Methodology Used to Calculate Progress of Focus Schools Based on 2015-16 School Year Results

A Focus School identified for the elementary-middle Performance Index (PI) will make progress if it meets one of the following criteria and meets the participation rate requirement (see 18d):

1.  The 2015-16 combined English language arts (ELA) and mathematics Performance Index (PI) for the identified subgroup(s) is 10 points or higher than the cut point(s) for the subgroups(s).

2.  The 2015-16 combined English language arts (ELA) and mathematics Performance Index (PI) for the identified subgroup(s) makes a 10 point or more gain from the prior year.

3.  The 2015-16 combined English language arts (ELA) and mathematics Performance Index (PI) for the identified subgroup(s) makes a 10 percent or more gap reduction from the prior year.

4.  The combined 2014-15 and 2015-16 ELA and mathematics Mean Student Growth Percentiles (MGP) for the identified subgroup(s) is above the state average for the subgroup(s).

5.  The identified subgroup(s) make adequate yearly progress (AYP) for ELA and mathematics in 2014-15 and 2015-16.

a.  Even if the AYP data is missing for any subject or any year, the progress filter will still be determined with available data. If there is no data for both the years for both the subjects, no progress filter will be determined. Examples are given below:

School Has AYP data
District / 2014-15
ELA / 2014-15 Math / 2015-16 ELA / 2015-16 Math / Progress Filter Determined
School A / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
School B / No / Yes / Yes / No / Yes
School C / Yes / No / Yes / No / Yes
School D / No / No / Yes / Yes / Yes
School E / No / No / No / Yes / Yes
School F / No / No / No / No / No

6.  The identified subgroup(s) 2011 4-year cohort graduation rate or the 2010 5-year cohort graduation rate is above the state average.[1]

A Focus School identified for the high school Performance Index (PI) will make progress if it meets one of the following criteria and meets the participation rate requirement (see 18d):

7.  The 2015-16 combined English language arts (ELA) and mathematics Performance Index (PI) for the identified subgroup(s) is 10 points or higher than the cut point(s) for the subgroups(s).

8.  The 2015-16 combined English language arts (ELA) and mathematics Performance Index (PI) for the identified subgroup(s) makes a 10 point or more gain from the prior year.

9.  The 2015-16 combined English language arts (ELA) and mathematics Performance Index (PI) for the identified subgroup(s) makes a 10 percent or more gap reduction from the prior year.

10.  The identified subgroup(s) make adequate yearly progress (AYP) for ELA and mathematics in 2014-15 and 2015-16.

a.  Even if the AYP data is missing for any subject or any year, the progress filter will still be determined with available data. If there is no data for both the years for both the subjects, no progress filter will be determined. See examples given in 5a.

11.  The identified subgroup(s) 2011 4-year cohort graduation rate or the 2010 5-year cohort graduation rate is above the state average.

A Focus School identified for the high school Graduation Rate will make progress if it meets one of the following criteria and meets the participation rate requirement (see 18d):

12.  The identified subgroup(s) 2011 4-year cohort graduation rate or the 2010 5-year cohort graduation rate is 10 or more points above the cut point of identification.

13.  The identified subgroup(s) 2011 4-year cohort graduation rate or the 2010 5-year cohort graduation rate is above the state average.

14.  The identified subgroup(s) 2011 4-year cohort graduation rate or the 2010 5-year cohort makes a 10 point or more gain from the prior year cohort.

15.  The identified subgroup(s) 2011 4-year cohort graduation rate makes a 10 point or more gain from two cohorts prior (2009 4-year cohort cohort).

16.  The identified subgroup(s) 2011 4-year cohort graduation rate makes a 10% or more gap reduction from the prior cohort.

17.  The identified subgroup(s) made Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for graduation rate in 2014-15 and 2015-16.

a.  Even if the AYP data is missing for any year, the progress filter will still be determined with available data. If there is no data for both the years, no progress filter will be determined. See examples given in 5a.

18.  Additionally, the school must meet the following criteria:

a.  For a school identified for elementary-middle and high school PI must meet one criterion each as applicable to elementary-middle PI and high school PI.

b.  For a school identified for elementary-middle, high school PI and graduation rate must meet one criterion each as applicable to elementary-middle PI, high school PI, and graduation rate.

c.  All accountable subgroups for which the school was not identified as Focus must be above the cut points of identification, or must meet one of the progress criteria listed in 1 to 17, as applicable to the performance area (elementary-middle PI, high school PI, and/or Graduation Rate).

d.  The school must meet 95% participation rate for all subgroups in ELA and mathematics for both elementary-middle and high school grades for which the school is accountable for meeting the participation rate requirement.

Progress Cut Points for Focus Schools/Focus Schools

Cut Points for Identification / Cut Points for Making Progress
Subgroup / 2014-15 EM Combined ELA & math PI / 2014-15 HS Combined ELA & math PI / 2010 4 Yr Grad Rate / 2015-16 EM Combined ELA & math PI / 2015-16 HS Combined ELA & math PI / 2011 4 Yr or 2010 5 Yr Grad Rate
(at or below) / (at or below) / (at or below) / (at or above) / (at or above) / (at or above)
Students with Disabilities / 29.0 / 56.5 / 33 / 39.0 / 66.5 / 43
Am. Indian / 61.0 / 124.5 / 61 / 71.0 / 134.5 / 71
Asian / 61.0 / 124.5 / 61 / 71.0 / 134.5 / 71
Black / 61.0 / 124.5 / 61 / 71.0 / 134.5 / 71
Hispanic / 61.0 / 124.5 / 61 / 71.0 / 134.5 / 71
White / 61.0 / 124.5 / 61 / 71.0 / 134.5 / 71
English Language Learners / 27.5 / 54.0 / 25 / 37.5 / 64.0 / 35
Economically Disadvantaged / 64.0 / 116.5 / 62 / 74.0 / 126.5 / 72
Multiracial / 61.0 / 124.5 / 61 / 71.0 / 134.5 / 71

Progress Filters for Focus Schools/Focus Schools

Subgroup / 2014-15 & 2015-16 EM Combined ELA & Math SGP
State Average / 2011 4-year cohort graduation rate
State average / 2010 5-year cohort graduation rate
State average
Students with Disabilities / 49.25 / 54 / 60
Am. Indian / 50.23 / 68 / 69
Asian / 55.83 / 87 / 88
Black / 49.60 / 68 / 73
Hispanic / 51.36 / 68 / 72
White / 50.20 / 89 / 91
English Language Learners / 53.59 / 48 / 54
Economically Disadvantaged / 51.05 / 73 / 77
Multiracial / 49.25 / 82 / 82

[1]This only applies to a school that is identified for Grades 3-8 ELA and mathematics results and is accountable for high school graduation rates.