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Sample Paper – 2011
Class – XII
Subject - Multimedia and Web Technology

Max Marks : 70 Duration : 3Hrs. 15 Minutes(15 Minutes for reading)

1.  Question given below are based on FLASH : (20)

a)  What is the difference between hiding a frame and locking a frame? <1>

b)  Name any two formats in which a Flash Movie can be published. <1>

c)  Name the extension of the file created when a Flash movie is published using a

Macintosh Projector. <1>

d)  Shyama Ad Agency is developing an advertisement for one of its clients. The

Client has specified that the movie should be viewable on DVD players as well as

on the internet. Also they want that the viewers should not have to download

Any special codec to view the file. Keeping these requirements in mind, suggest

The most suitable format from the following: <1>

a.  AVI

b.  MPEG

c.  JPEG

Justify your choice.

e)  What is the full form of MPEG? What kinds of files are stored using the MPEG file format? <2>

f)  Give the full forms and a difference between .DAT and a .GIF file with respect to <2>


g)  Differentiate between a Symbol and an Instance. <2>

h)  Explain tweening with the help of an example? Name the two kinds of tweening. <2>

i)  Consider the figure given below and do as directed: <4>

·  The circle on the left hand side shows the position and size of the image for

Frame 1.

·  The circle on the right hand side shows the position and size of the image for

Frame 25.

Write the procedure and property settings for animating the above scenario.

j)  Consider the figure given below and do as directed: <4>

·  The circle on the left hand side shows the position and size of the image for

Frame 1. The color of the image is red.

·  The circle on the right hand side shows the position and size of the image for

Frame 20. The color of the image is yellow.

Write the procedure and property settings for animating the above scenario.

2.  Question given below are based on HTML : (20)

(a)  What is the difference between the <FRAME> and <FRAMESET> tags? <1>

(b)  Specify the tag and attributes to create a TextArea with 5 rows and 20 columns. <1>

(c)  Specify the tag and attributes used to create a textbox which can accept maximum

of 20 characters with a default value “Enter Name”. <1>

(d) Write HTML code to design a List Box of any four consumer products. 1

(e)  Describe following tags with their attribute with a suitable example. <4x2=8

1.  Img (c) Hypertext Anchor

2.  Table (d) Frameset

(f)  Write the HTML code to generate a Web Page in the format given below : 8

Consider the following while writing the HTML code:

(i)  Background color of the page should be “Pink” and visited link color should be “Green”.

(ii) Font face of text in the page should be “Arial”.

(iii)  Text color of main heading should be “Maroon”.

(iv)  Picture used in the page is the file “map.jpg”.

(v)  The text “RDBSNA HOLIDAYS LTD” should be in “Red” color and in “Bold”.

(vi)  Page linked to :

·  Rajasthan Package as “raj.html”.

·  Kerala Package as “kerala.html”.

(vii)  The table should have a caption “Tarriff”.

3.  Answer the following questions based on VBScript: (20)

(a) What is Variable in VBScript? Write general rules for declaring a Variable. <1+2>

(b) Give output of the following statements : <3>

a.  Document.write(UCASE(MID(“Subodh Public”, 6, 3)))

b.  Document.write(MONTHNAME(MONTH(“10-12-2009”)))

c.  Document.write(YEAR(DATE()))

(c)  Differentiate between Local and Global scope of a variable in VBScript. <2>

(d) Give the output for the following script code : <2>

<Script language=”VBScript”>

Dim A, SUM

SUM = 0

For A=1 to 5 Step 2


Document. Write (A & “<br>”)


Document. write (“Sum is ” & SUM)


(e) Give the output for the following script code : <2>

<Script language=”VBScript”>

Dim X, Y

Call First

Sub First

Y = 5

X = 1

Do while x<5

If x>y then




End if

Y = Y – 1

X = X + 1


End Sub


(f)  Change the following script using Do While Loop without effecting the output : <2>

<Script Language=”VBScript”>

DIM arr (5)

counter = 1

DO UNTIL counter < 5

arr (counter) = counter * counter

counter = counter + 1



(g) Rewrite the following code after removing errors with each correction underlined. <2>

<”script language “ = vbscript>

dim s

for s=1 upto 10

if a mod 2 equals 0

ans= ans * a

end if




(h) Write the code to display the above form and add the VBScript to display the results as written when the user enters his name and clicks on button. <4>

i)  Answer the following questions based on OSS: (10)

a)  Explain the following terms: 5x2>

(a)  Open Office

(b)  FSF

(c)  OSS

(d)  LINUX

(e)  W3C

Paper Submitted by

Name sunil kumar nehra


Phone No. 9828672864

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