year even though the 2008 target year includes all of the September 2008 targets.
The Grants, Gifts, and Memorials report was given by Chet Nelson, indicating there was $520 in the fund with the monies being incorporated in the regular NDTA accounts.
Jeff Wagner then gave the Delegates report indicating some of the changes that have been made by the ATA. Those changes include reintroduction of the 18 yard line, and changing the target year end back to August 31, so the current target year will only consist of 10 months, (November 1, 2008 through August 31, 2009). Other changes include the addition of a 3 year ATA membership for $50.00, some changes to Penalty at the 2009 Grand American, and changing the multiplier for All-American points at State Shoots. The new rules establish a minimum multiplier of 2 for State shoots and a maximum of 7.
Jeff said that the ATA had hired Jim Thompson as the new Executive Director.He reported that the ATA was considering developing trophy packages that smaller clubs could utilize, possibly through a voucher system but nothing would be available for this year.
The NDTA Classification Criteria was reviewed and discussed; noting the importance of proper classification at all ATA registered shoots.
Old Business:
Louis Kuster raised the issue of T-shirts for the youth at the State Shoot. There were no youth T-shirts purchased for 2008 and there were no donations received for them in 2008. He said there was still $200.00 of unspent money from 2007 that had been donated for youth T-shirts. Scott Phelps volunteered to pursue arranging for T-shirts for the 2009 State Shoot.
New Business:
Chet Nelson made a motion that the Grand American Stipends for 2009 remain the same as 2008. Bill Gauslow seconded and the motion carried. (Singles Champion $250, Runner-up $100 if Champion doesn’t attend. Lady, Vet, Sr. Vet, Jr, and Sub-Jr Champions $200. ATA delegate $500 and Sec/Treas salary $400.
The dates for the 2009 State Shoot were discussed. The Minot Gun Club requested the shoot be held on July 16 – 19, 2009. Minot would like to have these dates because the ND State Fair has been moved a week later than usual for 2009. Therefore the availability of help and motel rooms would be a benefit to the shoot. Scott Phelps moved to schedule the 2009 ND State Shoot for July 16 – 19, 2009, second by Blaine Dukart, motion carried.
President Wagner passed out committee assignments for the State Shoot.
The youth event at the State Shoot was discussed. Blaine Dukart moved that the youth event be held on Saturday and be on all 200 targets. Bill Gauslow seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Jeff Wagner explained the new “AIM” youth shooting program from the ATA. The program replaces the Scholastic Trapshooting Program. The consensus of the Board was not to participate for this year.
Chet Nelson moved that the trophy money and the addedmoney for the 2009 State Shoot remain the same as in 2008. That is $1850.00 from the Host Club and up to $5150.00 from the NDTA for trophies. In addition to the $1850 the host club will provide the 3rd place youth team trophies. (5 Jr and 5 Sub-Jr.) The added money will be $1500. Scott Phelps seconded, and the motion carried.
Discussion followed concerning revenues to maintain the trophies and added money at or near the current levels if the decline in shooting continued. Bill Gauslow suggested that a silent auction should be held at the State Shoot and proceeds could be used for trophies. After further discussion Bill Gauslow moved to hold a silent auction during the 2009 ND State Shoot. Blaine Dukart seconded, and the motion carried. Bill Gauslow volunteered to spearhead the project.
In light of the declining revenues, a motion was made by Scott Phelps and seconded by Blaine Dukart to discontinue the State Association sponsored horsd’ oeuvres, motion carried.
A motion was made by Scott Phelps to approve funds up to $300 from NDTA for trophies for the Telephonic shoot, second by Tom Polkinghorne, motion carried.
Chet Nelson advanced the name of Dick Eastman for consideration for the ND Trapshooting Hall of Fame. Balloting results fell short of the required threshold for eligibility.
Chet Nelson proposed that consideration be given to induction of Pat Lamont for the Hall of Honor. Pat’s outstanding performance at this years Grand American tournament and the frequent participation at North Dakota trap shoots by Pat and his father Rob warranted consideration for this recognition. Bill Gauslow suggested that both Rob and Pat should be considered for induction. After some discussion Bill Gauslow made a motion that Rob and Pat Lamont be inducted into the ND Hall of Honor. The motion was seconded by Blaine Dukart and the motion carried.
A motion was made by Jeff Wagner to induct Mary Polkinghorne into the ND Hall of Honor, second by Scott Phelps and the motion carried.
Jeff Zwarych suggested that yardage groups should be considered for the State Shoot handicap events. After some discussion Jeff Zwarych moved to present the topic for discussion at the Annual meeting. The motion was seconded by Scott Phelps, motion carried.
It was pointed out that no decision had yet been made on whether penalty classification would be in effect for the 2009 State Shoot. Bill Suda moved to eliminate penalty for the 2009 State Shoot, second by Jeff Zwarych, motion carried.
Dates for the 2009 shoots were set.
Bill Gauslow suggested that a booklet with all the shoots for the year be printed. There was some discussion with no action taken.
A motion was made by Bill Suda to adjourn, second by Scott Phelps. Motion carried, meeting adjourned about 4:40 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Louis M. Kuster
NDTA Sec/Treas