January 6, 2016 - Day 2

Student Council Reps – there will be a meeting in room 44 during tutorial on Friday. You must check in with your tutorial teacher before coming to the meeting. Please let Mrs. Ciliberto know if you are unable to attend so that she may request your alternate on the Tutorial Request document. Attendance is encouraged as we will be discussing plans for the 2nd Annual Log-a-thon!

The library will be closed during homeroom and period 1 today.

8th Grade Students: You and your parents are cordially invited to attend Middle Bucks Institute of Technology’s annual open house on Wednesday, January 6th from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. The educational programs at MBIT are organized around ten broad career clusters and offer twenty-three state approved career pathway programs. These programs include anything from Web Design & Interactive Media to Cosmetology, along with many others. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to plan for your future.

Please plan to attend tomorrow evening at Middle Bucks Institute of Technology!

Come out and support the Log College Music Department!!

There will be a Flapjack Fundraiser Saturday, January 9th from8am-10am. At Applebee’s on Street Road in Southampton. Tickets on sale now and at the door Adults= $7.00 -- Kids under 10 = $4.00. All proceeds will be used to fund Log College Music Department events, trips, and new school instruments.

In the World of Sports…

Boys interested is trying out for Basketball: Friday January 8th will be the first 8th grade tryout until 5:30 pm. This new update isa schedule change, to repeat8th graders tryout this Friday. Monday January 11th will be the first tryout for 7th Graders only until 5:30pm. Please see Mr. Rogers with any questions you may have, and thank you for your patience as we work to schedule gym times.