Appendix 18
SAM 99 Checklist (Test Run & Final)
Instructions: It is highly recommended that each campus complete this checklist in the course of preparing and transmitting its SAM 99 files, both the test and the final file, to the SCO. Errors are regularly identified by the SCO that cause processing delays and requests for resubmissions. To eliminate the possibility of resubmissions, all the elements on this checklist need to be checked and the accuracy and completeness of the submission verified.
The completed checklist should be retained in your year-end files as documentation of the verification steps performed. The steps in each section of the checklist should be checked off as they are verified; if the step is not applicable for your campus, enter NA in the column provided.
Test Submission
Date completed: ______
For proper file transmission to SCO server:- File name is in the following format: FISCAL.DMMDDYYA.AGYACR (e.g., “FISCAL.D072111A.AGYACR”, for a file that was transmitted on July 21, 2011).
- The date within the file name, MMDDYY, is the same as the date on which the file will be transmitted to SCO.
- Correct transfer mode* is used.
- If software has been changed/upgraded prior to file submission, please consult the SAM99 Transmission FTP guide in section 7 of Chapter 5 in the CSU Legal Accounting and Reporting Manual.
- File submitted prior to 2 p.m.
- Email notification sent to the SCO personnel listed in the CSU Legal Accounting and Reporting Manual, Chapter 5 Section 4.1.2; “TEST” & Agency No. are on email subject header (i.e., TEST – SAM 99 Submission for Agency XXXX)Email to include items as listed in Section 4.1.2.
- If the file is being resubmitted and there has been a previoussubmission within the same day, SCO approval has been obtained to transmit each resubmission.
For proper reporting of accruals:
- Downloaded SCO PY Accrual Summary Report for prior year accrual reversals. Confirmed downloaded data is the correct version by comparingthe data to the current year report posted at the SCO website:
- File is submitted as of a “closed” period.
For proper reporting of other financial data:
- Encumbrance accrual is equal to or less than the expenditure accrual amount.
- Current Year (CY) Beginning Fund Balance equals Prior Year (PY) Ending Fund Balance.
- Assets, Expenditures, and Transfers Out have debit ending balances; Liabilities, Revenues and Transfers In have credit ending balances.
*Use ASCII transfer mode; if software is not set to convert ASCII to EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code) automatically, then data should be transmitted in EBCDIC format.
Final Submission
Date completed: ______
For proper file transmission to SCO server:- File nameis in the following format: FISCAL.DMMDDYYA.AGYACR(e.g., “FISCAL.D072111A.AGYACR”, for a file that was transmitted on July 21, 2011).
- The date within the file name, MMDDYY, is the same as the date on which the file will be transmitted to SCO.
- Correct transfer mode* is used.
- If software has been changed/upgraded prior to file submission, please consult the SAM99 Transmission FTP guide in section 7 of Chapter 5 in the CSU Legal Accounting and Reporting Manual.
- File submitted prior to 2 p.m.
- Email notification sent to the SCO personnel listed in the CSU Legal Accounting and Reporting Manual, Chapter 5; Agency No. areon email subject header.
- If the file is being resubmitted and there has been a previous submission within the same day, SCO approval has been obtained to transmit each resubmission.
For proper reporting of accruals:
- File is submitted as of a “closed” period.
For proper reporting of other financial data:
- Encumbrance accrual is equal to or less than the expenditure accrual amount.
- Detail line item appropriations’ Account Balance per SCO agreeswithfiscal year end Tab Run.
- Line item appropriation for each fund/sub-fund, after recording the year-end accruals, is not overspent.
- Current Year (CY) Beginning Fund Balance equals Prior Year (PY) Ending Fund Balance.
- Assets, Expenditures, and Transfers Out have debit ending balances; Liabilities, Revenues and Transfers In have credit ending balances.
*Use ASCII transfer mode; if software is not set to convert ASCII to EBCDIC automatically, then data should be transmitted in EBCDIC format.