School Community Council Meeting
September 6th, 2017
Field Trips
- Group discussed the dilemma of not having enough money to go on two field trips this year.
- The option of applying for a grant to be able to go on more than one field trip was also discussed.
- Group decided to apply for a grant to allow the 5th and 6th graders to go on a stem field trip to SLC or an equivalent.
- Other funding options discussed include: linking Smith’s card and Target card to our school, getting tribe donations, and turning in Box Tops.
- Rachel Parker will collect and send in Box Tops twice a year as well as provide a box to collect the Box Tops at the tribal building.
- Money from Box Tops, Smith’s card, and Target card can be used toward field trips but without a grant we will still only be able to go on one field trip a year.
- Baylee motioned to go to WDH for the pentathlon for the single field trip. Edna Steele 2nd the motion. It was a unanimous vote to go to WDH.
Passport to Reading Program
- The group discusses how to continue the Passport to Reading Program and what the rewards should be.
- Some ideas for rewards included: a treasure box prize for turning in reading logs, doing STEM activities when bigger goals were met.
- It was brought up that parents could donate treasure box items rather than spending money.
- Edna motioned for prize box incentives weekly, and STEM activities monthly for the reading program. Elizabeth 2nd the motion. It was a unanimous vote throughout the group for Edna’s motion.
Change to Meeting Night
- Group discusses changing the SCC meeting from Wednesday nights to Thursday nights in order to accommodate members of the council and get a higher attendance rate. The next meeting is set for November 9th, 2017 at 6pm.
- Group also wants more notice for the meetings. We discussed that they are included on the school yearly calendar as well as on the school website. Facebook postings will take place sooner and Norma discussed having the dates posted in the tribal newsletter.
School Climate Grant
- SCTG grant is for hiring an aide. Rachel wondered if we could tack on hours to an aide already employed.
- SSAP grant is 50 cents per student for incentives/food
- Health Funding is $100 for healthy lifestyles learning curriculum
- SCTG grant for school climate apparel. Group reviewed last year’s decision to print t-shirts and jackets for the 2017-2018 school year in the school colors (navy blue and gold).
- Elizabeth motioned to include new kinders in the t-shirts and jackets. Baylee 2nd the motion, and it was a unanimous vote among the group in favor of Elizabeth’s motion.
SEL Grant - $5,000 for School Garden
- Elizabeth applied for and received a $5,000 grant for a school garden. The purpose is to get community elders and seniors to the school and get involved with the kids.
- Rachel suggested using raised gardens.
- There will be two gardens for each class, both 4’x5’ and will have something built to be able to cover the gardens with tarps or plastic.
- Norma suggested having the Housing Department at the tribe volunteer to make the boxes. She is going to price materials.
- Norma also volunteered to help get the elders involved.
Christmas Program for 2017
- This year’s Christmas program is set for December 14th.
Pumpkin Patch
- It was discussed to offer a pumpkin patch for age zero to 6th grade children in the community.
- It would come from the Lifetouch, Kroger, and Box Tops budget money.
- Baylee is to talk to Jack Holt in Enterprise to try and price pumpkins.
- Edna motioned to look at the idea of purchasing pumpkins. Baylee 2nd the motion. It was a unanimous vote in favor of Edna’s motion.
Halloween Carnival for 2017
- This year’s Halloween carnival is set for October 31st at 1pm.
- The school will not be buying candy this year. Donations of candy from parents are welcome.
4 Day School Week
- It was brought up by a parent attending the council meeting to present a 4 day school week to the school board.
- It was discussed for the community to come together in order to present this and to have a petition made in order for parents to sign.
- Some of the points in favor of a 4 day school week included:
- Improved attendance records because parents wouldn’t have to pull kids out of school for regular doctor appointments in SLC and Tooele.
- Improved test scores
- Data needs to be retrieved from multiple sources for this.
- It was discussed to hold a community meeting in order to talk about the pros and cons of a 4 day school week and get more parents and community members informed.
- Group discussed wanted to see the 4 day school week happen by Midterm (January) or by the beginning of next year.