Scientific and Professional Liaison Council Conference Call
Date:Monday, January 27, 2014
Time:3 pm ET, 2 pm CT, 1 pm MT and 12 pm PT
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Scientific and Professional Liaison Council Conference Call
In Attendance
Sherri Sheinfeld Gorin, PhD, (Chair)
Jennifer K. Carroll, MD, MPH
Martin Cheatle, PhD
David Goodrich, EdD
Sara Knight, PhD
Suzanne O’Neill, PhD
Erika A. Waters, PhD, MPH
Julie A. Wright, PhD
Holland LaFave
Unable to Attend:
Mary Driscoll
Paul B. Jacobsen, PhD
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Scientific and Professional Liaison Council Conference Call
1. 12.23.13 Minutes Approval
There were no objections to the minutes and the Council approves the minutes.
2. SPLC Dinner at Annual Meeting
The date for the SPLC dinner has not been finalized. Dr. Sheinfeld Gorin asked Holland to forward the Council a list of the sessions that SPLC members planned to see the dates in which they were scheduled. Council Members were also asked to share their preferred night. Thursday evening of the conference is a busy night, not only for the Council, but for the entire meeting due to several SIG events planned that night. The group tentatively decided to move forward with a Friday evening dinner.
Action Item: Holland will email the Council with the presenter names for the SPLC planned sessions, and request that they suggest invitees.
3. Update on Current Liaison Activities
a. North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG)/Primary Care
No updates.
b. Physical Activity and VA
Drs. Adrian Hutber and Lynette Craft of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) are still discussing the area of focus of a potential policy paper co-written by ACSM and SBM.
ACSM agreed to waive the one day registration fee for the SBM members that will be presenting at the 2014 ACSM Annual Meeting. In reciprocation, SBM will be waiving the one day registration feel for Drs. Elizabeth Joy and Adrian Hutber for the SBM 2014 Annual Meeting.
c. Decision Making
Drs. O’Neill and Waters are continuing their discussions with members of the Society of Medical Decision Making (SMDM) including the SMDM Decision Psychology SIG chair, Dr. Rob Hamm. The ultimate goal of the discussion is to establish cross talks between the two organizations and to increase the number of individuals on the SBM - HDM SIG and SMDM Decision Psychology planning groups.
d. Pain
No updates
e. Informatics
SBM members: Drs. Dawn Wilson, Sherri Sheinfeld Gorin, David Ahern, Tim Bickmore and Julie Wright met via conference call with AMIA (formally American Medical Informatics Association) President, Dr. Blackford Middleton and Karen Greenwood (AMIA). During the call the group agreed to cross promote each other’s meeting.
There was a preliminary discussion on reinvigorating the 2013 NCI working group that was established to bridge the gaps between research in the behavioral medicine and informatics fields. Members of this group included Ellen Beckjord from SBM, Brad Hesse, Abdul Shaikh, Neeraj Arora, Kasia Galica (NCI), David Ahern and Judy Phalen and Kevin Fickenscher, Dasha Cohen (AMIA).
The individuals on the AMIA-SBM call tentatively planned to hold another call within the month of February.
The Council members suggested looking into the digital health portion of the SBM strategic plan as another possible avenue for collaboration with AMIA.
Regarding the strategic plan, Dr. Sheinfeld Gorin pointed out that the standards/guidelines portion of the plan might also be a good fit for the liaison with the North American Primary Care Research Group.
Action Item: Dr. Sheinfeld Gorin, with approval from SBM President, Dr. Wilson, will send the council the summary report from the SBM Board strategic plan to trigger ideas for collaboration with liaison organizations.
f. Evidence Based Behavioral Medicine (EBBM)
Dr. Kay Dickersin of the Cochrane Collaboration will be holding a Midday Meeting at the upcoming SBM Annual Meeting focusing on the Cochrane Library and the Cochrane Collaboration. The Evidence Based Behavioral Medicine and Cancer SIGs have agreed to cosponsor the session as well as Dr. Dickersin’s expenses. Dr. Sheinfeld Gorin would like to give Dr. Dickersin additional time at the meeting to discuss Cochrane in general. Council Members discussed the various options available to hold both Cochrane sessions and decided to have Dr. Dickersin speak during a Friday Midday Meeting. She could then be invited to the Friday SPLC dinner.
g. VA and Public Health Law Research (PHLR)
Dr. Knight updated the council that the VA’s peer review board has been reorganized and now incorporates more behavioral health expertise. There has also been discussion on planning a preconference workshop on QUERI implementation strategies or on health services research for behavioral medicine.
h. Other
No updates.
4. Proposed SPLC Manual
The Council reviewed the manual for one last time and requested a clarification on the portion of Appendix that spoke on the restriction on writing policy briefs/statements. They wanted it to specify that the restriction was specifically on writing a brief “on behalf” of SBM. The Council also asked for additional clarification on what entity of SBM would have the authority to write and/or approve such documents, as they are important components of liaison relationships.
Action Item: Holland will update the Appendix portion of the Manual and send to the Council for review.
Action Item: Holland will update the restrictions on writing and/or approving policy briefs and send it to the Council for review.
5. New Business
Next meeting:
Monday, March 3, 2014
Time: 3 pm ET, 2 pm CT, 1 pm MT and 12 pm PT
Please RSVP
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