KNH 411 - GI TERMS – Quiz: 9/12

chol/o-bite / gingiv/o-gums
cholescyst/o-gall bladder / gloss/o-tongue
col/o-large intestine or colon / hepat/o-liver
dent/o-teeth procto/o-anus & rectum / pancreat/o-pancreas
enter/o-small intestine
esophag/o-esophagus / rect/o-rectum
gastr/o-stomach / stomat/o-mouth
douden/o-duodenum (first part of small intestine

G.I. Diagnostic Terms

Aerophagia- the swallowing of air resulting in gas and bloating

Ascites- accumilation or retention of free fluid within the peritoneal cavity

Cholecystitis- inflammation of the gallbladder

Cholelithiasis (biliary calculi)- The presence or formation of the gallstones

Cirrhosis (liver)- end stage liver disease, characterized by damage to hepatic parenchymal cells with modular regeneration and fibrosis

Diverticulitis- an acute inflammation of the diverticula

Diverticulosis- and abnormal presence of outpockets or pouches (diverticula) on the surface of the small intestine or colon

Esophagitis- Inflammation of the esophagus

Fistula- an abnormal opening or passage between two internal organs or from an internal organ to the surface of the body

Gastritis/gastroenteritis- inflammation of the gastric mucosa

Hematic coma- coma that can occur in severe cases of liver disease

Hiatal hernia- protrusion of part of the stomach through the diaphragm into the space normally occupied by the esophagus, heart, lungs

Ilelitis- Inflammation of the ileum

Inflammatory bowel disease- an autoimmune, chronic inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

Two diagnoses: ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease

Irritable bowel syndrome- a bowel disorder characterized by abdominal pain with diarrhea and/or constipation

Malabsorption syndromes- A group of symptoms such as gas, bloating, abdominal pain, and diarrhea resulting from the body's inability to properly absorb nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract.

Pancreatitis- inflammation of the pancreas

Peritonitis- an inflammation of the peritoneum membrane

Portal systemic encephalopathy- associated with cirrhosis of the liver, attributed to the passage of toxic nitrogenous substances from the portal to the systemic circulation

Sprue, nontropical (celiac disease, gluten enteropathy)- inflammation of the small intestine caused by gluten found in various grains, including wheat

Ulcer- An open sore on an external or internal surface of the body, caused by a break in the skin or mucous membrane that fails to heal.

Ulcerative colitis- a chronic inflammatory bowel disease primarily located in the colon and rectum

G.I Operative/Surgical Procedure Terms

Anastomosis- the surgical connection of body parts, especially hollow tubular parts like those of the GI tract

Cholcystectomy- Surgical removal of the gallbladder

Colostomy- a procedure in which the rectum only is surgically removed, and the end of the colon is attached to the stoma

Diverticulectomy- the surgical removal of a diverticulum

Gastrectomy- surgery to resect a portion of or the entire stomach

Gastroduodenal anastomosis (Billroth I)- an operation in which the pylorus is removed and the distal stomach is anastomosed directly to the duodenum

Gastrojejunal anastomosis (Billroth II)- an operation in which the lower part of the stomach (antrum) is removed and a loop of small bowel (jejunum) is brought up and joined to it in a (side-to-side manner) for drainage (gastrojejunostomy).

Gastrojejunostomy- the surgical formation of a passage between the stomach and jejunum

Ileostomy- a procedure in which the colon and rectum are surgically removed, and the end of the ileum is attached to the stoma

Jejunostomy- an opening into the jejunum

Pancreatectomy- Surgical removal of the pancreas.

Pyloroplasty- enlarging the pyloric sphincter

Vagotomy- severing of the vagus nerve, often a component of gastric surgery

G.I Symptomatic Terms

Achlorhydria- lack of gastric hydrochloric acid secretions

Anorexia- lack of appetite

Aphagia- loss of the ability to swallow

Borborygmus- stomach “growling”

Bulimia- bouts of extreme overeating are followed by depression and self-induced vomiting, purging, or fasting.

Colic- Severe, often fluctuating pain in the abdomen caused by intestinal gas or obstruction in the intestines and suffered esp. by babies

Constipation- a decrease in frequency of bowel movements with straining defecation and/or hard stools

Diarrhea- frequent or unusually liquid bowel movements

Dumping syndrome- a group of symptoms that occurs with rapid passage of large amounts of food from the stomach into the small intestine. Symptoms include dizziness, sweating, decreased BP, and diarrhea

Dysgeusia- abnormalities in or reduced ability to taste

Dyspepsia- vague upper abdominal symptoms that may include upper abdominal pain, bloating, early satiety, nausea, or belching

Epigastric- referring to the upper abdominal region

Flatulence- perceived excess gas in the intestinal tract

Hepatomegaly- enlargement of the liver

Hyperchlorhydria- state in the stomach where gastric acid levels are higher than the normal range

Hypochlorhydria (achyliagastrica)- states where the production of gastric acid in the stomach is absent or low

Jaundice- a clinical manifestation of hyperbilirubinemia, consisting of deposition of bile pigments in the skin, resulting in a yellowish staining of the skin and mucous membranes

Melena- black “tarry” feces associated with gastrointestinal hemorrhage

Nausea- a feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit

Polyphagia- excessive hunger

Steatorrhea- excess fat in the stool, resulting from fat malabsorption and causing diarrhea

Chart Abbreviations

Abd- abdomen, abdominal

BE- barium enema

BM- bowel movement

Cath- catheter, catheterize

GA- gestational age

GE- gastroenteritis

Gb (or GB)- gallbladder

GBD- gallbladder disease

GBS- gastric bypass surgery

GERD- gastroesophageal reflux disease

GI- gastrointestinal

GIT- gastrointestinal tract

HCL (or HCl)- hydrochloric acid

LES- Lower esophageal sphincter

MOM- milk of magnesia


or PEM- protein-calorie malnutrition

Post-up- postoperative

Prep- preparation

Pu (or PU)-

SI- small intestine

TPN- total parenteral nutrition