/ St. Croix Catholic School

7th Grade United States History 2015-2016

Ms. Santos

Ms. Santos’ Contact Information
Office Hours: After school, by appointment
Phone: (651) 439-5581, ext. 344

Course Topics

Prehistory to 1850

 First Civilizations of Americas

 Age of Encounter and Colonization of America (1400-1675)

 The 13 English Colonies (1630-1750)

 The French and Indian War

 The American Revolution

 Creating a Republic

 The Constitution of the United States

 The Age of Jefferson

 The Industrial Revolution

 The Jacksonian Era

 Westward expansion and the California Missions

 Minnesota History

Course Objectives

Historical Thinking

  1. Explain different points of view from history.
  2. Read and understand primary sources.
  3. Identify and describe the source of a historical documents and artifacts
  4. Contextualize – make connections between historical eras and circumstances and particular events and accounts.
  5. Support historical claims with evidence

Critical Thinking and Communication Skills

  1. Ask thoughtful questions about and make logical conclusions from facts.
  2. Identify cause and effects.
  3. Apply the Gospel message to particular situations, issues and historical events.
  4. Understand the Catholic Church’s views concerning social justice issues and the Church’s reaction to particular historical events.
  5. Develop a moral sense for interpreting historical events and information.
  6. Negotiate differences with peers and build consensus.
  7. Use language with clarity, accuracy, and understanding.

Required Materials

Please always come to class prepared, with the following:

Homework that is due, pen/pencil, highlighter, History class notebook, History class folder/binder, and your agenda to write new homework in

Our US History Textbook will be online. Here is the access information:


Username: sknights21

Password: f4j2u

Methods of Assessment

Tests, quizzes, projects, presentations, historical papers, role-playing activities, power point presentations, classroom discussions, and written assignments

Grading Policy

Tests, Essays, & Projects / 50%
Quizzes and Class Participation / 25%
Homework and Classwork / 25%

***Please keep updated about your grades by checking Power School. You can get your personal login information from the school office.

Late Work and Absences

The class policy for late work follows the Middle School policy. Any work that is one day late can only receive a maximum of 75%. Work that is late for two or more days can only receive a maximum of 50%. Assignments that are late for more than 3 days will receive a zero.

If you have an excused absence, you will have as many days to complete the missed assignments as you were absent without receiving a penalty (Ex: If you were absent for two days, you will have two days from when you return to school to complete the work you missed).

Other Requirements: Please subscribe to our history class feed at St. Croix Catholic School’s website. By subscribing, you will get regular email updates about what we are doing in class. Please go to Click on Middle School  Classes  Seventh Grade History. Click on the SUBSCRIBE button on the right hand side of the class page and submit your email. Please feel free to call/email if you have any questions.

Acknowledgement Form

By completing this form, we are confirming that we have read and understood the syllabus for history class. We are also confirming that we have subscribed to the class feed on the school’s website.


Student Name (Print)Student Signature


Parent/Guardian NameParent/Guardian Signature


Parent Email/Phone NumberDate