SE 2730 Intro. to Software Engineering Project

Phase 6: Class Diagram

Due: Friday, April 8

Construct a domain-level class diagram for your project. Use the noun identification technique to identify classes. Create a design document including the following sections:

1.  Game Name

2.  Team Members

3.  System Requirements: Revise and copy your system requirements in this section. Underline all nouns. Then use the techniques discussed in class to reduce the set of nouns to those which are part of your problem domain.

4.  Noun Identification: List all unique nouns from your requirements and scenarios in the following table. For each, consider whether it meets all of the following:

o  Has state (i.e., information to store)

o  Has responsibilities

o  Has behavior

o  Not redundant

o  Within project scope

If it does not meet one or more, list that as a reason for rejecting the noun as a class. If the class is to be included, leave the “reason rejected” blank.

NOUN / Reason rejected
1.  Game / Out of scope
2.  User / Redundant w/ player

5.  Class Diagram: Use Rhapsody to draw a domain-level class diagram. You should include

o  major attributes and operations for each class

o  associations (Don’t forget the description)

o  inheritance, aggregation, composition when appropriate

o  multiplicities

Export your class diagram as a picture and include it in this section.


1.  Add your Rhapsody project to your repository as


2.  Save your design document in your repository as


3.  Submit the phase report in the repository as


4.  Copy and paste the grading rubric below at the very beginning of the design document.

Grading Rubric for Phase 6:

Item / Possible Points / Comments / Score
Noun identification list / 3
Rejection reasons / 2
Class diagram:
o  association: 2
o  multiplicity: 2
o  other relationships: 2
o  attributes and operations: 2 / 8
Phase report: time logging, meetings / 2
Total / 15 / 0