(abbreviated version, with minimal theory) RACHEL APPLEBY, IH BARCELONA CONFERENCE 2013

SPOKEN ERRORSHow we handle students’ errors can make or break their confidence, - and their progress!

CLASS: (Level, age, no. of students, etc.)
OVERALL Aims of lesson:
Student mistake, in context, word for word / Type of mistake (e.g. vocab, pron., grammar, &c) / How T * highlights mistake / Who corrects (St, Peer, T) / Your comments
I am agree with you. / Grammar: verb form / F: checks use of ‘am’, second word / peer corrects / st. realizes / remembers when hears correction
Yes, we can meet, but it depends of my time. / Gr: dependent preposition wrong / R/Q: “.. but it depends … of?” / st. says “on” / st. can self correct

* You might find it useful to use abbreviations such as the following:


X = ignores the mistake

G = uses a gesture (e.g. with face, or hands)

Q = repeats the phrase with a questioning intonation

R = repeats phrase up to the mistake

M = tells the student there was a mistake

A = asks other students “is that OK?”

J = makes a joke out of the mistake

C = reformulates the phrase correctly.

F = uses fingers to indicate position of mistake in word / sentence

O = other


Wajnryb, R. (1992). Classroom Observation Tasks. CUP. 2.3 ‘The language of feedback to error’, p49-52; 5.5 ‘Managing error’, p103-5.


TEACHER’S QUESTIONS Why do we ask questions?!

CLASS: (Level, age, no. of students etc.)
OVERALL Aims of lesson:
Teacher’s questions / Q type * / Wait time / Purpose of Q / Student response / Your comments
OK. Shall we check the homework? / Proc. / 30 secs / move to next stage / sts open their books / not a real question; = instruction
So, Ana, what sort of films do you like? / Ref. / 4 secs / to motivate, personalise / “em, I like .. comedies, thriller” / Ana very motivated; seems pleased to be involved

* e.g. Dis / Ref / Proc = Display / Referential / Proceduralquestions (You can analyse this after the class.)


Scrivener, J. Classroom Management Techniques. CUP. 4.6 (question types, purposes, and nominating students)

Ur, P. (1991). A course in language teaching.CUP. Module 16, p228-232. (includes criteria for effective questioning)

Wajnryb, R. (1992). Classroom Observation Tasks. CUP. 2.2 ‘The language of questions’, p46-48.
GIVING INSTRUCTIONS However good your activity might be, if the instructions aren’t clear, it might fail!

First, you need to get the students’ attention to signal the start of an activity. Use a clear voice, at the right speed and volume. If possible, demonstrate what you want students to do. Finally, check the students have understood the task.

CLASS: (Level, age, no. of students, etc.)
OVERALL Aims of lesson:
Instructions (write down as much as you can) / A * / V / D / CH / Your comments
OK. I’m going give each pair a set of questions. Place them face down, like this. OK? Start with no. 1. Turn over the first Q, and think about your ideas. Tell your partner, and see if you agree. OK? / (√) / √ / √ / √ / mostly fine; 2 sts chatting throughout.. – will they be able to do the activity?

* These refer to the individual ingredients of good instructions, as outlined above. Tick each, as appropriate.

Extra ingredients: Use short sentences, and make sure your language isunderstandable to the students. Give the instructions in a logical and clear manner, and step by step. Using gestures can help, as can visual aids(e.g. showing students where on the page the exercise is).


Ur, P. (1991). A Course in Language Teaching. CUP. p16-18.

Scrivener, J.Classroom Management Techniques, 4.3.(includes strategies with lower and higher level classes)

BLANK OBSERVATION FORMATThis works for any class!

CLASS: (Level, age, no. of students, etc.)
OVERALL Aims of lesson:
Stage: / Activity / Procedure (i.e. running commentary) / Comments

Happy observing!

Further reading / sources / references

#ELT chat ‘What is the best practice for observing teachers’ 18.4.2012. Retrieved 23 April 2013, from

Scrivener, J. (2011). Learning Teaching (3rd Edition). MacMillan.