1. Call to Order – 9:41 am
  1. Approval of June 25 Minutes
  1. Danny moves to approve, Connor seconds
  2. All approve
  1. Member Reports
  2. Danny Summers, StudExChair, Student Senate Chief of Staff
  3. Legislative training August 28th
  4. Noon to 5
  5. Email sent out on listserv
  6. 2 hour cultural competency
  7. Marcia and other advisors speaking
  8. Exec staff intros
  9. Met with Jesse Burbank about freshman elections
  10. September 12th, 13th
  11. Jesse put together a calendar, all materials will be released august 29th
  12. Connor and Danny met with student named Jasmine, interested in student senate
  13. Met with her interpreters about accessibility concerns
  14. Providing interpreters in meetings/committees
  15. Think she will be coming on as replacement senator
  16. Connor: Kim Bates from AAAC was there to help with interpreting
  17. Worried about money aspect, ADA means nobody can be discriminated against based on disability but student groups on campus typically don’t have accessibility funds
  18. Allyssa: rules and regs says childcare funds could be opened up for other services
  19. Stephonn Alcorn, Student Body President
  20. Thanks for work over the summer, was in NY had to have flexible schedule
  21. Met with Chancellor and provosts about our initiatives and plans for the years
  22. Great to have their support
  1. Within first couple cycles a lot of legislation that was worked on over the summer related to accessibility and openness
  2. Board of regents student advisory retreat September 2nd weekend
  3. Held here in Lawrence
  1. Gabby Naylor, Student Body Vice President
  2. Working on a lot of things, spent majority of last month working on women’s leadership program
  3. 7 enrolled
  4. being paired with someone in the community as mentor
  5. meet on Tuesday nights
  6. multicultural affairs committee will be getting an advisor
  7. SaidaBonifield
  8. Amy Schumacher, Student Senate Graduate Affairs Director
  9. Working on initiatives from last time
  10. Grad printing
  11. Met new dean, doesn’t want to fund this
  12. Start on Monday with amount at 125 and special requests after that
  13. Working on filling senate seats
  14. 3 applications coming in this week
  15. Setting policies for grad senators
  16. Working on social
  17. First GSAB meeting set and upcoming
  18. October – first grad research symposium, two more in the spring
  19. Taylor Zabel, Finance Committee Chair
  20. Working on stuff for ad hoc
  21. Outreach policy from last meeting
  22. Amy and Allyssa have been working on separate info-graphics about funding process
  23. Considering creation of student unallocated account
  24. Fiscal year 16: $56,000
  25. 15: $62,000
  26. 14: $45,000
  27. 13: $135,000
  28. Zoya Khan, Multicultural Affairs Committee Chair
  29. Question over which seats open for reelection
  30. Just chair opens
  31. Mattie Carter, Student Rights Committee Chair
  32. Adrian Janowiak, University Affairs Committee Chair
  1. Zoya Khan, Jacob Murray, Brittney Oleniacz;SenEx Representatives
  2. Haven’t had SenEx meeting since beginning of summer
  3. September 6th next meeting
  1. Regular Agenda
  2. Unallocated Account
  3. Allyssa and Taylor present
  4. Setting unallocated for groups, spending limit highest we can do is $70,000 right now
  5. Taylor: Last year the fee was a little higher than we could handle, thinking $70,000 is safer but open to lowering due to budget concerns
  6. Allyssa: $56,000 spent last year
  7. Gabby asks how much revenue we bring in
  8. Taylor: 626,000, 229,000 in reserve
  9. Spending limit is 723,000
  10. Amy questions if it dips into reserve
  11. Taylor: will be pulling some
  12. Brittney asks about travel fund, how this will cut into that
  13. Taylor: want to have us debate what we want the limit to be, don’t want to open floodgates to travel
  14. We can discuss the limit for travel
  15. Generally ranges from $40,000 to $60,000 but we can dip into reserve if need be
  16. Danny moves, Taylor seconds
  17. All in favor
  18. 2017-010: A Bill To Fund Search Symposium
  19. Allyssa and Brittney presents
  20. Every year students don’t spend their money rolls back into our reserve
  21. Event was very successful
  22. This group didn’t have paperwork in so we want to reallocate this money
  23. Brittney: Spoke to Alex this morning and she was the representative with the org, said because Genevieve is international it created some difficulty in accounting
  24. Gabby moves, Brittney seconds
  25. All in favor
  1. 2017-011: A Bill to Amend Student Senate Rules and Regulations, Appendix Q
  2. Allyssa and Taylor present
  3. Looking how to improve and diversify accessibility funds
  4. Creation of student travel fund
  5. A lot of discrepancies in travel funding, senate doesn’t allow it except for several exceptions
  6. Want to improve this system while also being smart about their funds
  7. Suspend 8.5.10 that says cant fund travel, reinstate it at a certain point to set a deadline for getting funding
  8. Cannot be used as precedent in the future
  9. We can fund different percentages at different request sizes
  10. 75% for requests up to $200
  11. 50% for requests up to $1000
  12. 25% for requests up to $1,000
  13. $1,250 is the maximum we can fund for any group with requests more than $5,000
  14. Stephonn questions first semester cutoff
  15. Taylor: want to use as a test run of sorts
  16. Amy questions its use for conferences
  17. Taylor: can be used for this, want to bring knowledge back to KU and promote KU’s images
  18. Conference must just have an educational purpose
  19. Amy questions if this is amount they can request per request or per whole semester
  20. Taylor: we can discuss this today, open to multiple requests but need to keep in mind that multiple requests by same org restricts other org’s opportunities
  21. Brittney asks about requirement for needing to give presentation or be active in conference to get this funding
  22. Allyssa: If this works out well we should look into creating a stipulation around that
  23. Brittney: People may get funding, go to that place, but not actually even attend the conference
  24. Taylor: would you be open to incorporating clause that says they must present to own organization or member of student senate afterwards to get funding
  1. Amy: Should say present at the conference and/or when you get back, presenting there should be equivalent
  2. Stephonn: Any thought as to since this is only for this semester, what about the actual date of these conferences, apply this semester for conferences next semester?
  3. Taylor: If it is allocated this semester they could use those funds next semester
  4. Remaining funds will be reabsorbed back into the unallocated by 7th cycle
  1. Amy asks about plan for publicizing this
  2. Taylor says Connor can assist with this, Connor agrees
  3. Taylor Allyssa and Whit are presenting to student organizations about student senate funding and can advertise this new plan during that time
  4. Brittney bring sup if many people attend the same conference can we offer funding for all of them or just a limited amount
  5. Taylor: We can only offer up to $1,250
  6. Amy questions about ad hoc committee and members of multicultural committees that have funding from national organization but need money for conferences still
  7. Taylor: Could be addressed later, just want to iron out kinks this semester to recommend improvements in the future
  8. Taylor identifies two amendments
  9. Requirement for presenting about conference upon returning
  10. Amount to be set aside for travel
  11. Motion to call to question on first amendment by Gabby
  12. Clause 2.2.7 “after completion of travel event, students who attended thee vents must either present to their student organization or to a member of student senate”
  13. Connor changes wording to “…must either present their summary of the conference…”
  14. Gabby questions who they will present to
  15. Taylor: don’t need to worry about that in the language, put it in the application
  16. Amy questions difference between regular bill and application
  1. Taylor: separate application just for this
  1. Taylor moves to adopt Connor’s amendment
  2. All in favor
  1. Discussion on second amendment
  2. Taylor: on more conservative side we would consider around $5,000 but we can consider any numbers everyone deems fit
  3. Amy and Brittney: thinking around $10,000
  4. Allyssa: already allocated most groups funds, many have travel funds secured…more we up this the less we can spend on unallocated
  5. Gabby asks what it looks like in the spending limit
  6. Allyssa: pulling from unallocated fund that we approved prior in this meeting
  7. Taylor: open to $10,000, but that means other student orgs may not get as many funds as they would like
  8. Amy raises issue that with 5000 that means just a few groups could take all the funds
  9. Gabby: could we set at 5 and come back and see how first half of first semester goes?
  10. Taylor: Meet in middle at $7,500, can reapportion more as we need fit
  11. Taylor moves to strike all x’s on line 24 and replace with $7,500
  12. All in favor
  1. Senator Code of Ethics Complaint
  1. Adjournment – 10:48 am

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