
Welcome to the magical, creative and inspirationalworld of Dramatic Arts. You have decided to specialise in one of the 5 Art subjects available on FET level, Grade 10 – 12. You will have to apply specialist drama skills, knowledge and attitudes to achieve success in this subject.

Drama is a social art form which integrates visual,

aural, physical, kinaesthetic and performance

elements to communicate, explore, reflect on and

enhance human experience. You will be encouraged to develop your own opinions, viewpoints, personality, character and

creative self. This will take place in a high risk low threat environment.

Some of the careers you can choose if you take

the subject Dramatic Arts are sound operator and

designer, lighting operator and designer, costume

designer, wardrobe mistress, make-up artist, arts

administrator, stage manager, actor, voice artist,

theatre maker, director, educator, casting agent,

comedian, cabaret artist or set designer.

Content in Grades 10, 11 and 12

The curriculum has four topics:

Personal ResourcesDevelopment

• Speech: rate, pace, pause, phrasing, tone, register,projection

• Voice work: breathing, tools of modulation,

verbal dynamics, characterization, regional

dialects and accents

• Body work: release of tension, physical

expression, gesture, movement, neutral posture,

use of energy, flexibility, physical theatre

Acting and Performance

• Mastery of the following skills: acting, reading, characterisation, interpretation of subtext, interaction, workshopping, acting a character, acting in style, Performance of dramatic and cultural forms such as: poetry, recitals, dramatized prose, mime, monologue, work, scene work

• The world of plays and performances: subtext,

characters, themes, socio-economic and political

background, given circumstances, improvisation,

scenery, properties, lighting, costumes, make-up,

stage management

Performance Texts in Context

• Analysis of plays across the world and in South Africa. Focus will be on the following genres and

dramatic movements: African dramatic forms, Communal Theatre Making in South Africa,

Elizabethan Theatre, commedia dell’ arte, Greek

Theatre, Indian Theatre, Theatre of the Absurd, Epic Theatre, PostModern Theatre, Poor Theatre and Contemporary South African Theatre

• Relationships between texts: historical, social,

political, cultural, theatrical and economic


Theatre (and/or Film) Production

• The basic design elements (visual and aural) of a play. Principles and elements of drama. The role of the designer, director, playwright and audience. The production process.

School Based Assessment

In each of Grades 10 – 12 you will be expected to

complete the following 7 assessment tasks:

• Three Performance Assessment Tasks

• Two tests and

• Two Examinations

Your educators will explain the requirements of eachof these assessment tasks. They will ensure thatyou understand what you will be assessed on, howit will happen and what is expected from you. Therubrics and criteria will be given to you in advanceof completing the tasks.

Hand in all your assessment tasks. This will give youa good chance of passing and doing well.

Tips for Success

The tuition time for Dramatic Arts is 4 hours per

week. However, Dramatic Arts is a challenging

subject and in choosing it you have to be preparedto work hard and independently. You must do voice and body exercises on a daily basis. Attend all your classes and doyour homework every day. Attend all additional rehearsals organised after school.

You are privaledge to attend a school that offers this special subject. With my best wishes; ‘break a leg’!